Biography of John Clark

John Clark. It is a grateful distinction to have spent half a century in one community, and when those years were filled with worthy accomplishment and with that old-fashioned spirit of loving kindness, such a career becomes one deserving of admiration and worthy of perpetuation in any history of a county in which it has been spent. The venerable John Clark, who died August 21, 1917, was a resident of Gifford. He came to Champaign County in 1868. He lived far beyond the fourscore mark, and his activities and those of the family have been a notable contribution to the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. L. Marks

A. L. Marks, general merchant, was born in Prussia August 7, 1842. He came to America in June 1855, and located in Chicago, Ill. In 1861 he enlisted in Company K, Thirteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He enlisted May 22, 1861, and was discharged June 24, 1865. Was taken prisoner May 17, 1864; was in prison at Cahaba, Ala., and Meridian, Miss., and was held until April, 1865. Returned to Chicago, then went to Lee County, Iowa, the same year; thence to Missouri; thence to Nebraska; thence to Jewell City, Kan., where he went into the merchandise business, and went in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry C. Hieber

Hieber, Henry C.; funeral director; born, Oct. 9, 1879; son of Carl Christian and Maria Christine Hieber; educated in public schools, Stuttgart, Germany, and Chicago; came to Cleveland in 1893; started to work at the Dental tool business until 1903; studied undertaking during that time; started in business, July, 1903; member Concordia Lodge, No. 345. F. & A. M.. Hillman Chapter, No. 166, R. A. M., Pearl Lodge, Knights of Pythias, Cleveland Chamber of Industry, Funeral Directors’ Ass’n of Ohio; Jennings Square Business Men’s Ass’n; Zion Evangelical, and Pilgrim Congregational Churches; Freiheit Unterstuezungs Verin; United German Union; Humboldt Lodge, V. … Read more

Biography of William Christopher, Hanson D.D.

William Christopher Hanson, D. D. For a quarter of a century steadily engaged in the work of the ministry in Kansas, Doctor Hanson had filled many important posts of responsibility with the Methodist Episcopal Church and is now superintendent of the Kansas City District of the Kansas Conference. He is a native of Chicago, where he was born October 18, 1866, a son of Louis Christopher and Carolina Christiana (Johnson) Hanson. His father was a Norwegian and his mother a native of Sweden. Both are now deceased and for many years they conducted a successful hotel business at Scandia, Kansas. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mayo Fesler

Fesler, Mayo; sec’y Civic League of Cleveland; born, Indiana, 1871; son of Peter and Emma Collett Fesler; education, public and high school, Indiana; University of Chicago, Ph. B., 1896; post-grad. University of Chicago; three years fellow in History and Political Science; married, Chicago, June, 1901, Gertrude Fails; one child; sec’y Civic League of St. Louis, 1902-1910; sec’y Civic League of Cleveland since 1910; sec’y City Club of Cleveland, Ohio Municipal League and Cleveland Charter Commission; member City Club.

Biography of Jacob Moudy

Jacob Moudy. The community of Ludlow in Champaign County pays special honor and respect to Jacob Moudy and his family. Mr. Moudy has had a long and active career. His years have been spent with benefit to himself and also to his family, friends and neighbors, and he has done something to make every community with which he has been identified a little better and to elevate the standards of life and morality. Mr. Moudy is a son of Peter and Elizabeth Moudy, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania. In the early days they migrated from Pennsylvania down the … Read more

Biography of C. O. Davis

C. O. Davis, one of the enterprising and progressive young agriculturists of northeastern Oklahoma, residing five miles north-east of Dewey, devotes his attention to the pursuits of farming and stock raising with excellent success. He was born in Chicago, Illinois, on the 7th of December, 1889, and there pursued his education. It was in 1909, when a young man of twenty years, that he came to Oklahoma, locating in Dewey, where he was placed in charge of the gas department of the W. F. Cowen Cement, Oil & Gas Company and laid all of their pipe lines here. Subsequently he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert Ellsworth Lewis

Lewis, Robert Ellsworth; gen. sec’y Y. M. C. A.; born, Berkshire, Vermont, Sept. 28, 1869; son of C. P. V. and Ellen E. Haynes Lewis; University of Vermont, class of 1892, degrees Ph. D., M. A., L. H. D.; married, Brookline, Massachusetts, Aug. 24, 1893, Grace Mason Brackett (Wellesley, 1890); issue, five sons, three daughters; captain and aide staff Brig. Gen. J. J. Estey, Vermont National Guard, 1892-1894; expedition relief Peking, China, 1900, attached to 14th infantry staff until after capture of Peking; began career as college Y. M. C. A. sec’y in Massachusetts and Rhode Island; national traveling sec’y … Read more

Biography of Martin M. Brown, M.D.

MARTIN M. BROWN, M. D. – The life work of Dr. Martin M.Brown has carried his name to wide significance, and in his present success he holds a leading position in medical and surgical practice in Western Massachusetts. Active in his profession for many years, and for thirty-three years a leading physician of North Adams, Dr. Brown has specialized within recent years in surgery, and is widely sought in this part of the State. A native of Vermont, and educated in a western institution, Dr. Brown is thoroughly representative of the best thought and achievement in his chosen profession. He … Read more

Biography of Edgar Fenton Broomhall

Edgar Fenton Broomhall is secretary of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Company with headquarters and home at Parsons. Native ability and long experience in railroading have given Mr. Broomhall unusual qualifications for the large responsibilities he now enjoys. He was born in Chicago August 18, 1877, and from that date it will be seen that he is still a young man. His father, Charles W. Broomhall, was born in Wilmington, Ohio, August 9, 1850, grew up and married in his native state, and in early life learned telegraphy and was an operator until 1888. For several years he was … Read more

Biography of Alfred Eoff

Alfred Eoff, the able and widely known cashier of the Boise City National Bank, possesses the undaunted spirit and business enterprise which have developed and are developing the marvelous resources and wealth of the western states and territories. All credit is due the brave and fearless frontiersman who paves the way for the on-coming tide of civilization, and, by his industry and zeal opens a thousand avenues for commerce and progress. In such a work Mr. Eoff has largely aided and in the history of Idaho he well deserves representation. Of Dutch ancestry, the forefathers of Alfred Eoff settled at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Judson W. Ong, Jr.

