Biography of Henry H. Woodward

HENRY H. WOODWARD. – The life of a pioneer of any country is a hard one. But the pioneer of the Pacific coast had really more to contend with than his early brother of any other state east or west of the great Mother of Waters. His daily life was not only one of almost unendurable hardship and privation, with the eternal gnawings of want; but it was also beset with imminent danger; and he was in continued dread of death from the poisoned arrow of the red man, or his more fortunate fellow who used a gun. The pioneer … Read more

Biography of Hon. John Kelly

HON. JOHN KELLY. – Prominent in almost every department of business and public life, Honorable John Kelly is known throughout the length and breadth of our state as a man of great abilities and irreproachable integrity. As a pioneer, none has a more deserving record, nor has sustained amore honorable part. Born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1818, he crossed the Atlantic to Canada in 1838, and in 1840 came to Franklin, Vermont. Three years later he began a career at the West, coming to Wisconsin, and there exercising his natural bent for business and capacity for organization, by which he … Read more

Biography of Col. William Williams Chapman

William William Chapman

COL. W.W. CHAPMAN. – It has frequently been remarked, that while many men of great fame, and a deservedly wide reputation, cannot lay their finger upon a single public act that they originated, others whose names are less known can county by the score the progeny of their brains, now alive and active in the affairs of the world. Of the latter class is Colonel Chapman of Oregon. There are few men in America, even among those esteemed great, who have originated and carried to completion a greater number of particular acts of large scope and general beneficence. Many whose … Read more

Thomson, Jeremiah B. – Obituary

Jeremiah B. Thomson was born in Virginia, April 10, 1886, and moved to Evening Shade, Arkansas when a small boy. He passed away at Roseberg, Oregon in his 87th year. His father was married twice. To his first marriage two sons were born – James and Malcolm; to the second marriage two children were born -Jeremiah and Narcissa. His brother Malcolm and his parents died in Arkansas. James married and with Jerry and Narcissa came to Oregon. Narcissa married James Vickers and resides at Winlock, Oregon. In 1855 and 1856, Jerry served the Government as a scout to the immigrants … Read more

Lenington, Pauline Nora – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Services Held For Young Enterprise Mother Pauline Nora Lenington, 30, wife of James R. Lenington of Enterprise, passed away unexpectedly Friday evening July 17, 1953 at the Wallowa Memorial Hospital following a short illness. Daughter of James R. and Nora Anderson, she was born October 15, 1922 at Hood River. Her early childhood was spent in Portland and Oakland, Oregon. When seven years old she moved with her parents to Wallowa where she attended grade school and graduated from high school. Since that time Enterprise has been her home. She married James R. Lenington in 1941 … Read more

Biography of William Henry Canaday

It is fitting that in a work that purports to accord to the leading citizens of Harney county representation there should be special mention of the well known business man whose name heads this article and who has labored in our midst for a number of years, gaining a good success and making for himself a name and standing which are enviable. Madison Canaday was born in Hillsboro, Highland county, Ohio, on October 21, 1831, and when a boy went with his parent to Illinois and then to Iowa, whence they crossed the plains with ox teams in 1852. They … Read more

Harding, Clara Golson Mrs. – Obituary

Clara Harding, 91, of Halfway died March 9, 2006. Her funeral took place Sunday at the Pine Valley Christian Center in Halfway. On Saturday at noon a service will be held at the Springfield Faith Center in Springfield. Friends are invited to join the family for a reception to follow. Interment will be at Lane Memorial Gardens in Eugene. Clara Irene Harding was born Aug. 12, 1914, on the family homestead in Big Stone Township, three miles from Corinth, N.D., to Sever Ellefson and Inga Jeanette Golson. Clara was educated at the country school in Big Stone Township at Corinth, … Read more

Biography of James W. F. Owens

JAMES W.F. OWENS. – This gentleman was the eldest son of the pioneer Thomas Owens, and came as an infant in arms with his parents to Oregon in 1843, his birthplace having been Platte county, Missouri. In 1853 he removed with his parents to the Umpqua valley, and, amid the beautiful scenes of that almost unearthly region, grew to a vigorous manhood. His only education was received during a six months’ term of school at Dallas; but, having a phenomenal memory, this laid the basis for his large information of later years. He was one of those men who devour … Read more

Sims, Leonard – Obituary

Truck Kills Sims, Former Powderite Leonard Sims, 60, who farmed the place now occupied by Ben Biais on Clover Creek, some years ago, died Wednesday from a broken neck suffered when a truck he was operating went over a bank near Elkton on the Reedsport highway last Sunday morning. Sims was taken to the Pacific Christian hospital in Eugene after the accident, and clung to life for two days. Sims left here about ten years ago, when Ben Biais took possession of the Clover Creek ranch. He had farmed the place for two years, according to William Hudelson, North Powder … Read more

Fennell, Thomas D. – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Thomas D. Fennell, 69, of Sutherlin and formerly of La Grande, died June 11. A memorial service is planned for June 28 in Sutherlin. Chapel of the Roses in Roseburg is in charge of arrangements. Thomas was born June 11, 1939, to Grady and Lorene (Priest) Fennell in Monticello, Ark. In 1947, the Fennell family moved to the Sutherlin area. Thomas graduated from Sutherlin High School in 1957, and enlisted in the Army 87th Airborne unit. He was stationed in Germany and while serving his country enjoyed parachute jumping. After completing his military service, he became a … Read more

