Biographical Sketch of Chas. Mackenzie

Chas. Mackenzie, attorney at law, was born in N.Y. City in 1845; removed with parents to Dubuque, Ia., in 1849; graduated from Beloit College, Wis., in 1862, and the same year enlisted in the 9th Ia. Vol. Inft.; was in several important battles, and was discharged in 1875 [1865?]. He was secretary of a government commission in New Mexico one year; returned to Dubuque and was engaged as principal of the public schools of that city for one and one-half years, and was associate editor of the Dubuque Times one year; studied law and was admitted to the bar in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Capt. George S. Bacon

Capt. George S. Bacon, farmer, was born in Cayuga County, N.Y., in Sept. 1825. He moved to Washington, D.C., where he attended the Columbia College; graduated in the regular course in 1849, and afterwards taught in the College. He moved to Fairmont, W. Va.; thence in 1856 to Harrison County, Ia., and located on the farm of one hundred and forty acres, where he now resides. On this farm is an extensive orchard of fifteen hundred bearing apple trees. He enlisted in 1862, was first lieutenant of Co. C., 29th Ia. Inft., until the death of Capt. Fuller, when he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. H. Rockwell

A.H. Rockwell, contractor and builder, was born in Otsego County, N.Y.; moved to Missouri Valley, Ia., in May 1873. He has built most of the brick blocks and fine residences in the place.

Biographical Sketch of S. D. Fox

S.D. Fox, of the firm of Fox & Dablestein, dealers in and manufacturers of boots and shoes, was born in Manchester, Eng., in 1847; learned his trade, and in 1869 came to America; located at Sylvania, Ohio., where he engaged in boot and shoe making. In 1874 he removed to Bolton City, Co., and engaged in business; the next year came to Dunlap, Ia., and engaged in his present business and partnership. In 1875 he was married at Grand Rapids, Mich., to Miss Dabelstein, and has three children.

1884 Directory of Union Iowa

Last First and Middle Section Post Office Township Business Origin Arrival County State Atkinson Jas 15 Unionberg Union Farmer England 1874 Harrison Iowa Alee Ch H 2 Valley View Union Farmer Michigan 1864 Harrison Iowa Blundon Richard 1 Persia Union Farmer England 1860 Harrison Iowa Bowen James 31 Beebeetown Union Farmer Ireland 1874 Harrison Iowa Chiles W M 12 Persia Union Farmer/Constabe Indiana 1856 Harrison Iowa Chapman Jas 1 Persia Union Dist Tresurer/Farmer England 1864 Harrison Iowa David H H 1 Persia Union Farmer Indiana 1883 Harrison Iowa Diggle Samuel 24 Unionberg Union Twp Trustee/Farmer England 1865 Harrison Iowa Doty … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hon. Phineas Cadwell

Hon. Phineas Cadwell, president of the Cadwell bank, was born in Madison County, N.Y., April 17th, 1824; moved to Racine, Wis., and engaged in farming; thence to Harrison County, Ia., in Aug. 1854; engaged in farming, until 1875, when he established his present business. He also deals in real estate, loans, and insurance. He was elected to the legislature in 1871, on the republican ticket. He has been president of the county agricultural society twenty years, and on the state agricultural board as one of its directors eighteen years, and served four years as trustee of the state agricultural college … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. B. Lucas

J.B. Lucas, attorney at law, was born in Lucas County, Ia., in 1858; removed to Missouri Valley in 1875. He was admitted to the bar in Harrison County, and established office in Oct., 1881.

Biographical Sketch of M. C. Dally

M.C. Dally, of the firm of Patterson, Dally & Co., dealers in general merchandise, was born in Hamilton County, Ia., in 1857; came to Harrison County with parents in 1859. He was bookkeeper for Mitchell & Laub, for three and one-half years previous to engaging in his present business.

Biographical Sketch of Geo. S. Green

Geo. S. Green, of the firm of G.S. Green & Co., proprietors of the Commercial House, is a native of N.Y.; moved to Vinton, Ia., in 1860; thence to Missouri Valley in 1875 and was engaged in various business houses, also in the post office, until Nov., 1881, when he purchased the hotel and engaged in his present business.

Biographical Sketch of Charles F. Luce

Charles F. Luce, land, loan, and collecting agent, was born in Wis. in 1860. He graduated from the Morgan Park Military Academy, in 1877; came to Harrison County, Ia., in same year locating at Woodbine engaging in lumber and grain business which he continued two years, and then engaged in stock business, which he still carries on in connection with the agency, which he established in 1881. Office in the new Boyer Bank building. He is a member of the I.O.O.F. order. In 1879 and 1880 he was deputy sheriff and jailor of Woodbine.