Ong, Judson W. Jr.; piano business; born, Lacon, Ill., Nov. 5, 1880; son of Judson W. and Isabelle Mayes Ong; educated, Lacon, Ill., High School; married, Chicago, Ill., Jan. 2, 1902, Mercedes E. Armitage; one son and one daughter, William and Mercedes; entered the retail piano business with George P. Bent, of Chicago, when he was 18; has continued in the piano business; traveled for leading wholesale firms; promoted and built, with H. J. Anderson, one of the most successful player piano mechanisms; came to Cleveland in 1904; has managed the Piano Dept. of the Bailey Co., and was connected … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Newberger

Newberger, John; physician and surgeon; born, Chicago, Ill., Aug. 16, 1871; son of Anthony Newberger; educated, Chicago Grammar and High schools, Chicago College of Pharmacy, Medical Department, Western Reserve University, degree of M. D.; member Cleveland Medical Library Ass’n, Cleveland Academy of Medicine, Ohio State Medical Society; Masonic Bodies, 32nd degree AI Koran Temple; member Athletic, and Automobile Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Charles Sumner Howe

Howe, Charles Sumner; college pres.; born, Nashua, N. H., Sept. 29, 1858; son of William R. and Susan D. Woods Howe; B. S., Massachusetts Agricultural College, and Boston University, 1878; post-graduate course, mathematics and physics, Johns Hopkins; Ph. D., University of Wooster, 1887; (Sc. D., Armour Institute Tech., Chicago, 1905; LL. D., Mt. Union College, Ohio, 1908; and Oberlin College, 1911); married, Abbie A. Waite, of North Amherst, Mass., May 22, 1882; prin. Albuquerque (N. M.), Academy, 1879-1881; prof. mathematics and astronomy, Buchtel College, 1883-1889; prof. mathematics and astronomy, 1889-1902, acting pres. 1902-1903, pres. since 1903, Case School of Applied … Read more

Biography of Robert Drakely Rood, M. D., D. S.

Dr. Robert Drakeley Rood enjoys the distinction of bringing in the first large oil well in what was then Indian Territory and since the fall of 1903 has made his home in Bartlesville, while through the intervening period he has operated extensively in connection with the development of the oil industry in the south-west. His labors have constituted a most effective and important factor in the up-building and progress of this section of the country, nor has he ever been remiss in duties of citizenship or in recognition and utilization of the chances for contributing to the development and welfare … Read more

Biography of John J. McGrath

San Mateo is fortunate in having so many of San Francisco’s substantial business men listed among its residents. John J. McGrath Is one of them who, although burdened with the responsibilities of an Important position, gives painstaking support to every movement for the good of the city and enables the community to ‘reap the benefit of having men of his type as a resident. Mr McGrath is an expert sales manager, having been in this line for twenty-five years. His first sales position was with Swift & Co., when he had emigrated from Ireland and settled In Chicago. Two years … Read more

Burton W. Todd of Chicago IL

Burton W. Todd8, (Roswell7, Oliver6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) married Hannah Wilson, and went to Chicago, Ill. Children: 1892. Arthur 1893. Herbert W., lived in Minnesota. 1894. Orrin W. 1895. Belle, m. Dr.(???)Anderson. 1896. (???). 1897. (???).

Biographical Sketch of Albert Joseph MacAdams

MacAdams, Albert Joseph; merchant; born in Chicago, Aug. 19, 1868; son of Henry and Carrie Crosby MacAdams; public school and high schools; married, Cleveland, Feb. 18, 1913, L. Jean Sowers; started mnfg. woodturning machinery, and became stationary engineer; went into grocery business in Ashtabula, 1886, but sold out and went into retail store; came to Cleveland, 1888, and associated himself with Bowman’s wallpaper store; later joined Keep Mnfg. Co., makers of shirts, until they discontinued business here in 1890, when he went into haberdashery with W. B. Davis; became member of the firm in 1898, and in 1902, after spending … Read more

Biography of Harry C. Bohrer, M. D.

Dr. Harry C. Bohrer, a St. Louis surgeon, who though among the younger representatives of the profession, has attained a prominence that many an older physician might well envy, was born in Macon, Missouri, October 8, 1890. His father, the late George W. Bohrer, was also a native of this state and a representative of an old Pennsylvania family that was established in Missouri in pioneer times. The grandfather was David Bohrer, who came to Missouri long prior to the Civil war and devoted his life to agricultural pursuits here. George W. Bohrer was reared and educated in Kansas and … Read more

Biography of George J. Barker, Hon.

Hon. George J. Barker, who became a resident of Lawrence in 1867 and was identified with that city and the state until his death on October 12, 1912, thoroughly earned a right to rank among the finest legal minds of Kansas during the last half century. He was not less a great citizen, especially in his work and devotion to his home community at Lawrence. George J. Barker was born November 6, 1842, near Springfield, Massachusetts, son of Cyrus E. and Eliza (King) Barker. He was of English lineage and of New England stock. When he was seven years of … Read more