1759, April 6, Fort Loudoun

Sir The 14th Isntn. Arrived the Exprefs with Dispatches from you Excellency, I hope James Holme’s whom I have sent with an Exprefs to Your Excellency is Arrived Safe, I afshure you When I sent Him, we did not know what to make of the Indian’s there was Nothing but bad talks Amongst them, & they had Meetings every day, Old Hopp & the Standing Turkey seem’d to Protect them verry much, I do not know what to make of Judge Friend, I have great reason to believe that Willinaway is sincere, he has been Constantly at there Meetings, And … Read more

1757, August 31, Fort Loudoun

Sir The 21st of the Instant arrived here and Exprefs from M. Atkins the Agent at Winchester in Virginia, with a Letter for me and another for old Hop and the warrious, I shall not Mention any thing of that Letter, as I doubt not but Your Excellency has Received a Coppy of the Same beore now from Fort Prince George. As the Exprefs told me that he had wrote it himself and gave it to Ensign Bogges that it might be sent to you. The next day I sent for old Hop and the _____of the Warriours, and beig … Read more

1758, November 6, Fort Loudoun

Sir J recived your Letter of the 2 of Octr. And Since j had the Honour to write you Excellency last, Every Body has been very Quiet in these Parts. Few Days ago old Hop invited me to go to his Town, accordingly j went; as j was riding throw their Towns j was Sruprised to See all their House Shewt up, and no Man, When j camd to Chotee j asked the old Man what was become of all the Men, for j had seen but three of four, he answered they are all gone hunting but, said he, … Read more

1759, June 2, Fort Loudoun

Sir Last night j recived your Excellency’s Letter of the 2d of may, and this Morning, j called, the Carpenter, Smith and the Man that take care of the Glasses and Hedges ______ and told them that j orders not employ them constantly, but when j should have occasion, they desired me to beg of your Excellency that you would stand by them because by the strencks of their work, they have bought Things for their wives & family. In all Appearance Everything is now Easy & quiet with the jndians & us, and if j can prevail, that new … Read more

1759, December 12, Fort Loudoun

Sir I have Received a Letter from Lieut. Coytmore of the 6th Instant by John Arcy, by which he acquaints Me, that your Excellency’s Orders were: that Old Hop shou’d b informed that the Little Carpenter, of any other Head Man, shou’d be appointed, to come down to Keowee with Power to settle matters, as shou’d be found requisat to make things Straight, as He himself was present. Accordingly I sent for him to come to the Fort, and that I had a Letter to communicate to him; but the Old Fellow sent me severall excuses, saying that it was … Read more

1758, March 2, Fort Loudoun

Sir Your Dispatch I received the 28th ultimate and immediately ordered Willm. Woodwareth to get himSelf ready. I am very Glad that the Earl of Loudoun has granted us Provisions, and would to God, it had be so before I come to this Place, it would have saved me great deal of trouble & uneaSiness. You acquaint me, Sir, that Mr. Stead is to Supply the Fort with ProviSions, I wiSh he may Send Send Some Body as soom as possible to Settle with with my store Keeper, and Send Some Meat Kind, for there is none to be got … Read more

1759, January 27, Fort Loudoun

Sir Few Days ago the Hunters brought me a very Large Tyger’s Skin with the Clawths on’t, and only a fine Beaver Skin, cased as j gave them Directions, with the Clawths, Head, and Tail, j have Sent them to be dressed, and as Soon they are ready j shall Send them to your Excellency. J have likewise a Nest of jndians Baskets, most finished, if they are agreeable to you, j shall Send them also. J Expect more Skins by other Hunter’s when you Excellency Shall thinck proper to have me released j shall be infinitly obliged if you … Read more

1757, Certificates issued from Fort Loudoun

A List of Certificates Ifsued by me from Fort Loudoun 1757 June 1.  To Joseph Galloway for Horse hire Imployed on the works £ 21.— £20& £40  To William Gibbes for ditto in 2 Certificates 60.— To Cornelius Doharty for the freight of Soldiers Cloatking from Augusta 49.7.6 7 To John Stevens for 3 months pay as Head Carpenter due this day 60.– 13 To John Elliot for freight of flower & Bacon 295.15.— 23 To Walter Bateman for malting a drain thro the Fort and breaking Stones for Chimneys 100.— 27 To John Hatton for Supplying Denis Haigen with … Read more

1758, July 31, Fort Loudoun

Sir J am Sorry to acquaint your Excellency, with Things that j heard this Morning, which trouble me much, and may ruin me intirely. Elliot brought back again a Certificate which he recived for payments last Winter when they were going to kill the Stears, the Butchers told me they had nothing to put the meat in after is was Salted and would be Spoiled they desired to have large Casks made for the porpas, which j did, Seeing that they could not do without it. The assembly would not accept it, as he Says. When j ordered last fall … Read more

