Biography of Charlie H. Riker

Charlie H. Riker. At Gage’s Park, on West Sixth Street Road, near Topeks, is situated one of the most beautiful suburban homes of this locality, that belonging to Charlie H. Riker, who for many years had been engaged in agricultural pursuits in Kansas. Mr. Riker was reared a farmer and is the son of a pioneer of 1870, since which time with the exception of several years spent in Ohio, he had been engaged in operations in different parts of the Sunflower State, and in each locality in which operations have been centered, he had not only made a success … Read more

Biography of Alexander C. Flack, M. D.

Alexander C. Flack, M. D. Thirty-one years of practice at Fredonia entitles Dr. Alexander C. Flack to recognition as the second oldest physician and surgeon of the city, whence he came in 1885 shortly after receiving his diploma. He had since been one of the reliable members of the medical fraternity here and a citizen who had done his share in aiding in the city’s progress and prosperity. Doctor Flack is a native of the Buckeye state, born at East Liberty, Logan County, Ohio, May 2, 1858, a son of Thomas H. and Agnes (Bell) Flack. Hugh Flack, the grandfather … Read more

Shawnee Indians

The Shawnee Tribe, meaning “southerners,” is recognized for its significant role in the history of numerous regions across the United States, with its name reflected in places from Pennsylvania to Georgia. The Shawnee were part of the Algonquian linguistic group, closely related to tribes such as the Fox, Sauk, and Kickapoo. Known for their frequent migrations, the Shawnee had historic settlements in locations like the Cumberland River Valley and Ohio, forming five primary divisions, including Chillicothe and Piqua. Their complex history of relocation, resistance against European settlers, and leadership under figures like Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa has made them a central part of early American history. Shawnee populations were dispersed over time, eventually settling primarily in Oklahoma by the 20th century.

Biography of T. W. Swigart

T. W. Swigart, the leading harness dealer and one of the most successful business men in Newman and Douglas County, was born in Carroll County, Maryland, in sight of A Westminister, July 3, 1831, and was a son of Joseph Swigart. When nine years of age T. W. Swigart removed with his parents to Seneca County, Ohio, where he spent a large portion of his life on a farm. From the years 1848 to 1851 he devoted his time to learning the trade of harness maker at Bellefontaine, Ohio. He was a young man of good habits and of splendid … Read more

Biography of Amos Elliott

Amos Elliott has had his home in Champaign County fifty-four years, grew to manhood here, and his active life has been one of unremitting industry and capable management as a farmer. His home is in Ogden Township on Rural Route 15 out of St. Joseph. His birth occurred at Rushsylvania in Logan County, Ohio, January 9, 1851. His parents were Moses and Mary (Bonner) Elliott, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of Ohio. The Elliott family came to Illinois in 1860, lived in Coles County a time, but in April, 1863, while the Civil War was at … Read more

Biography of Robert D. Blaine

Robert D. Blaine, who has had his home in Topeka for a number of years and also maintains a business office there, has been one of the builders of Kansas, his part in the development of the state being particularly reflected in the magnificent prosperity which during the past quarter of a century has come to the southwestern corner of Kansas. Pratt County in the Arkansas Valley will always have particular reason to remember Mr. Blaine’s early activities and influence he directed to the proper development of the resources of that section. For what he has done and for what … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse Baldwin

Jesse Baldwin is a native of Logan county, Ohio, and was born June 16, 1832. His parents, David and Hannah Baldwin, were also both natives of the Bnckeye State. He was reared upon a farm and educated in the common schools of Ohio, and has made farming his business through life. In 1855 he moved to Ft. Dodge, Iowa, and two years later moved to Muscatine county, in the same State, where he lived four years. In August, 1863, he enlisted in Company G, Second Regiment Iowa Cavalry, and the regiment was sent to Memphis, Tennessee, and from there began … Read more

Cox, Emery Wilson – Obituary

E. W. Cox, Baker, Passes away Sunday Prominent Insurance Man Came Here in 1919 Emery Wilson Cox, Prominent Baker insurance man, died unexpectedly at his home Sunday, afternoon. Mr. Cox was born in 1885 in Bellfontain, Ohio, and moved to La Grande shortly after 1900. He came to Baker in 1919, when he purchased an interest in the Baker Packing company. In 1928 he purchased the Collins’ insurance business and continued in that business until the time of his death. Mr. Cox was a member of the Elks Lodge and a member of the City Golf Club. He is survived … Read more

Biography of Benjamin B. Jones

BENJAMIN B. JONES. Ozark County, Missouri, has no more progressive farmer or business man than Benjamin B. Jones, who is located in business at Lutie, Missouri, eighteen miles west of Gainesville. He owes his nativity to Logan County, Ohio, where he first saw the light in 1844, a son of Nehemiah and Rachel (Taylor) Jones, who were also born in the Buckeye State, where they were reared and married and made their home until 1860, when they came to Shelby County, Missouri, where the father passed from life the same year. He was a well-to-do farmer, a man of unblemished … Read more

