Biography of Rufus Albert Hoover, M. D.

RUFUS ALBERT HOOVER, M. D. A rising young physician of Madison County, Rufus Albert Hoover, M. D., is busily engaged in the practice of his profession in Orestes, where he is also serving most acceptably as principal of the public school, He was born in North Carolina, but was brought up in Indiana, coming with his parents, to this state when he was a small child. The Doctor’s father, Thomas Hoover, was born, reared and married in North Carolina. Coming with his family to Indiana, he settled in Hamilton County, where he spent his closing years of life, pass ing … Read more

Biography of Bert Mann

BERT MANN. One of the young men of progressive enterprise whose energies are contributed to the Welfare of the community as well as to the accumulation of a goodly share of material prosperity for themselves, is Bert Mann, of Boone Township. Mr. Mann is owner and occupies a fine place of one hundred and forty acres, located about 61/2 miles west of Summitville. There he carries on the solid industry which in Indiana brings good crops, and a satisfying degree of prosperity, and is not only providing well for his family, but is regarded as one of the men of … Read more

Land Titles Issued In Fort Bend County From 1824 To 1832.

Elijah Alleorn, one league, patented July 10th, 1824. Thomas Allsbury, two leagues, patented July 8th, 1824. William Andrews, one league, patented July 15th, 1824. William Andrews, one labor, patented July 15th, 1824. Wm. T. Austin, one league, patented April 25th, 1831. Charles Baird, one league, patented October 17th, 1832 Thomas Barnett, one league, patented July 10th, 1824. Wm. Barnett and Abner Harris, one league, patented June 4th, 1827. Miles M. Battle, one league, patented May 31st, 1827. James Beard, one league, patented August 10th, 1824. Charles A. Bettner, one-fourth league, patented November 20th, 1832. Gail Borden, Jr., one league, patented … Read more

Terry Rangers, Company F

L. M. Stroble, Captain, Fort Bend County, resigned December 1st, 1861; died at LaGrange, Texas, in 1872. W. R.. John, 1st Lieutenant, Fayette County, promoted to Captain June, 1862, wounded September 17th, 1863, at Gorsbyville, Ga., and Bentonville, N. C., in November, 1865. Phoecian Tate, 2nd Lieutenant, Fayette County, resigned in May, 1862. W. N. Tate, 3rd Lieutenant, Fayette County, resigned in December, 1861. A. J. Murray, 1st Sergeant, Fayette County, promoted to Lieutenant July, 1862, absent at close of war. V. T. Coop; 2nd Sergeant, Fayette County, discharged December, 1861. C. D. Barnett, 3rd Sergeant, Fayette County, promoted to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Bassett, Clem N.

Fort Bend County, Tax Collector Clement Newton Bassett, the present Tag Collector of Fort Bend County, was born in Richmond, Texas, on the 7th of January 1842. His father, Clem N. Bassett, Sr., was a. native of Virginia. and came to Texas in 18361 first stopping on the San Jacinto River at Lynchburg, where he married Miss Julia Lee Beale, also a native of Virginia. This was soon after the battle of San Jacinto, and the young people at once came to Richmond, Fort Bend County, and made that place their permanent home. Mr. Bassett was in the legal profession, … Read more

Biography of Robert E. Webster

ROBERT E. WEBSTER, Near Summitville in Van Buren Township is one of the fine country homes of Madison County, a place which for years has given a distinctive character of prosperity and well ordered enterprise to the country life of this section of the County, It is the farm occupied and owned by Robert E. Webster who was born on the place and has been identified with agricultural activities in this section all his life, In his home place he has eighty acres and also owns another farm of seventy acres east of Summitville about two miles. Robert E. Webster … Read more

Biography of Homer E. Howard

HOMER E. HOWARD. A substantial and prosperous citizen of Madison County, Homer E. Howard, now engaged in farming in Van Buren Township, was for many years identified with the mercantile interests of this part of the County, having been one of the leading druggists of Summitville, He was born September 16, 1872, in Ross County, Ohio, which was likewise the birthplace of his father, Robert C. Howard. At the age of twenty-five years Robert C. Howard migrated from his Ohio home to Indiana, locating first in Delaware County, where for five years he was engaged in business as a general … Read more

Fort Bend County Texas Cemeteries

Hodges Bend Cemetery, Fort Bend County, Texas

A complete listing of all available online Fort Bend County Texas cemeteries, with links to multiple cemetery transcriptions, gravestone photos, tombstone photos, official records, etc.

Biography of Edwin Watson Yule

EDWIN WATSON YULE. One of the important factors in the business life of Alexandria, and an enterprise which has added materially to the prestige of this city as a manufacturing center, is that of the Alexandria Paper Company, which was founded here in July, 1900. Much of the success of this enterprise may be accredited to the efforts of its capable and popular secretary and treasurer, Edwin Watson Yule, whose location here occurred simultaneously with that of the business and who has become widely known in manufacturing circles. Mr. Yule is a Canadian, having been born in the Province of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of McElroy, Charles S.