1759, 15 May, Fort Loudoun

Sir The Bearer of this is one Maximilliam More whom I acquainted you Excellency I had sent to Highwafsie for on purpose to send him out Accompany’d by one of my Soldiers to recon___trie the place where is was Reported the French were fortifying themselves, before he sett of I was informed that it was not Coosawatchee, but about Seventy mile farther where that River & Coosa River makes a Fork. He Accordingly sett off & carried his Son, Who no Accompany’s him, a young Lad very verry much Attach’d to our Interest and another Young Lad along with him, … Read more

1757, July 23, Fort Loudoun Letter 2

Sir This Morning I Delivered my Dispatches to M. Elliot, and was in hopes that he had been thirty Miles off when in the Evening the Bearer of theis Moyetoy of Chota a Leading man came to me and told me that he had an inclinaiton to go to Charles Town with M. Elliot, this thing is done on purpofe, for Elliot is afraid to be arrefted and he thinks that having Some Indians with him, that he will be protected and come off, which I hope he may on Account of the Publick good, he did what ever he … Read more

1757, July 23, Fort Loudoun Letter 3

Sir I had the honour of writing to your Excellency this day b M. Elliot who went from the fort about Two hors ago, the Bearer hereof Amahatoy came this Minute and Acquainted me that he had a very great Inclination to Accompany Elliot to Town of which I have informed Captain Demere, altho it is not altogether agreable to Captain De,ere that he does go yet he does not Choose to hinder him at this time. He is a man of Some Note here being a head man and a Warriour, and altho old hop and the Carpenter said … Read more

1757, August 25, Talk given to the Indians at Fort Loudoun

Willm Shorey Linquaster I am Glad to see you Warriours and Beloved Men once more afsembled to sit and talk here with your Brothers. I am now going to talk with you, but first let me afsure you ( as I have been told you hat lyes) that I shall now and at all time, like a Good Brother tell you the truth as the Power above shall be a witnefs of. The reason of my Sending for you was to communicate to you the contents of some letters received from the Governour and talk a little with you. You … Read more

1757, June 1, The Creek Nation

Dearest Friend, I hope your goodnefs will excuse the freedome of my Exprofsing my Self as it flows from a Sole truly sencible of the many remarcable Instances of friendship I havereed from you, A Detail of my trouble & misfortunes, can not be new to you as they must have reach’d your ears, before this time, The flights of ungovernd youth aded to my trouble of Leaveing Fort Loudoun Exageratied by the force of Excefsive Drinking at Theowee deprived me of my reason & has occasioned a misquidence in my Conduct which has thrown me into the utmost Trouble … Read more

1757, July 9, Fort Loudon Letter 2

Sir This Acknowledges the receit of your Excellency’s Letter, which I should have Answered Sooner, but nothing Matterial happening I Omitted it, as I did not care to be troublesome to your Excelency. The Fort is Pallisaded all round Agreable to M. Debrahm’s plan, and a Row of Barrack’s built for the Soldiers, There is a few other houses to build which When done is all wee are Capable of doing. Captain Demere has ordered me to take the Charge of Captain Postells Compy during his Absence and Acquainted me that your Excellency wanted a Muster Roll of the Said … Read more

1759, April 12, Fort Loudoun

Sir The 5th of Febry. 1758, j sent on Acct. to your Excellency of Thing issued to the jndians to the Amount of 355 Curoy. In favour of Messrs. Sonjn. Smith & ____________and as those Gentlemen never wrote to me about it, j am afraid it was never pat’d therefore j beg, your Excellency will Speack that j may be pay’d, it was 3 Days after my arrival, and all the Gentlemen then present persuaded me to do it as my Brother had not Enough to give to large Gang of Indians that came from War. The other Day two … Read more

8 May 1759, Fort Loudon

We have been to y French fort and no Succefs. Y reason of it wafs, while 42 of our brefkost Younge fellows was waiting about the fort, and y rest of us within Eight Mile of it with our canoes at camp, gooding Stole one of the cannos and wone of our people that wafs Lurking About y fort See the French Indians beat him, the outside of y fort, he stole away with him 2 of our jndians Bundles, y French and Indians purfued our People from y fort on the information Gooding Gave Them. We Left our Cannoes … Read more

1759, December 7, Fort Loudoun Letter 3

Sir This will be delivered by the Carpenter who setts out this morning with a firm Resolution of accomodating matters with your Excellency, he Expects that the Transgrefsors will be Demmanded and has just told me that his Voice will be for Delivering them. He may at first plead for them as he Affects popularity; but I am Confident he will fall in to all your Excellency’s measures. he goes without speaking to, or Reccuring any mefsage from Old hop. And Says that he only wants for Orders from Your Excy. to take upon thim the Execution of the Old … Read more