Biographical Sketch of S. E. Ray

S. E. Ray, dealer in dry and fancy goods, boots and shoes, etc., Charleston; was born near Montpelier, Vt., Aug. 5, 1833; in early childhood, he accompanied his parents to Geauga Co. (now Lake), Ohio; there, his father resided until his death, and his mother still resides there; at about the age of 20 years, Mr. Ray went to La Fayette, Ind., and engaged as a traveling salesman for Luce Brothers in the stationery business; and, after remaining with them four years, went to Chicago, and for about six years traveled for the well-known stationery house of Culver, Page, Hoyne … Read more

Biography of Joshua Ricketts

Joshua Ricketts, dealer in grain and produce, groceries, glassware, queens-ware, etc., Ashmore; was born in Muskingum Co., Ohio, March 13, 1821. He is a son of Joshua and Sarah (Taylor) Ricketts. He remained at home until he was 13 years old, when he went to Knox County, Ohio, and engaged in study with a view to preparing for the ministry, but meeting with a change in his religious belief he abandoned the idea and engaged in farming, afterward learning the trade of a marble cutter. At the age of 23 he went to Coshocton, Ohio, and followed farming for a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Randall Alexander

Randall Alexander, breeder and shipper of Poland-China swine, Charleston; about ten years ago this gentleman, in company with S. M. Shepard, made his first start in the introduction and breeding of thorough-bred swine in Coles Co. After having experimented thoroughly with the various breeds of hogs, they became convinced that the Poland-China possessed all the requisites of size, docility, fertility, early maturity, aptitude for taking on flesh, and great constitutional vigor, necessary to render it pre-eminently the hog for the farmer. From a small beginning, the business has grown to its present proportions. Mr. Alexander is now one of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. M. Chambers, M. D.

W. M. Chambers, M. D., physician and surgeon, Charleston, was born in Cynthiana, Ky., April 11, 1814; he is a son of James and Sally Chambers, both natives of Pennsylvania, who settled in Kentucky in 1810. His father was a soldier in the war of 1812; in 1850, his parents removed to Charleston, where his mother died in 1855, and his father in 1873. Dr. Chambers began the study of medicine in his native town in 1833, and, in 1836, began practice in Harrison Co.; he graduated in 1843 from the Medical Department of Transylvania University, Lexington, Ky. In 1846, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. W. Neal, M. D.

J. W. Neal, M. D., physician and surgeon, Charleston; was born July 22, 1851, in what is now Cumberland Co., but then a part of Coles Co.; his father. William Neal, is a prominent and wealthy farmer and stock-raiser, who came to the State fifty-five years ago, at the age of years, from Bourbon Co., Ky.; Dr. Neal remained at home on the farm till he was 19 years old, then entered Lee’s Academy, in this county, graduating in 1871, and at once began the study of medicine with Dr. T. B. Dora, of Mattoon. The winter of 1872-73 he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John M. Madison

Within the past two years Tuscola has lost many of its oldest and most prominent citizens by death, but in the list none have been more sadly missed or sincerely mourned than our subject, John M. Madison, whose death occurred Monday, July 13, 1896. He was born in Harrison County, Kentucky, May 6, 1823, and was at the time of his death in the seventy-fourth year of his age. He belonged to a family of ten children; one brother and two sisters are still living: H. B. Madison, Tuscola ; Mrs. Harriet Parrish, of Cynthiana, Kentucky; and Mrs. Parmelia Carter, … Read more

Biography of Daniel H. Tremble

Daniel H. Tremble, Deputy County Treasurer, Charleston; was born in Harrison Co., Ind., Aug. 28, 1829; the following year, his father, Hiram M. Tremble, came with his family to this county, and, after spending a short time in what is now Mattoon Tp., went to Shelby Co., and there resided until 1833, -when he returned to Coles Co., arid is now a prominent farmer in Mattoon Tp. The subject of this sketch started for himself in 1851, as a teacher; he taught school two winters; in 1852, he engaged in farming, and, after gathering his first crop, came to Charleston, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eli Huron

