Biographical Sketch of N. L. Cole

N.L. Cole, furniture dealer and undertaker, was born in Indianapolis, Ind., in 1841; came to Harrison County with parents. He enlisted in the 6th Ia. Cav.; was engaged against the Indians in Nebraska and Dakota was injured while building a fort in Sioux Falls, Dakota Aug. 13th, 1865, and discharged in Oct. of the same year. He was married in Sept. 1867, to Libbie Irne. He was engaged in farming until May 1881; bought furniture stock and building of W. Canfield. John S. Cole, father of the subject of this sketch was one of the first settlers of this county. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of L. Harker

L. Harker, dealer in stock, is one of the pioneers of Harrison County, Ia., came to this county in 1867 and located at St. Johns, and engaged in the grocery business. He moved to Missouri Valley the same year and continued the grocer business; is now buying and selling stock.

Biographical Sketch of D. Burgess

D. Burgess, proprietor of billiard parlor, was born in Courtland County, N.Y. He was employed for several years, as conductor on the S.B. & N.Y. Ry., also was telegraph operator for same road. He moved to Neb. in 1875, and engaged in the stock business; removed to Missouri Valley in 1877 and engaged in his present business, on the corner of Fifth and Erie Sts.

Biographical Sketch of D. M. Gamet

D.M. Gamet, dealer in general merchandise, was born in Otsego County, N.Y., in 1811; moved to Ill. in 1837; thence in 1846 to Council Bluffs; remained there two years, and then removed to Glenwood Mills County, of which place he was one of the proprietors. In 1852 he settled at Magnolia, Harrison County, and was the first recorder and treasurer of the county. Five years later he removed to Little Sioux and engaged in his present business.

Biographical Sketch of Charles Burrows

Charles Burrows, agent for the S.C. & P.R.R. at Mondamin, is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio. At the age of nineteen years, he removed to Danville, Ill. In 1862 he enlisted in Co. C, 124th Ill. Vol.; served until Sept. 1865, then returned to Ill. and engaged in telegraphy at Springfield; has been in the employ of several of the principal railroad companies in the states of Ill., Mo., Neb. and Ia. He was appointed agent at Mondamin in Dec., 1880; is also express agent and attorney at law.

Biographical Sketch of J. S. Stockwell

J.S. Stockwell, blacksmith, is a native of Ind.; moved to Ia. in 1855, and settled in Harrison County; was one of the original proprietors of California Junction. He moved to Little Sioux in 1877, and engaged in his present business.

Biographical Sketch of George Garner

George Garner, proprietor of Woodbine barbershop and temperance billiard hall, was born near Council Bluffs, Ia., in April 1855. In 1861 removed with parents to Raglan Township Harrison County, and in Dec., 1881, he bought out the fixtures of Ohio. Elkins, and keeps a strictly temperance hall, with lunch bar in connection.

Biographical Sketch of W. M. Carlisle

CJ. T.C, & W.M. Carlisle, of the firm of Carlisle Bros., wholesale and retail dealers in hardware, wagon stocks, pumps, agricultural implements, and sewing machines, are natives of Ohio.; came to Missouri Valley, Ia., in 1872 and engaged in his present business, on the corner of Fifth and Erie Sts.

Biographical Sketch of Mah. J. F. Cheney

Mah. J.F. Cheney, senior proprietor of the Merchants and Depot Hotels at Sioux City, Ia., also of a Hotel at Blair, Neb., and the Union Hotel at Missouri Valley, was born in Grafton County, N.H. In 1861 he enlisted in the 1st Ill. Light Art. as a private, was soon promoted to first lieutenant, then to captain, then to major and when discharged at the close of the war was lieutenant colonel. He then opened the Nachusa house at Dixon, Ill., also a summer resort at Spring Lake, Mich., called the Spring Lake house. He moved to Sioux City and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. H. Read

J.H. Read, of the firm of J.H. Read & Co., bakers, grocers and confectioners, was born in Kendall County, Ill., in May, 1855; removed with his parents to Bureau County, and in 1868, came to Ia., and located in Cerro Gordo County; removed to Dunlap in 1878, and established his present business; has oyster and ice cream parlors in connection; has Vernon’s patent steam coffee and peanut roaster, and keeps constantly on hand new-made candies. He is a member of the I.O.O.F., and A.F. & A.M. lodges. He was married at Dunlap in Aug. 1879, to Miss Zimmerman.