Mr. McElroy Is one of the old settlers of Fort Bend County who still survives those days of pioneer life, fraught with so much danger and hardships, danger from Indian raids and Mexican invasion, and hardships incident to a new and undeveloped country, where the wilderness had to be subdued, far removed from the necessaries of life, except as they could carve them out in their new homes with the ax and, rude agricultural implements. Sometimes the sole dependence for food was the ripe as the long months went by, waiting for the maturity of some primitive crop, which was … Read more

Biography of Joseph E. Bradley

JOSEPH E. BRADLEY. Industriously engaged in the prosecution of a calling upon which the wealth and prosperity of our nation largely depend, Joseph E. Bradley, a well-known farmer of Madison County, has owned and occupied his present farm since 1900, and in its management has met with signal success, He was born August 19, 1851, in Brown County, Ohio, a son of William Bradley, Jr. He is of English ancestry on the paternal side, his grandfather, William Bradley, Sr., having emigrated from London, England, to the United States, settling in Ohio. William Bradley, Jr., was born and reared in Brown … Read more

History of Fort Bend County Texas

Fort Bend County Texas Map

This collection contains 42 biographies and various historical references from the manuscript History of Fort Bend County by W. M. Morrison. Included with the history are articles on the Meir Expedition, Billy Bowlegs, Terry Rangers, and a list of early land titles.

Biography of John C. Johnson

JOHN C. JOHNSON. Honesty and stability of character are the foundation stone of a young man’s life, and in the formative period, when fitting himself for the battle of life, with those attributes of character, together with a fair measure of ambition, one is sure to arrive at the goal of his desires. Mr. Johnson is a native son of Madison County, Indiana, and has here resided all his life, His days here have been as an open volume to the citizens of Van Buren Township and the contiguous territory, and the people of his Township have conferred upon him … Read more

Biography of James M. Hundley

JAMES M. HUNDLEY. When a boy James M. Hundley was a Union soldier. His early experiences and associations were with a farm, and he had his full share of farm life, He was a railroader and also a street car driver, finally finished his education, was a school teacher, was admitted to the Indiana bar about forty years ago, and was for many years one of the leading, lawyers in the north half of Madison County, and at the same time active in official affairs, Mr. Hundley is now retired and enjoys the activities and atmosphere of country life, devoting … Read more

Terry Rangers, Original Field Staff

Benjamin Franklin Terry, elected Colonel at the organizaltion, October 28th, 1861; killed at Woodsonvil1e, Kentucky (better known as Rowlett’s Station), in battle, December 17th, 1861. Thomas S. Lubbock, Harris County, elected Lieutenant Colonel October 28th, 1861; died at Nashville, Tennessee, January 9th, 1862. Thomas Harrison, Waco, Texas, elected Major at the organization, promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and Brigadier General, and wounded at Johnsonville, North Carolina, March 10th, 1865. Martin H. Royston, Galveston, appointed Adjutant by Colonel Terry, and subsequently appointed Captain and Major in Adjutant General’s Department. Benjamin H. Botts, Houston, Texas, appointed Assistant Quartermaster by Colonel Terry, and subsequently … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Newell, John D.

Another prominent man of Fort Bend County, came from North Carolina to Texas in 1830, and was a member of the convention in 1833. He was a successful planter, and lived to make forty-five crops in Texas. He died in Richmond, Fort Bend County, in December 1875.

Biography of George B. McDermit

GEORGE B. MCDERMIT. One of the independent and progressive farmers of Boone Township is George B. McDermit, who has in his home place, located on the rural free delivery route No. 28 out of Elwood, one hundred and twenty acres of fine and well improved land, his mother’s place, and he also owns and operates other land in the same Township aggregating more than two hundred acres, He conducts his fanning on businesslike principles and after looking over his farm and understanding somewhat of the man it is not difficult to understand his reasons for success. George B. McDermit was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hibbered, Loron

An old settler of Fort Bend County came to Texas with his parents in February of 1837, being then ten years of age. He was born in, New York in 1827. His father, Elmer Hibbered, started to Texas in 1836 with his family, but stopped in New Orleans on account of the invasion of Texas by Santa Anna, and came on after the war was over, landing at the mouth of the Brazos River. He had two brothers, Lovell and Lucius, who came to Texas with General Sam Houston and was in the Texas army of 1836. One was a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Neel, Adam S.

Adam Sylvester Neel, named for James Sylvester, one of the captors of Santa Anna, was born in Fort Bend County, near Stafford’s Point, on the 25th of August, 1844. His father was William T. Neel, a native of Louisiana, who came to Texas with William Stafford. He was a young man and unmarried at the time, and was not entitled to as much land as heads of families, but located a labor near, Stafford’s Point, at which place he built a home, and afterwards located a league in the west on the Medina River during the Presidency of General Lamar. … Read more

Biography of James C. Hull

JAMES C. HULL. On the Hull gravel road about five miles northwest of Summitville, is a farm which represents the sturdy industry and good management of one of the best known farmer citizens of Madison County, Mr. Hull has lived in this County for more than forty years as a farmer and stock raiser, and beginning his career as a renter, and as a young man completely dependent upon his own resources for advancement he has made a success that might well be envied by his neighbors, At the present time he is the owner of one hundred acres of … Read more