Biographical Sketch of John A. Berry

John A. Berry, attorney at law, was born in Md. He was a student of the Agricultural College in the senior class of ’71; came west in 1874, and after spending some time in Montana, located at Logan. He engaged in teaching school and in various pursuits, until 1880, when he was admitted to the bar, and engaged in the practice of law. His office is known as the Harrison County Collection Agency. He married Martha Burnett, of Mount Vernon, Ia., Nov. 7th, 1880, and has one child, a daughter.

Biographical Sketch of N. S. Dahl

N.S. Dahl, jeweler, is a native of Denmark; came to America in 1873, and settled in Chicago. He engaged in the jewelry business in various parts of the west, until 1879, when he located in Missouri Valley and opened his business.

Biographical Sketch of W. M. Chenoweth

W.M. Chenoweth, manufacturer of cigars, is a native of Pa.; came to Missouri Valley in 1879, and engaged in his present business. He employs five men in the busy season.

Biographical Sketch of Fred Kimpel

Fred Kimpel, jeweler and barber, was born Mar. 16th, 1847, in Bavaria, Ger.; came to America in Sept. 1864, learned the barber trade in N.Y. In 1866 he removed to Scranton, Pa., and engaged in the barber business; removed to Dunlap, Ia., in 1869; thence in 1876 to Logan, and engaged in his present business; owns considerable real estate in this city. He is a member of the A.O.U.W., I.O.O.F., and A.F. & A.M. lodges. He married Mary Fisher, in Scranton, Pa. They have one son and three daughters.

Biographical Sketch of J. W. Rudd

J.W. Rudd, farmer in Union Township was born in 1838, in Va.; moved to Harrison County in 1870 with his father. Wm T. Rudd, and located at Logan, where they engaged in furniture and undertaking business, which they continued eleven years; then sold to T.J. Buchanan. He was city councilman three years, and is a member of the A.O.U.W., I.O.O.F., and A.F. & A.M. lodges. He married Sarah C. Sprinkel, of Amsterdam, Va., and has two sons and two daughters.

Biographical Sketch of J. R. Wheeler

J.R. Wheeler, dealer in lumber and coal, was born in N.Y. in 1834; removed to Eau Claire, Wis., in 1854, and engaged in the lumber business. In 1861 he enlisted in the 16th Wis. Inft.; was wounded in the face by a bullet at Shiloh; carries two gun-shot wounds in his legs, and received injuries at Atlanta; was discharged in April, 1865; returned to Wis. and engaged in shipping lumber, and in Nov., 1866, established lumber yards at Denison and Woodbine, and the next year established a yard at Dunlap. He sold the first lumber sold in Crawford and Harrison … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hiram C. Keller

Hiram C. Keller, one of the successful and enterprising farmers near the Base Line, was born at Pisgah, Iowa, in 1849. His father, Nathan Keller, was born in North Carolina and resided in Pennsylvania, and had a family of ten children. He died in Pisgah, Iowa, while crossing the plains to Salt Lake. The subject of this sketch was married in 1873 to Miss Sadie Sparkes, the daughter of George W. Sparkes, one of the pioneers of this valley, and a well and favorably known citizen. Mr. and Mrs. Keller have an interesting little family, consisting of Nettie, Drusilla, Cassie … Read more

Biographical Sketch of R. Newton

R. Newton, agent for the S.C. & P. Ry. at River Sioux, is a native of N.Y.; moved to Boone County, Ia., in 1864; thence to Green County, and in 1868 settled in Harrison County. He was the first agent for this road, and billed the first freight on the road.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas M. Clements

Thomas M. Clements, grain dealer, was born in Sheffield, Ill., June 6th, 1865; moved with parents to Geneseo, Ill.; thence to Greenwood. He attended the High school at Chicago two years; came to Dunlap, Ia. in 1879, and formed a partnership with F.E. Pike in the grain and agricultural implement business; sold his interest in agricultural implement business to Mr. Pike in Feb., 1881; bought Mr. P.’s interest in the elevator in Dec. 1881, and now occupies what is known as the old Grange elevator.

Biographical Sketch of C. H. Sears

C.H. Sears, proprietor of meat market, was born Jan. 6th, 1852, in Knox County, Ill.; removed to Dunlap in 1869; was in the employ of S.M. Williams, and afterwards with Mitchell & Laub; then engaged in farming for six years, and in Dec., 1881, purchased his present market of B.J. Moore. In 1875, he was married in Ill. to Ida Hickman. They have three children.

