Biographical Sketch of N. R. Duer

Last Updated on August 31, 2011 by

N. R. Duer, farmer and school-teacher; P. O. Oakland; born in Fairfield Co., Ohio, May 13, 1832, where he attended school and engaged in farming until he attained his majority, when he engaged in school-teaching one year; he then entered the Ohio Wesleyan University, located at Delaware, which he attended for upward of two years; he then engaged in farming and school-teaching in Ohio, until 1862, when he emigrated to Illinois and located in Clark Co., where he followed teaching and farming until 1864, when he located in Coles Co., and engaged in teaching in Oakland one year, and one year in East Oakland Tp.; he then returned to Clark Co., and for three years was employed in teaching in Clark and Cumberland Cos.; he then engaged in the drug-trade, at Farmington, Coles Co., which business he followed until the fall of 1875, when he engaged in drug trade at Oakland, with N. R. Moore, under the firm name of Duer & Moore, which business continued until March, 1878, when he sold his interest and again resumed farming and school-teaching. He married, Aug. 14, 1861, to Jane Elder: she was born in Ohio July 19, 1838; died Oct. 5, 1862, leaving no children; his marriage with Celia E. Ferguson was celebrated July 21. 1863; she was born in Clark Co. April 15, 1842; they have four children now living by this union, viz., Jane, Charles S., Alice May and Amelia G.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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