Oesterling, Robert Alan – Obituary

Robert Alan Oesterling, 57, of Glide, died July 2, 2006, at his mother’s home in Baker City. His graveside memorial service will be at 10 a.m. Friday at Grandview Cemetery in La Grande. Robert Alan was born on Dec. 26, 1948, at La Grande to Robert Grandy and Winnifred Eloise Moore Oesterling. Rob was a champion swimmer in his teens and an avid hunter, the only one in the family. His passion for the outdoors was instilled in him at an early age and carried throughout his entire life. Rob loved exploring and learning. He could never pass a historic … Read more

Douglas County, Oregon Cemetery Records

Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Cemeteries hosted at Douglas County ORGenWeb Project Freeman Cemetery Wimberly Cemetery Cemeteries hosted at Coles Valley Cemetery Cole Valley Cemetery Cemeteries hosted at Glendale Memorial Cemetery Association List of Burials Cemeteries hosted at Thomason Tribal Cemetery Thomason Tribal Cemetery Tyee View Cemetery (Photos) Cemeteries hosted at Douglas County USGenWeb Archives Civil Bend Pioneer Cemetery Drain Cemetery Dillard Cemetery Elkton Cemetery Gardiner Cemetery Lookingglass Cemetery Melrose Cemetery Metz Hill Cemetery Murray Cemetery Nichols Family Cemetery … Read more

Biography of Hon. Rufus Mallory

HON. RUFUS MALLORY. – Mr. Rufus Mallory, one of the most prominent members of the legal fraternity in the State of Oregon, is of New England stock, his parents having been born and raised in Connecticut. Our subject himself was born on the 10th of June, 1831, at Coventry, Chenango county, New York, from where he moved with his parents in the fall of that year to Alleghany county, and six years later to Steuben county in the same state. In the latter place he resided until 1855, when he went to New London, Iowa, where he remained until 1858. … Read more