Biographical Sketch of L. Brown

L. Brown, attorney at law, was born in Jackson County, Ohio., in 1845; removed to Appanoose County, Ia., where he lived until he moved to Missouri Valley. He is a graduate of the Iowa State University. He married Fanny G. Manning, a native of Iowa.

Biographical Sketch of C. E. Cobb

C.E. Cobb, dealer in hardware and lumber, is a native of N.Y.; moved to Iowa in 1856 and engaged in farming, near Little Sioux, Harrison County. In 1874 he engaged in his present business.

Biographical Sketch of B. F. Croasdale

B.F. Croasdale, dealer in general merchandise, was born in Pa. in 1839; moved to Council Bluffs, Iowa, in 1864, and was employed as salesman in a mercantile house until 1866, when he came to Little Sioux and engaged in his present business.

Biographical Sketch of John T. Coffman

John T. Coffman, farmer, was born in Greene County, Tenn., in 1828; removed with parents to Johnson County, Mo.; thence to that part of Lee County, Ia., known as the Spanish land grant; thence located in the edge of Putnam County, Mo., which in 1838 became Appanoose County, Ia. He removed to Lewis, Cass County, in 1863, and in the spring of the year following went to Virginia City, Montana; returned in the autumn, and in the spring of 1865 moved to his present farm in Raglan township, Harrison County. He owns one thousand acres of land, and pays especial … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Horace N. Warren

Horace N. Warren, dentist, was born in council bluffs, Ia., Aug. 24th, 1858; he studied dentistry with Dr. H.N. Urnuy. He located permanently in Missouri Valley in 1880; makes professional visits to Logan every two months, and three time a year at Little Sioux and Magnolia. Although comparatively a newcomer, he has by his careful and skillful practice, established a very lucrative business.

Biographical Sketch of L. D. Butler

L.D. Butler, lumber dealer and farmer, was born in Ky. in 1826; removed to Clay County, Mo., in 1837 with parents. In 1846 was sent to England as a Mormon missionary, was gone two years, and in 1849 located at Council Bluffs; removed to Harrison County in 1853 and engaged in farming. He built the first gristmill in the county, which he sold to Dally & Clark. He engaged in the mercantile business in 1856, near the mill; moved the business to Woodbine in 1867 and was burned out the same year. He engaged in the lumber business in the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. W. Reed

J.W. Reed, dealer in general merchandise, was born in Va. in 1847;moved to Harrison County, Ia., in 1868, and engaged in present business with P.J. Rudisell in 1875; became sole proprietor in 1877. He has been a member of the town council several years. During the war of the rebellion he served in the 43rd West Va. Bat., Mosby’s command. He was married in 1874 to Miss Low, of Atchinson County, Mo., who died in 1876, leaving one child, a daughter. He was again married in 1878 to Miss Williams, of Boone County, Ia. They have two children, daughters.

Biographical Sketch of D. M. Gamet

D.M. Gamet, dealer in general merchandise, was born in Otsego County, N.Y., in 1811; moved to Ill. in 1837; thence in 1846 to Council Bluffs; remained there two years, and then removed to Glenwood Mills County, of which place he was one of the proprietors. In 1852 he settled at Magnolia, Harrison County, and was the first recorder and treasurer of the county. Five years later he removed to Little Sioux and engaged in his present business.

1884 Directory of St John Iowa

Last First and Middle Section Post Office Township Business Origin Arrival County State Bessier C E 6 Missouri Valley St John Farmer/Stock Raiser Ohio 1879 Harrison Iowa Bessire Eugene 6 Missouri Valley St John Farmer/Stock Raiser Switzerland 1875 Harrison Iowa Branson W H 2 Missouri Valley St John Farmer Indiana 1853 Harrison Iowa Cox Jacob 12 Missouri Valley St John Farmer Ohio 1854 Harrison Iowa Cox J Pl 11 Missouri Valley St John Farmer Indiana 1854 Harrison Iowa Cox H B 11 Missouri Valley St John Farmer/Stock Raiser Indiana 1854 Harrison Iowa Coit E R 3 Missouri Valley St John … Read more

Wallace, Mike – Obituary

On Thursday last, 28 August 1890, Michael Wallace, another of Harrison County’s old settlers passed over the life line to death after a brief illness of about ten hours. He was taken with cholera morbus, subsequently follow, by a congestive chill, from which the grand old hero never recovered. Mr. Wallace was born in Huntington County, Pennsylvania, 9 October 1823, was a collier by trade and was engaged in that business until he left and came to this part of the country. In the spring of 1855, arriving in Omaha, Nebraska, he worked there during the summer of 1855, and … Read more