Biography of Benjamin B. Jones

BENJAMIN B. JONES. Ozark County, Missouri, has no more progressive farmer or business man than Benjamin B. Jones, who is located in business at Lutie, Missouri, eighteen miles west of Gainesville. He owes his nativity to Logan County, Ohio, where he first saw the light in 1844, a son of Nehemiah and Rachel (Taylor) Jones, who were also born in the Buckeye State, where they were reared and married and made their home until 1860, when they came to Shelby County, Missouri, where the father passed from life the same year. He was a well-to-do farmer, a man of unblemished reputation, and he was for many years a prominent member of the I. O. O. F. His father, Daniel Jones, was a native Marylander and removed from his native State to Ohio, dying in Hardin County, where he had followed the occupation of farming very successfully. He was of Scotch-Irish descent. His wife also died in Hardin County. The maternal grandfather, John Taylor, was a soldier of the War of 1812. Mrs. Jones is still living and of the twelve children she bore her husband the subject of this sketch was fourth in order of birth: Letitia, wife of Thomas Babcock, of Kentucky; John, who died young; Nancy is the widow of Pleasant Cruiser; Benjamin B.; Joseph, who died young; Azariah, who resides in Oregon; Nehemiah, a resident of Kansas; Jane, the wife of Calvin Busie, of Arkansas; Mary Ann; and three children that died in infancy, one being a twin with Mary Ann.

Benjamin B. Jones remained with and assisted his mother until he attained his majority, when he began doing for himself, and continued to do so until the opening of the Civil War, when he joined the Home Guards, but after a short time attached himself to Company 1, Fourth Missouri Infantry, with which he served for sixty days, during which time he took part in the fight at Lexington. He afterward served in Company A, Sixty-seventh East Missouri Militia, with which he served until the war closed. At the battle of Lexington he was captured, but very shortly after was released. In 1866 he was married to Delilah Duggins, who was born in Ozark County, and by her is the father of eleven children: John W., Azariah, Patience, Cale-donia, Jackson, Charles, Ruth, Mary Ann, Arizona, Jesse, and Lewis, who is dead. In 1865 Mr. Jones removed to Taney County, afterward to Ozark County, and for the past nineteen years he has resided on his present farm, which is one of the best improved upland farms in the county, comprising 372 acres in several tracts, all of which he has become the owner through his own perseverance, energy and good management. He is one of the most enterprising and thrifty farmers of the county, is of a decidedly practical turn of mind and throughout life he has made the most of every opportunity that presented itself, and as a natural result has become wealthy. He is an extensive stock dealer, breeder, feeder and shipper, is the owner of a good cotton gin, and for the past eight years has successfully conducted a general mercantile store on his farm. He has a handsome residence and he and his family are surrounded with all that goes to make life pleasant and comfort-able. In 1893 he was instrumental in establishing Lutie Post office at his store, and he is deserving of no little credit for the part he has taken in the interest of education, religion, etc. In his neighborhood and near his home is one of the most commodious school buildings in southern Missouri, which was largely erected through his influence and means. He is a member of Lodge No. 347 of the I. O. O. F., is a Republican in politics, and he and his wife are attendants and members of the General Baptist Church.


Biography, Civil War,

A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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