Biography of Edgar Fenton Broomhall

Edgar Fenton Broomhall is secretary of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Company with headquarters and home at Parsons. Native ability and long experience in railroading have given Mr. Broomhall unusual qualifications for the large responsibilities he now enjoys. He was born in Chicago August 18, 1877, and from that date it will be seen that he is still a young man. His father, Charles W. Broomhall, was born in Wilmington, Ohio, August 9, 1850, grew up and married in his native state, and in early life learned telegraphy and was an operator until 1888. For several years he was … Read more

Biography of Ed E. Maxey, M. D.

Illinois has furnished to Idaho a number of her leading citizens, including Dr. E. E. Maxey of Caldwell. He was born in Irvington, Washington County, Illinois, on the 21st of August 1867. His ancestors resided in Maryland, Virginia and Tennessee. His father, Dr. W. C. Maxey, was a practicing physician of Illinois for many years. He was graduated in the University of Tennessee, and, determining to devote his energies to the medical profession, has gained marked prestige therein. During the civil war he joined the First Illinois Cavalry and afterward re-enlisted in the Eightieth Illinois Infantry, being promoted to the … Read more

Biography of C. M. Scott, M. D.

In viewing the mass of mankind in the varied occupations of life, the conclusion is forced upon the observer that in the vast majority of cases men have sought employment not in the line of their peculiar fitness but in those fields where caprice or circumstances have placed them, thus explaining the reason of the failure of ninety-five per cent, of those who enter commercial and professional circles. In a few cases it seems that men with a peculiar fitness for a certain line have taken it up, and marked success has followed. Such is the fact in the case … Read more

Biography of Henry Craig Morrison

Henry Craig Morrison, secretary, treasurer and general manager of the Morrison Lee Mining & Development Company, president of the Contract Waterproofing Company and also secretary of the Arkansas Mining & Mercantile Company, has won a most creditable position in business circles in St. Louis, his native city. He was born July 22, 1888, and is a son of John W. Morrison of St. Louis, whose birth occurred in Georgetown, Kentucky, and who comes of an old family of English lineage. The first representatives of the name landed at Plymouth during the early colonization of Massachusetts, and for a century the. … Read more

Biography of Carl O. Bernhardi, M. D.

It is seldom that a young physician entering upon the practice of his profession achieves instantaneous and striking success. The path that leads to a large and lucrative practice is in nearly every case a weary and a tortuous one. But to all rules there are exceptions. The young physician whose life we are to discuss in this sketch, Doctor Carl O. Bernhardi, although one of the younger of Rock Island County’s physicians, has, nevertheless, in the few brief years that he has practiced his calling, attained an eminence that places him well in the van as a prominent and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Sumner Howe

Howe, Charles Sumner; college pres.; born, Nashua, N. H., Sept. 29, 1858; son of William R. and Susan D. Woods Howe; B. S., Massachusetts Agricultural College, and Boston University, 1878; post-graduate course, mathematics and physics, Johns Hopkins; Ph. D., University of Wooster, 1887; (Sc. D., Armour Institute Tech., Chicago, 1905; LL. D., Mt. Union College, Ohio, 1908; and Oberlin College, 1911); married, Abbie A. Waite, of North Amherst, Mass., May 22, 1882; prin. Albuquerque (N. M.), Academy, 1879-1881; prof. mathematics and astronomy, Buchtel College, 1883-1889; prof. mathematics and astronomy, 1889-1902, acting pres. 1902-1903, pres. since 1903, Case School of Applied … Read more

Smith, Kenneth – Obituary

Kenneth ‘Ken’ Smith Formerly of La Grande 1943-2009 Ken Smith, 66, of Salem and formerly of La Grande, died Oct. 12. A private family ceremony will be held in Portland in November. Ken was born Aug. 27, 1943, to G. LaVerne and Dorothy Smith in Chicago. He married his wife, Connie, in 1966. They had two children, Julie and Marc, and moved to La Grande in 1981. Ken taught in the education department at Eastern Oregon University until his retirement. His family said that many of Ken’s most treasured memories came from this time in his life. In lieu of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse O. Snyder

In charge of the great plant of the Western Meat Company at South San Francisco which employs hundreds of men and turns out thousands of dollars worth of products monthly, is Jesse O. Snyder, a resident of South San Francisco for the past twenty years or more and one of its leading boosters. Mr. Snyder is a native of Pennsylvania and it was in Chicago that he gained his fundamental knowledge of the packing business. Before coming west he was with Swift & Co. He worked himself up to a responsible position with these interests who sent him out to … Read more

Biography of Harry C. Kariher, M. D.

Harry C. Kariher, M. D. Perhaps no call is so insistent in man as that of personal service to others. It is one of the beautiful elements of humanity; it lies at the root of religion and permeates every brotherhood organization. The appeal for help made by the physically sick and maimed has led many a noble-hearted young man to prepare for and devote himself to the arduous profession of medicine, occasionally thereby to a large extent turning aside from the pleasures of the leisurely life that ample means might have afforded him, finding compensation in the knowledge of the … Read more

Biography of Rev. Thomas Mackin

Reverend Thomas Mackin was born in County Armagh, Ireland, January 4, 1841, the son of Daniel and Ann Mackin. His rudimentary education was received in the Government schools of his native land, and upon his completion of the course afforded there, he turned to teaching as a means of livelihood, and to pave the way for the attainment of wider educational advantages. In 1861 Thomas Mackin came to America, settling in Leland, Illinois. Here his brother James, was engaged in the dry goods, commission and land business. It was during war time and they did an extensive business. Thomas, however, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank C. Caine

Caine, Frank C.; contractor; born, Cleveland, June 15, 1863; son of William C. and Jane Caley Caine; educated, Cleveland public schools and Spencerian Business College; married, Chicago, Ill., Nov. 10, 1891, Gertrude C. Coffman; with Geo. Worthington Co. ten years; organized saddlery and harness business, wholesale hard-ware three years, organized concrete business in 1895, and National Concrete Fireproofing Co., 1898; pres. The National Concrete Fire-proofing Co.; pres. and treas. The Frank C. Caine Co.; director and vice pres. The Square Realty Co.; same offices in The Seneca Realty Co.; director and treas. The River Land Co.; director The Nock Fire … Read more

Biography of Robert L. Nourse, M. D.