Biographical Sketch of S. H. Chockran

S.H. Chochran, attorney at law, was born in Carmine, Ills., in 1852; in 1874 he graduated at the Iowa State Law School, and engaged in the practice of law at Missouri Valley; removed to Logan in the fall of 1881; attends exclusively to trial business. In 1880 he was engaged in the prosecution of the Western Millers Association cases involving the constitutionality of the “Iowa Fish Way Laws,” in which a decree was obtained, holding them void, and he was also successful in obtaining a decree annulling section 3,058 of the code unconstitutional. In 1880 he was appointed one of … Read more

Business Directory of Persia, Iowa

Last Name First and Middle Business Origin Date City County State Brace & Burton Proprietor of Elevator Persia Harrison Iowa Graham J K Farmer Indiana 1866 Persia Harrison Iowa Laing Jas Confectionery/Fruits Persia Harrison Iowa Martin M Post Master/Hardware Illinois 1882 Persia Harrison Iowa McFarland Wm & Sons Dlr Lumber Ohio 1883 Persia Harrison Iowa Seddon & Co Druggist Persia Harrison Iowa Seddon Druggist/Real Estate England 1863 Persia Harrison Iowa Brownrigg W J Druggist/Physician Ohio 1860 Persia Harrison Iowa

Biographical Sketch of Wiley Middleton

Wiley Middleton, sheriff, was born in Ohio.; removed to Washington County, Ia.; thence to Harrison County in 1867. He was elected to his present office in 1879. He married Julia A. Lockling, and has three sons and one daughter.

1884 Directory of Taylor Iowa

Last First and Middle Section Post Office Township Business Origin Arrival County State Brown A W 29 Modale Taylor Farmer Illinois 1866 Harrison Iowa Broughton H B 20 Modale Taylor Farmer/Blacksmith Ohio 1870 Harrison Iowa Bryan Dan’l 8 Modale Taylor Farmer Pennsylvania 1873 Harrison Iowa Beebee A 31 Modale Taylor Farmer Massachusetts 1869 Harrison Iowa Beebee H O 32 Modale Taylor Farmer/Stock Raiser Massachusetts 1860 Harrison Iowa Deman Fred’k 9 Modale Taylor Farmer Germany 1870 Harrison Iowa Davenberg J P 1 Magnolia Taylor Farmer New York 1871 Harrison Iowa Hammer Jacob Rev 31 Modale Taylor Pastor Christian Church Indiana 1864 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Garner

George Garner, proprietor of Woodbine barbershop and temperance billiard hall, was born near Council Bluffs, Ia., in April 1855. In 1861 removed with parents to Raglan Township Harrison County, and in Dec., 1881, he bought out the fixtures of Ohio. Elkins, and keeps a strictly temperance hall, with lunch bar in connection.

Biography of Edward P. Cadwell

EDWARD P. CADWELL. – This substantial capitalist of Washington, and leading member of the legal profession of Tacoma, was born in Independence, Iowa, December 23, 1855, and was the son of Carlos C. and Emily E. (Ross) Cadwell, his mother having been a sister of Chief Justice Ross of Vermont. He resided in his native town, where he attended a public school, and in his seventeenth year entered the Iowa State Agricultural College, graduating as civil engineer in 1875. Returning home, he became principal for one year of the grammar department of the high school at Independence. Upon the completion … Read more

1897-1961 Mondamin Iowa High School Alumni

Pictures for most of the graduating classes of Mondamin High School can be found in the Mondamin Public Library. Graduating classes from 1897 to 1961 are included here. In 1962 due to reorganization the Mondamin, Modale, Pisgah and Little Sioux schools became West Harrison Community School District. Some of the female names have their married name. Use the find feature of your browser to search this page. Class of 1897 Evelyn Adams-Faylor Mary Barett-Smith Lizzie Brawley-Hyde Myrtle Stamper-Earlywine Maude Weldon-Spurlin Class of 1899 Feren Green Ethel Noyes-Garrison Class of 1902 Lottie Burcham-Goodman Lillian McKean-Jensen Helen Morrow-Toben Class of 1903 Mable … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. R. Wheeler

J.R. Wheeler, dealer in lumber and coal, was born in N.Y. in 1834; removed to Eau Claire, Wis., in 1854, and engaged in the lumber business. In 1861 he enlisted in the 16th Wis. Inft.; was wounded in the face by a bullet at Shiloh; carries two gun-shot wounds in his legs, and received injuries at Atlanta; was discharged in April, 1865; returned to Wis. and engaged in shipping lumber, and in Nov., 1866, established lumber yards at Denison and Woodbine, and the next year established a yard at Dunlap. He sold the first lumber sold in Crawford and Harrison … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fred Kimpel

Fred Kimpel, jeweler and barber, was born Mar. 16th, 1847, in Bavaria, Ger.; came to America in Sept. 1864, learned the barber trade in N.Y. In 1866 he removed to Scranton, Pa., and engaged in the barber business; removed to Dunlap, Ia., in 1869; thence in 1876 to Logan, and engaged in his present business; owns considerable real estate in this city. He is a member of the A.O.U.W., I.O.O.F., and A.F. & A.M. lodges. He married Mary Fisher, in Scranton, Pa. They have one son and three daughters.

Biography of Harrison Haskin

HARRISON HASKIN, Ozark, Missouri Whatever may be said by demagogues about the tyranny of capital, the man who affords employment to his fellow men and maintains industries which turn out articles of utility does more real good for his generation than all the combined agitators of the country. Under existing civilization the only possible solution to the problem of the prevention of want and suffering is found in the great manufacturing plants, which have the capital necessary to pay wages to the many before pay is received for the goods. A glance at the thriving city of Ozark, Missouri, shows … Read more