Biography of Joseph F. Johnson

It now becomes our pleasant privilege to give in brief review the salient points of the life of the prominent and distinguished gentleman whose name initiates this paragraph, and who has been a potent factor in the development of Wallowa County, and also a well known figure in the political realm, both of the state, as well as in promoting and manipulating some measures that are of import to the United States, while his personal qualities of worth and integrity, together with his ability and keen foresight, have rendered him a gratifying measure of success in all of his private … Read more

Biography of Hon. Matthew W. Mitchell

HON. MATTHEW W. MITCHELL. – In at least two distinct lines of enterprise has the subject of this sketch achieved commendable success, and has wrought his way to the present prominent position that he holds by dint of real effort of worth and by manifestation of capabilities that are worthy of note, and by the display of integrity and upright principles. Coming with his father to this state when he was but a child he is practically a product of the state and here he has won the laurels and made the record that is his now to enjoy. On … Read more

Biography of Flemming R. Hill

FLEMMING R. HILL. – Mr. Hill’s experiences have been so varied and extensive, and his services on this coast so valuable, that we can here give but enough to serve as specimens. He was born in Overton county, Tennessee, in 1824. In 1829 he accompanied his parents west to a new home in Missouri, and in 1844, was ready for adventures of his own account. With three companions he set forth to the Rocky Mountains, but at the rendezvous left their enterprise, and joined himself as teamster to a train of emigrants bound for Oregon. The trip across the plains … Read more

Schuchardt, Anna Dolores Davis Mrs. – Obituary

David T. Pattee Jr., 54, a former Baker City resident, died March 13, 2006, at Roseburg. Mr. Pattee was born July 16, 1951, in Portland, and he was raised and educated in the Portland area, graduating from Centennial High School. In recent years he lived in Bend, Baker City and most recently in Roseburg. The loves of his life were fishing and golfing. He is survived by his sister, Kathleen Pattee of Portland; a daughter, Ashley Bessey, and two grandchildren, Caiden and Choloe Bessey, all of Redmond; his mother, Donna Pattee, sister, Polly Pattee and niece, Summer, all of Gresham; … Read more

Biography of Hon. Matthew P. Deady

HON. MATTHEW P. DEADY. – The character of the man whose name heads this article is one to which justice cannot be done in a short sketch of the principal events of his life. However, it will serve to illustrate one pure, wise and energetic; one of those who, while he gained his education, toiled for his living; one of those whom no circumstances, poverty or hardship could deter or turn aside from his purposes and the pursuit of knowledge. Judge Deady was born in Easton, Talbot county, Maryland, on May 12, 1824. His parents were good and respectable people, … Read more

Sawyer, Ramona Louis Noregaard Mrs. – Obituary

Ramona Louis (Noregaard) Sawyer, 78, of Sutherlin and Roseburg, Ore., went to be with the Lord on Feb. 24, 2007. She had resided in the Sutherlin and Roseburg areas for the last 18 years. Ramona was born on Jan. 20, 1929, to Harold and Ruby Noregaard of Enterprise, Ore. They later moved to Baker City, Ore., and Ramona graduate from Baker High in 1947. She married Ray Sawyer Sept. 4, 1955. They lived in Oregon, Texas, New Mexico, and California, where they resided in Livermore, Calif., for 16 years with their sons before returning to the northwest. Those who knew … Read more

Stennfeld, Dorothy Ann – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Dorothy Ann Stennfeld, 74, of La Grande, died Feb. 24 at her home. A celebration of life is planned for 1 p.m. Saturday at Zion Lutheran Church in La Grande. Mrs. Stennfeld, known as Ann, was born June 23, 1932, to Henry and Berniece Jackson Jones in Roseburg. She was raised in Myrtle Point, graduating from Myrtle Point High School in 1950. She graduated from Good Samaritan Hospital School of Nursing in Portland in 1954. On Sept. 25, 1954, she married Paul T. Stennfeld. After he died in 1975, she went to work for Grande Ronde Hospital … Read more

Ager, Nancy Jane – Obituary

Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs. Nancy Jane Ager passed away last Thursday, February 5 Nancy Jane Dakan was born on February 7, 1860 near Roseburg, Oregon. When only a young girl she moved with her parents to Cricket Flat where she grew to womanhood. She lived a few years at Dayton, Washington and from there moved to the John Day country and later to La Grande. In 1902 she came to Wallowa County and settled on Day Ridge. In 1895 she was married to James Albert Ager. To this union three children were born: Mrs. Sam Davis, Joseph, Charley E. Ager … Read more

Sutherland, William Morrow – Obituary

Private family services for William Morrow Sutherland, 76, of Charleston, will be held in Heppner where he will be laid to rest in the Morrow family plot beside his father and mother. Mr. Sutherland died in Roseburg of complications of age on Jan. 19, 1995. He was born to Mr. and Mrs. Martin VanBuren Sutherland on Oct. 11, 1918. He attended Lincoln High School in Portland, then attended Reed College and majored in economics, graduated in 1941. Immediately following graduation, he enlisted in the U.S. Army, becoming a second lieutenant in the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. After separation … Read more

Hardesty, William – Obituary

William Hardesty, veteran of the Civil War, died Friday afternoon [April 8, 1927] at the Soldiers Home Hospital at the age of 89 years. He had been a resident of the Soldiers Home since June 20, 1921, coming to this city from Freewater, Oregon. Mr. Hardesty enlisted for the Civil War in March of 1862 and served as a private in Co. M, 7th Missouri Infantry. He is survived by a son, William D. Hardesty of Freewater. The body has been taken in charge by the Roseburg Undertaking Company and will be sent to Walla Walla, Washington for burial. Roseburg … Read more