Baptist Church of Ira Vermont – Church Membership 1821

Surname Name Date and Manner of Reception When and How Dismissed
Glazier Rev. Lyman Letter, Sept. 2, 1821 Letter, Jan. 29, 1824
Glazier Abagail Letter, Sept. 2, 1821 Letter, Jan. 29, 1824
Cook Phebe (Smith) Restoration, May 11, 1821 Joined F. Baptists, 1831
Brownwell Selina Not recorded (About 1821) Letter, Sept. 18, 1825
Martin Olive Not recorded (About 1821) Died
Burlingame Polly Not recorded (About 1821) Excluded, Sept. 29, 1831
Hartwell Suzan Not recorded (About 1821) .
Mason Edmond Not recorded (About 1821) .
Abbott Rodney Not recorded (About 1821) Excluded, Apr. 10, 1822
Mallory Elias Not recorded (About 1821) .
Colfax Samuel Not recorded (About 1821) .
Lilly Chester Not recorded (About 1821) Excluded, Jan. 27, 1825
Scovil, Jr. John Not recorded (About 1821) Letter, Oct. 11, 1821
Patterson Betsey Not recorded (About 1821) Died
Fish Robert . Died
Onan Johnathan . Died
Collins Harley . Died
Burdick Moses M. . Died
Abbott Joseph R. . Died
Robinson Wilmarth . Letter, Jan. 12, 1832
Eaton Rhoda . Letter
Hays Hannah . Letter
Cooper Eunice . Letter
Horton Anna . Letter
Wetmore Ruth . Letter
Mallory Cynthia . Letter, Sept. 9, 1836
Stoddard Polly . Letter, Jan. 2, 1832
Mason Emerald . Letter
Gilbert Lucinda . Excluded, July 29, 1824
Guilford Mariah . Letter, Jan. 26, 1826
Bagley Polly . Excluded, Nov. 25, 1824
Brown Selina . Letter, Sept. 18, 1825
Briggs Senith . Excluded, Sept. 29, 1831
Westcut Louise . Letter, Nov. 24, 1825
Wooster, (No. 1) Mary . Letter, Aug. 4, 1844
Chapman Joseph . Died, March 22, 1859
Joiner Rebecka . Excluded, 1839
Barnaby Sally . Letter, Jan. 20, 1831
Pratt Samson . Letter, Jan. 20, 1831
Guilford Phebe . Letter, Jan. 20, 1831
Mehuren Wealthy . .
Chapman Chloe . Died, Feb. 4, 1823

Cooper, William Gustin; Peck, Simon Lewis History of the Baptist Church of Ira Vermont. Rutland, Vermont:Tuttle Company, 1925.

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