Biography of Dell E. Harris

Dell E. Harris. In the University district of Champaign there is no merchant better known to the student population and citizens generally than Dell E. Harris, who for over twenty-five years has been in active business as a confectioner. Mr. Harris has succeeded because he has concentrated his energies largely along one line, has studied and worked to develop a product of superfine quality, and has made that product of such a standard of perfection that it now signifies quality and is distributed over a market by no means confined to Champaign or even to the state of Illinois. Mr. … Read more

Biography of William H.Tyler

William H. Tyler. When, in 1914, William H. Tyler, was elected county treasurer of Wilson County, it was the first time in sixteen years that a democrat had been chosen for this office. During his term of office Mr. Tyler had given an excellent account of himself as guardian of the people’s money, but it is only natural that he should be possessed of financial ability, as much of his career had been passed in positions where he had been engaged in handling the monetary affairs of community and individual. His official record measures up to that which he had … Read more

Biography of Hugh Graham

Hugh Graham. Coming to Illinois over half a century ago, a young and ambitious Irishman but with little capital except that contained in the resources of his individual character, Hugh Graham is living today in one of the most complete country homes of Champaign County, located in section 22 of Harwood Township. His wealth consists not alone in many broad acres, well- tilled fields and sleek stock, but in the riches of esteem paid him by a large community of friends and acquaintances, and even more in the capable and trustworthy sons and daughters who are still part of the … Read more

Biography of Eugene B. Buck

Eugene B. Buck, editor and proprietor of the Charleston Courier. Charleston; was born in Fayette Co., Ind., Oct. 12, 1834; when he was about five years old, his father’s family removed to McLean Co., Ill.; he served his apprenticeship to the printer’s trade in Bloomington; in 1852, he went to Peoria, Ill., and, in 1855, was connected with the publication of the Pekin Plaindealer; in 1856, he was associated with four other journeymen printers in running a co-operative daily paper in Peoria; in 1857, he conducted the Washington Advertiser, in Franklin Co., Mo.; in 1859, he edited the Daily Enterprise, … Read more

Biography of Dr. N. G. Blalock

DR. N.G. BLALOCK. – Americans in general and those of the West in particular have no equals in the world in versatility. No other people can do so many different things and do them so well as we. No other people so disregard the conventional and regular ways of doing things, and go across lots to conclusions and results so promptly. On our Western border is this especially manifest. Face to face with nature in some of her most remarkable and powerful manifestations, with all things new and untried, we burgeon out our powers untrammeled by custom or artificial restraints. … Read more

Biography of Nannie C. Ellis Mrs.

Mrs. Nannie C. Ellis. A member of a prominent old family of Butler County, Mrs. Ellis, who now lives in El Dorado, was left a widow more than thirty years ago and since then had not only reared and carefully trained her children but had successfully managed her business affairs. Mrs. Ellis owned a fine farm in the vicinity of Chelsea, Butler County, and is a type of the courageous and independent spirited Kansas woman. Nannie Catherine McDaniel was born five miles south of Decatur, Illinois, on a farm, June 1, 1864. Her McDaniel ancestors came across the Atlantic Ocean … Read more

Jones, Karen L. – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Karen L. Jones, 57, of La Grande, died Aug. 27 at a local care center after a long battle with cancer. A celebration of life will begin at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Loveland Funeral Chapel, 1508 Fourth St., La Grande. Karen was born on April 1, 1950, to Dale Dean and Dorothy Lois (Ramsey) Meese in Decatur, Ill. She was raised and educated in Decatur, then moved to Southern California. She married Clifton Guy Jones in Valley Vista, Ariz., in September 1999, and in 2000 they moved to La Grande. Karen loved working in the garden and … Read more

Biography of George Pierson Morehouse

George Pierson Morehouse has a place among the prominent and well known public men of Kansas due to an exceptional range of interests and activities. His life had touched agricultural and business affairs, and had bad its influence in the political, legal and literary life of the West. For many years he lived at Diamond Springs or Council Grove in Morris County, but at present resided in Topeka, though he still spends considerable time upon the large stock farm known as the old “Morehouse Ranche” at Diamond Springs, which he owned and upon which the family settled nearly fifty years … Read more