Baptist Church of Ira Vermont – Church Membership 1821
Surname Name Date and Manner of Reception When and How Dismissed Glazier Rev. Lyman Letter, Sept. 2, 1821 Letter, Jan. 29, 1824 Glazier Abagail Letter, Sept. 2, 1821 Letter, Jan. 29, 1824 Cook Phebe (Smith) Restoration, May 11, 1821 Joined F. Baptists, 1831 Brownwell Selina Not recorded (About 1821) Letter, Sept. 18, 1825 Martin Olive Not recorded (About 1821) Died Burlingame Polly Not recorded (About 1821) Excluded, Sept. 29, 1831 Hartwell Suzan Not recorded (About 1821) . Mason Edmond Not recorded (About 1821) . Abbott Rodney Not recorded (About 1821) Excluded, Apr. 10, 1822 Mallory Elias Not recorded (About 1821) … Read more