Biography of Robert H. Ramsey

Robert H. Ramsey. During the past thirty-five years no name had been more closely identified with the ranching and stock raising interests of Butler County than that of Ramsey. Robert H. Ramsey is a son of A. C. Ramsey, who was the pioneer of the family in the cattle industry. Robert Ramsey himself had handled cattle and ranching as a conspicuous interest of his career, but is also identified with the business community of El Dorado. He was born in Bellefontaine, Ohio, November 18, 1881. Albert C. Ramsey, his father, was born in Coshocton County, Ohio, June 7, 1837, one … Read more

Biography of G. Leroy Ramsey

G. Leroy Ramsey. Among the men who are marking their names indelibly upon the stockraising history of Southeastern Kansas, one who had been more than ordinarily active in this field of endeavor and whose operations have assumed large proportions is G. LeRoy Ramsey, who owned and operates 1,760 acres six miles north of El Dorado and 560 acres northeast of that city, all in Butler County. Mr. Ramsey not only raises and ships cattle extensively, but of recent years had been interested in oil leases. He was born at Belle Center, Ohio, December 22, 1872, and is a son of … Read more

Treaty of July 20, 1831

Articles of agreement and convention, made and concluded at Lewistown, in the county of Logan, and State of Ohio, on the twentieth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, by and between James B. Gardiner, specially appointed commissioner on the part of the United States, and John McElvain, Indian agent for the Wyandots, Senecas and Shawnees, on the one part, and the undersigned principal chiefs and warriors of the mixed band of Senecas and Shawnee Indians residing at and around the said Lewistown, of the other part; for the cession of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas H. Crispin

Thomas H. Crispin, farmer; P. O. Rardin; born in Pickaway Co., Ohio, May 5, 1833, where he attended school and assisted his father in the mason trade until 14 years of age, when he went to Bellefontaine, Logan Co., where he learned and worked at the trade of mason and plasterer until 1852, when he emigrated to Carlinville, Ill., and followed his trade for six years; he located in Coles Co. in the spring of 1859, on Sec. 30, Morgan Tp., where he engaged in farming one year, then six years upon Sec 9; he located upon his present place … Read more

Biography of Capt. Thomas Jefferson Smith

Capt. Thomas Jefferson Smith, of Champaign, is one of the few men still living in Illinois who made their first briefs and arguments in a court room prior to the outbreak of the Civil War. In many ways his has been a remarkable life. He began practice before the war, enlisted soon afterward and gave the best in him to the perpetuation of the Union, came out of the war with the rank of captain, and at once began practice at Champaign, where he has now lived for over half a century. Captain and Mrs. Smith never had any children. … Read more

Biography of William D. Stillwell

WILLIAM D. STILLWELL. – William D. Stillwell was born in Logan county, Ohio, on the 16th of November, 1823. While he was still quite young his parents moved to Michigan, and to Iowa in1838. After living there five years, he concluded in 1843 to emigrate to Oregon. Finding it too late to join the emigration trains, he stopped in Missouri until the following year, when he was among the first to camp at the starting point near Independence. The emigration company were slow in their preparations for starting, and, as Mr. Stillwell was eager to be off, he started out … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel L. Morris

Samuel L. Morris, farmer and stock-dealer, Sec. R; P. O. Mattoon; owns eighty acres; was born in Logan Co., Ohio, April 3, 1855, and lived with his parents on the farm until he married Phoebe C. Lucas, Feb. 12, 1875 she was born in Logan Co. Ill., Oct. 16, 1857; they have one Child-Rosetta. His parents are natives of Ohio; Mrs. Morris’s father is a native of Ohio.

Biography of Harvey Elmer Bruce

Harvey Elmer Bruce is one of Kansas’ successful newspaper men, being owner and editor of The Marquette Tribune, which he acquired some years ago and which he had made an influential organ of public opinion in McPherson and adjoining counties of the state. Mr. Bruce was born on a farm in Logan County, Ohio, March 12, 1865, but had lived in McPherson County, Kansas, since early boyhood. He was a successful schoolman in this state before he enrolled in the ranks of newspaper men. His parents were Henry Clay and Louise Jane (Abel) Bruce. His father was born in Somerset … Read more

Biography of Frank S. Porter

This representative business man of the City of Wichita was about twenty years of age when he accompanied his parents on their removal to Kansas, and he had since continued his residence within the borders of the Sunflower State, where he had been long and prominently identified with the retail drug business, of which he is now a leading representative in the City of Wichita, his attractive drug store, metropolitan in equipment and appointments, being eligibly situated on East Douglas Avenue, in the College Hill District of the city. Frank S. Porter was born in the Village of Rushsylvania, Logan … Read more