Biography of Herman J. Bialeschke

Herman J. Bialeschke. For upward of sixty years the Bialeschke family has had a prominent part in the farming and business activities of southwestern Champaign County. Herman J. Bialeschke came to this county when a small child, industriously followed farming for many years, has played a very vigorous and public spirited part in local affairs, and is now enjoying the comforts of retired life in the village of Sadorus. He was born in Germany, July 28, 1855, a son of Frederick and Minnie (Nofftz) Bialeschke, who were also natives of the fatherland. In, 1857, when he was about a year … Read more

Biography of Col. J. C. Haines

COL. J.C. HAINES. – This gentleman was born February 14, 1850, at Hainesville, Lake county, Illinois, his father being the late Honorable E.M. Haines of Illinois, who was twice speaker of the House of Representatives of that state, and for a short time acting governor, and also the author of several treatises and text books on law. He is also a nephew of Honorable John C. Haines, who was twice mayor of Chicago and for many hears a prominent banker in that city. Our subject acquired his early education in the public schools, and completed his studies at Williams College, … Read more

Biography of Henry Howland Chase, M. D.

Holding in high estimate the duties and responsibilities which his position involved, and more than ordinarily successful as a medical practitioner surgeon, Dr. Henry H. Chase is well remembered in Rock Island, the city in which he spent the later years of his life. He was an American of the highest type, and of purest blood, as well. His lineage on both sides is traceable for many generations back on American soil. His mother is a direct descendant of John Howland of Mayflower fame. His father was a relative of the late Chief Justice Chase of the United States Supreme … Read more

Black Hawk’s War – Indian Wars

Black Hawk

We have now to record the events of a war “which brought one of the noblest of Indians to the notice and admiration of the people of the United States. Black Hawk was an able and patriotic chief. With the intelligence and power to plan a great project, and to execute it, he united the lofty spirit which secures the respect and confidence of a people. He was born about the year 1767, on Rock river, Illinois. At the age of fifteen he took a scalp from the enemy, and was in consequence promoted by his tribe to the rank of a brave.

Biography of George J. Barker, Hon.

Hon. George J. Barker, who became a resident of Lawrence in 1867 and was identified with that city and the state until his death on October 12, 1912, thoroughly earned a right to rank among the finest legal minds of Kansas during the last half century. He was not less a great citizen, especially in his work and devotion to his home community at Lawrence. George J. Barker was born November 6, 1842, near Springfield, Massachusetts, son of Cyrus E. and Eliza (King) Barker. He was of English lineage and of New England stock. When he was seven years of … Read more

Spaeth, Mary E. (Sweeney) – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon Longtime Resident Succumbs at 80 Mary E. Spaeth of 1860 2nd St., passed away Sunday, Aug. 27 at her home at the age of 80. Mrs. Spaeth was born on May 24, 1892 at Chicago, Ill., the daughter of Thomas and Teresa Sweeney. On April 30, 1913 she was married to Fred Spaeth at Portland, Ore. They moved to La Grande later that year where Mr. Spaeth started the Spaeth Plumbing and Heating Company. Mr. Spaeth preceded his wife in death on July 12, 1970. Mrs. Spaeth was a member of Our Lady of the … Read more

Biography of Thomas Harper Cobbs

Thomas Harper Cobbs, lawyer and senior member of the firm of Cobbs & Logan, 1111-1116 Third National Bank building, St. Louis, Missouri, was born August 26, 1868, on a farm in Fairview township, Lafayette county, about six miles southeast of Napoleon, Missouri. His father, Thomas T. Cobbs, was a native of Tennessee. His grandfather, Thomas Cobbs, was a native of Virginia and a descendant of EnglishWelsh parents. His grandfather was among the pioneer settlers of Lafayette county, having come to that county in 1830, and having built the first gristmill in that section. After his grandfather’s death, his father operated … Read more

Biography of James Cyrus Preston, M. D.

James Cyrus Preston, M. D. One of the foremost men of Buffalo, Kansas, is Dr. James Cyrus Preston, the pioneer physician, and for many years the leader in medical thought in Wilson County, and the wise adviser and stable supporter of public enterprises which have assisted greatly in the town’s development. Doctor Preston came first to Buffalo after some years of medical experience in Arizona, and thus was well prepared for the hardships and handicaps that attended his early days here, in 1889, and with the exception of an interim of five years, had been a continuous resident and a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. K. Turner

Turner, J. K.; editor; born, Chicago, 1863; son of J. K. and Ellen Brady Turner; educated, common schools, three years; married, Milwaukee, Wis., 1896, May Grace Schiffman; issue, three children; pres. The Manufacturers’ Information Bureau Co.; editor The Mediator Magazine; owner The Mediator Printery; member Chamber of Commerce, Geauga County Farm Improvement Ass’n, Cleveland Humane Society; member the following: The Square Deal Club, The American Academy of Political and Social Science, The American Civic Association, American Geographical Ass’n, National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education, National Educational Ass’n; member Colonial, Tippecanoe, and Automobile Clubs.