Dr. Robert L. Nourse, a prominent citizen and leading physician of Hailey, was born at Cloverport, Kentucky, September 27, 1864. He descended from English ancestry, and his American progenitors were among the early settlers at Salem and Nashua, Massachusetts. History tells how Rebecca Nourse, a member of his family, was burned at the stake at Salem on a charge of witchcraft, and the story forms one of the darkest and most painful chapters of our American history. One of the sights of Salem is the monument erected to her memory by members of her family of a later generation, and … Read more

Biography of Theron H. Palmer

Theron H. Palmer, architect and builder, and a worthy representative of the business men of Southern California, was born February 14, 1849, in Joliet, Illinois, to which place his parents emigrated from New York State several years previous. In his early childhood they removed to the young city of Chicago, where young Palmer attended school, and upon entering his teens started in to learn the drug business. Soon after the war of the Rebellion broke out, though considerably under the required age, fired by youthful patriotism, he attempted to enter the army, and was twice thwarted in his purposes by … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Per Lee Alvin Lieghley

Lieghley, Per Lee Alvin; lawyer; born, Navarre, Ohio, March 9, 1872; son of Frank B. and Barbara R. Lonas Lieghley; educated, district school, Marshalls Business College, Delaware, Ohio; special course of study in Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio, law course in Cincinnati Law School, and Kent College of Law, Chicago, Illinois, graduating from there in 1896, LL. B.; married, Marysville, Ohio, Jan. 17, 1895, Clara Marie Alexander; issue, two children, Helen and Phyllis; practiced law in Chicago for three years; health failed, returned to Ohio, and accepted principalship of the Strasburg, Ohio schools for three years, doing some law practice … Read more

Biography of Thomas C. Biddle, M. D.

Thomas C. Biddle, M. D. Superintendent of the State Hospital for the Insane at Topeka, Doctor Biddle had long been prominent in his profession in Kansas, where he had practiced as a private physiclan or in connecton with the public service for thirty-five years. His name is well known among the profession not only over Kansas, but his work as superintendent of hospitals for the insane had attracted favorable attention over the country at large. He belongs to a prominent family, of the same branch that produced Nicholas Biddle, one of the first secretaries of the treasury, and many other … Read more

Treaty of September 26, 1833

Articles of a treaty made at Chicago, in the State of Illinois, on the twenty-sixth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, between George B. Porter, Thomas J. V. Owen and William Weatherford, Commissioners on the part of the United States of the one part, and the United Nation of Chippewa, Ottowa and Potawatamie Indians of the other part, being fully represented by the Chiefs and Head-men whose names are hereunto subscribed—which Treaty is in the following words, to wit: ARTICLE 1. The said United Nation of Chippewa, Ottowa, and Potawatamie Indians, … Read more

Coughlan, Lois M. Keller – Obituary

Lois M. Coughlan, 72, of Arlington Heights was a clinical nutritionist for the past 50 years, most recently working a as a renal dietitian at Total Renal Care Inc., Chicago, since 1995.  Mrs. Coughlan was previously a nutritionist at Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, since the 1970s and at Resurrection Medical Center in Chicago from the early 1960s to the 1970s. Mrs. Coughlan, a Chicago native, died Monday, April 10, in her home.  In 1949 Mrs. Coughlan received a bachelor’s degree in dietetics at College of St. Teresa, Winona, Minn.  She completed an internship in dietetics at Henry Ford Hospital … Read more

Biography of Gray C. Briggs, M.D.

Dr. Gray C. Briggs, a well known Roentgenologist, was born in Burlington, Iowa. June 30, 1882, a son of Dr. Waldo Briggs, who became a noted surgeon of St. Louis. He was born at Bowling Green, Kentucky, July 3, 1856, his parents being William Thompson and Anna (Stubbins) Briggs. He won his professional degree on the completion of a course in the medical department of the University of Nashville, at Nashville, Tennessee, and in 1877 began practice in St. Louis. From 1895 until 1898 he was professor of surgery in Beaumont Medical College and in the latter year accepted the … Read more

Biography of Martin M. Brown, M.D.

MARTIN M. BROWN, M. D. – The life work of Dr. Martin M.Brown has carried his name to wide significance, and in his present success he holds a leading position in medical and surgical practice in Western Massachusetts. Active in his profession for many years, and for thirty-three years a leading physician of North Adams, Dr. Brown has specialized within recent years in surgery, and is widely sought in this part of the State. A native of Vermont, and educated in a western institution, Dr. Brown is thoroughly representative of the best thought and achievement in his chosen profession. He … Read more

Ellithorpe, Erie – Obituary

Erie E. Ellithorpe, at his residence, 6122 Prairie Ave.  Funeral Friday, March 12 [1915] at 2:30.  Interment at Mount Hope.  [Erie was survived by his wife Lillian Pegg] Contributed by:  Shelli Steedman