Baptist Church of Ira Vermont – Church Membership 1783-1794

Surname Name Date and Manner of Reception When and How Dismissed
Skeels Rev. Thomas Dec. 25, 1783 Died, 1792
Sherman George . Excluded, June, 1786
Baker Joseph . Excluded, Dec. 16, 1784
Sherman George, Jr. . Died.
Lee Nathan . Excluded, June, 1786
Tower Joseph .. Died
Lee Nathan . Letter, Jan. 27, 1791
Collins John . .
Cole James . Excluded, June 25, 1789
Mason Nathaniel . Died, May, 1835
Mason Isaiah .. Died, June, 1830
Baker John .. Excluded, Jan. 25, 1787
Baker Reuben .. Letter, Oct. 31, 1793
Carr Hezekiah . Letter, May 26, 1799
Carpenter Cephas . Letter, May 21, 1821
Newton Samuel . Excluded, Nov. 30, 1815
Martin James . Excluded, 1822
Obrian Thomas . Letter, Aug. 29, 1795
Roberts Lemuel . Letter, Aug. 28, 1790
Colvin Rufus . .
Davis David . Letter, Nov. 25, 1835
Allen Benjamin . .
Bailey Sarah . .
Collins Lydia . ..
Tower Elenor . Died, Nov. 30, 1872
Sherman Chloe . .
Carpenter Phebe . .
Lee Sarah . Letter, Jan. 27, 1791
Bailey Hannah . .
Collins Rebekah . Excluded, Jan. 29, 1789
Collins Amy . .
Cole Elizabeth . Excluded, Mar. 25, 1790
Carr Eunice . Letter, June 12, 1822
Newton Sarah . Letter, 1835
Roberts Sarah . Letter, Oct. 28, 1790
Colvin Diadama . .
Carr Anna . .
Martin Freelove . Excluded, Mar. 18, 1819
Roberts Elizabeth . .
Baker Abagail .. Letter, June 25, 1799
Herrick Mary . .
Tower Lucy . Excluded, Jan. 18, 1809
Brown Amasa Letter, Feb. 17, 1786 Letter, Feb. 26, 1789
Howard Rachel Profession of Faith, Mar. 27, 1787 .
Baker Lydia Letter Sept. 27, 1787 Letter, Oct. 31, 1795
Allen Amy Letter, June 25, 1788 .
Tower Nathaniel Profession of Faith, Nov. 27, 1788 Letter, Feb. 26, 1789
Martin Thomas Baptism, Apr. 24, 1788 Excluded, Oct. 10, 1821
Carr Benjamin Baptism, Apr. 24, 1788 Letter, May 31, 1821
Davis John, Jr. Baptism, Apr. 24, 1788
Collins Nathan Baptism, Apr. 24, 1788 Letter, Mar. 3, 1832
Collins Nathan Mrs. Not Recorded (About 1788.) Letter, Mar. 3, 1832
Skeels Elijah Not Recorded (About 1788.) .
Wetmore Samuel Not Recorded (About 1788.) Died, Sept. 1832
Collins Joseph Not Recorded (About 1788.) Died
Whipple Samuel Not Recorded (About 1788.) .
Parker Peter Not Recorded (About 1788.) Excluded, Dec. 17, 1807
Horton Hezekiah Not Recorded (About 1788.) Died, Jan. 1835
Hix Hannah Letter, Mar. 26, 1789 .
Herrick Polly Profession of Faith, Feb. 9, 1789 .
Bates Rufus Letter, Sept. 30, 1790 .
Hix Asa Letter, Oct. 28, 1790 .
Blake Waitstill Letter, Oct. 28, 1790 .
Davies John Profession of Faith, Dec. 30, 1790 .
Franklin Sister Profession of Faith, June 25, 1790 .
Davies Mary Profession of Faith, Dec. 30, 1790 .
Bates Rebekah Not Recorded (About 1790.) .
Collins Hezekiah Not Recorded (About 1790.) .
Royce Abagail Not Recorded (About 1790.) .
Westcut Susanna Not Recorded (About 1790.) .
Skeels Mercy Not Recorded (About 1790.) .
Horton Renew Not Recorded (About 1790.) .
Theil Mercy Profession of Faith, July 25, 1793 .
Wilmarth Nathaniel Letter, Oct. 27, 1794 Died, Feb. 1839

Cooper, William Gustin; Peck, Simon Lewis History of the Baptist Church of Ira Vermont. Rutland, Vermont:Tuttle Company, 1925.

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