Biographical Sketch of A. L. Tamisiea

A.L. Tamisiea, harness maker and dealer, was born in Dubuque, Ia., in 1855; removed with parents in 1856 to Harrison County, Ia. He came to Missouri Valley in 1875, and engaged in the confectionery business. He engaged in his present business in 1879.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas J. Lanyon

Thomas J. Lanyon, postmaster at Little Sioux, was born in Pa. in 1848; moved with his parents to Monona County, Ia., in 1858; thence to this place in 1865. In 1870 he was appointed postmaster, and about the same time engaged in the fancy grocery business.

History of Western Iowa

Residence in Odebolt Iowa

This collection consists of 412 brief biographical sketches and 3 short sketches of companies extracted from the History of Western Iowa. It contains sketches from Harrison, Ida, Manona, and Woodbury Counties in Iowa. The sketches are sorted alphabetically by first name.

Biographical Sketch of J. R. Wheeler

J.R. Wheeler, dealer in lumber and coal, was born in N.Y. in 1834; removed to Eau Claire, Wis., in 1854, and engaged in the lumber business. In 1861 he enlisted in the 16th Wis. Inft.; was wounded in the face by a bullet at Shiloh; carries two gun-shot wounds in his legs, and received injuries at Atlanta; was discharged in April, 1865; returned to Wis. and engaged in shipping lumber, and in Nov., 1866, established lumber yards at Denison and Woodbine, and the next year established a yard at Dunlap. He sold the first lumber sold in Crawford and Harrison … Read more

Biographical Sketch of T. J. Buchanan

T.J. Buchanan, furniture dealer and undertaker, was born in Boone County, Ill., March 10th, 1856; removed to Rockford; thence to Harrison County, Ia., and engaged in farming three years in Union township. In Feb., 1881, he bought his present business of Rudd & Soper, and carries an elegant stock of goods. He married Alice A. Brownell, at Rockford, Ill., April 14th, 1876, and has one child, a daughter.

Biographical Sketch of Chamberlain, G. W.

G.W. Chamberlain, of the firm of Chamberlain & Lyman, dealers in groceries and queens ware, was born in Feb., 1838, at Grand Detour, Ill. He enlisted in the 75th Ill. Inft., and was discharged in 1863, on account of lung disease; returned to Ill., and in 1868 came to Dunlap, Ia., and opened a restaurant, which he sold in 1874; remained out of business two years; then engaged in his present business with Ge. Baker, who sold to H. Gleason, and he to Mr. Lyman in 1881. He was town recorder two years, and member of the city council. He … Read more

Iowa Atlases, Farm Directories, and Plat Books

1859 Map of Washington County Iowa

This collection contains digital atlases, farm directories, and plat books for all 99 Iowa counties. We have collated these from a variety of online sources, and provide them here as a single source for all online Iowa County Atlases, Farm Directories, and Plat Books.

Biographical Sketch of C. J. Cutler

C.J. Cutler, merchant and postmaster, is a native of Pa.; moved to Neb., in 1856. He enlisted in 1862, in Co. H, 2d Neb. Cav., and was with Gen. Sully fourteen months, on the plains; returned to Neb. and engaged in freighting. In 1866 he removed to Council Bluffs, Ia., and engaged in the grocery business. The same year he came to Modale, and in 1874 established his present business; was appointed postmaster the following year.

Biographical Sketch of J. C. Caley

J.C. Caley, dealer in boots and shoes, was born in Cleveland, Ohio. He enlisted in Co. I, 29th O. Vol., served one year, and in the spring of 1863 went to Montana; returned to Ohio in 1864, and two years later came to Missouri Valley, and built the first building in the town, excepting a few R.R. buildings. He is the pioneer boot and shoe dealer of the city.

Biographical Sketch of D. B. Erisman

D.B. Erisman, wholesale dealer and manufacturer of cigars and tobacco, factory No. 220; was born in Lancaster, Penn., in 1844. He learned his trade there, and then established business in Lincoln, Neb., which he continued four and one-half years, and in July 1881, established his present business in Dunlap, Ia. Keeps three men employed, and has fine trade.