Biography of George Guy Ross

GEORGE GUY ROSS – To point with pride to the fact that the blood of King Charles I of Scotland on his paternal side, and of the royal Stuarts on his maternal side courses in his veins is the privilege and right of George G. Ross, well known and successful sporting goods dealer of Greenfield. But with equal pride does he point to the fact that of his more immediate forebears his father and grandfather were honest farmer folk, who were not ashamed to acknowledge that the earth yielded of her fruit to their labors whereby they were enabled to … Read more

Biography of David Adam Kline

David Adam Kline, member of the Muskogee bar engaged in the general practice of law, was born in Marion county, Iowa, June 4, 1874, a son of Lloyd Thomas and Magdalena (Vicinus) Kline. The father was a contractor and builder, devoting his life to that pursuit in order to provide for his family. He moved with his family from Marion county to Des Moines, Iowa, in 1882, and to Chicago, Illinois, in 1887. David A. Kline after completing his high school education and work in the University Academy, later engaged in the study of law. He pursued his studies at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edwin L. Thurston

Thurston, Edwin L.; patent lawyer; born, Pawtucket, R. I., Oct. 3, 1857; son of Thomas E. and Anne W. Falconer Thurston; educated, Brown University, class of 1881, B. P. H.; began the practice of his profession in, Chicago; came to Cleveland, October, 1887; has been a member successively of the following firms, Watson & Thurston, Wing & Thurston, Thurston & Babis, Thurston & Woodward, Thurston & Kwis; pres. The Maxwell Filing Systems Co., Chi Phi College Fraternity; member Union, Mayfield, Country, and Automobile Clubs. Recreation: Golf.

Biographical Sketch of Charles Criswell Arbuthnot

Arbuthnot, Charles Criswell; professor of Economics, W. R. U.; born, Pittsburg, Pa., May 30, 1876; son of James M. and Rebecca M. Criswell Arbuthnot; B. S., Geneva College, 1899; asst. in History, 1899-1900; Fellow in Political Economy, Univ. of Chicago, 1901-03; Ph. D., 1903; Instructor in Political Economy, Univ. of Nebraska, 1903-04; Adjunct Professor, 1904; Instructor in Economics, Adelbert College, and the College for Women, W. R. U., 1904-08; associate professor of Economics, 1906-08; professor of Economics, 1908-; member American Economic Ass’n, American Academy of Political and Social Science; Haymarket District Committee of Associated Charities; Board of Management of University … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. L. Rosenberg

Rosenberg, W. L.; orginator and mgr. of the Windsor Institute for Backward Children; born, Westphalen, Jan. 10, 1850; son of Henry Rosenberg; educated in common schools and University of Berlin; married, New York, 1884, Marie Vessie Rosenberg; one son, Dr. Percy Rosenberg, and one daughter, Mrs. Eisie Werley; taught Latin and German for two years in Boston; then worked for Chicago, New York and Cincinnati newspapers; in 1897-1899, local editor of the Waechter-Anzeiger; then returned to his profession as teacher of backward children; is a Social-Democrat; for eight years was teacher of Latin and Greek in Germany; left on account … Read more

Biography of Harry C. Bohrer, M. D.

Dr. Harry C. Bohrer, a St. Louis surgeon, who though among the younger representatives of the profession, has attained a prominence that many an older physician might well envy, was born in Macon, Missouri, October 8, 1890. His father, the late George W. Bohrer, was also a native of this state and a representative of an old Pennsylvania family that was established in Missouri in pioneer times. The grandfather was David Bohrer, who came to Missouri long prior to the Civil war and devoted his life to agricultural pursuits here. George W. Bohrer was reared and educated in Kansas and … Read more

Biography of Julius Isay

Julius Isay is one of the most prominent businessmen of Owyhee County, being the senior member of the firm of Isay & Gombrig, dealers in general merchandise, both at De Lamar and Silver City. A country has but one chief ruler, be he king, emperor or president. Comparatively few men can attain to the highest offices in civil or military life, but commerce offers a broad and almost limitless field in which one may exercise his powers unrestrained and gain a leader-ship as the head of a chosen calling. Drawing the lessons which we do from the life of Mr. … Read more

Charles Montezuma

There always have existed among the North American Indians, and still exist, many examples of intellectual ability, of genius, of high moral feeling and as noble and pure patriotism as was ever found in any nation of people and as proof of this fact I relate the following: Some twenty-five years ago a photographer of Chicago, being in Arizona on a vacation trip, found and rescued from an Apache camp an abandoned Indian male infant of full blood. The photographer became possessed with a desire to take the boy home with him and adopt him. In spite of warnings that the … Read more

Biography of Samuel R. Langworthy

Samuel R. Langworthy is one of the most progressive and energetic real-estate and insurance men of Riverside. He established his office and business in May 1888, at a time when the “boomers ” were rapidly retiring from the field of real estate in disgust. He is not a boomer,” but is a wide awake, energetic business man, confining himself to legitimate straightforward dealings, and his success in business and the rapid extension of his operations are a sufficient proof that bona-fide real-estate transactions can always be consummated in Riverside, when based upon their real value. It is to his efforts … Read more

Biography of William A. Harris, Gen.

Gen. William A. Harris was a brave officer of the Confederacy, a pioneer railroad engineer, a successful and leading stock raiser of improved breeds and, both in state and national bodies (including the Congress of the United States), an untiring and effective promoter of agricultural interests. Born in Loudoun County, Virginia, October 29, 1841, as a boy he was educated in his native state and at Buenos Aires, Argentina, whither his father had been sent as United States minister. In June, 1859, he graduated from Columbia College, Washington, District of Columbia. Immediately afterward he went to Central America and spent … Read more

Biography of Clarence W. Brooks

A little thoughtful consideration of the career of Clarence W. Brooks, proprietor of the Brooks House, Idaho Falls, brings one to the conclusion that he has in most of his business operations been impelled by the spirit of the pioneer. He has sought out new plans and new conditions likely to favor his projects, and after he has made them available and profitable, he has sought out still others, and after those others. The wisdom of his selection has been proven by the success which has crowned his efforts. Not only is he one of the boldest, most venturesome and … Read more