Eli Huron, dealer in books, stationery, musical instruments, toys, etc., Charleston; was born in Hendricks Co., Ind., Oct. 14, 1836; up to the breaking-out of the rebellion he remained on his father’s farm. In February, 1862, he entered the Union army as a member of Co. A, 53d Ind. V. I., serving in the Army of the Cumberland; he participated in the siege of Corinth, and was wounded at the second battle of Corinth, on the 5th of October, 1862, from which he lost his right arm. He spent the spring and summer of 1864 as a student in Bryant … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Stephen Bishop

Stephen Bishop, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Charleston; was born near Providence, R. I. May 30, 1815; when he was but 2 years old, his parents emigrated to the then Far West, and located in Knox Co.. Ohio, where his father entered land from the Government, and engaged in farming, being among the pioneers in that part of the State; Knox Co. was then comparatively a wilderness; Mt. Vernon, the county seat-now a city of about 10,000 inhabitants-containing at that time but half a dozen houses; Mr. Bishop remained at home on the farm until he was 20 years of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Jefferson Wilson

Thomas Jefferson Wilson was born in. Barren Co., Ky., on Nov. 22, 1825, and moved to Greensburg, Green Co., Ky., in 1847, where, on June 8, 1848, he was married to Lucy Ann Hutchason; he was a wagon-maker by trade; Lucy Ann Hutchason was born in Greensburg, Ky., on June 27, 1826; in April, 1857, Mr. Wilson removed with his family to Charleston, Ill., where he went into the employ of L. R. & B. M. Hutchason, his brothers-in-law, who were in the dry goods trade. On Jan. 12, 1859, his wife died in Charleston. In 1860, he began business … Read more

Biography of R. A. Traver

R. A. Traver, of the firm of Traver & Nixon, manufacturers of and dealers in brooms, brushes, etc., Charleston; was born in Schenectady Co., N. Y., Aug. 19, 1837; he was raised on a farm; in 1856, he removed with his parents to Brooklyn, N. Y., where, for two years, he was employed as a book-keeper for A. W. Hendrickson & Co., coal-dealers; in 1858, he went to Harrison Co., W. Va., where he was engaged in farming and carpentering till 1867; he then came to Clark Co., Ill., and engaged in the broom business, but soon afterward removed to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Godfrey Weber

Godfrey Weber, deceased, late of Charleston; born in Oberslingen, Kingdom of Wurtemberg, Germany, Dec. 24, 1820: his father was a vineyardist, and his early years were passed among the vine-clad hills and sunny slopes of his native land. He was married in August, 1848, to Miss Frances Muller, who was born in Wisgoldingen, Wurtemberg, Germany, May 27, 1824; they immediately emigrated to America, and settled near Louisville, Ky., and engaged in gardening and wine-growing; two years later, he removed to Clark Co., Ill., and located on a farm near Westfield, to which town he afterward removed, and worked in the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac B. Mitchell

Isaac B. Mitchell, dealer in groceries and provisions, Charleston; is the youngest son of James A. and Esther Mitchell; he was born in Charleston, Ill., Jan. 6, 1841; he remained on the farm until the age of 15 years; the next four years he spent in the Charleston Academy, where he prepared for the Sophomore class in college, intending to pursue a college course; but, in 1861, owing to circumstances, he abandoned the idea and engaged in farming. In April, 1862, he enlisted in Co. A, 68th I. V. I., for three months. He continued farming until 1865, teaching school … Read more

Biographical Sketch of R. M. Gray

R. M. Gray, attorney at law, Mattoon; was born in Pleasant Grove Tp., Coles Co., Dec. 27, 1848; his father, James C., was one of the early pioneers of this section; his early life was that of a. farmer’s son; in addition to his common school education, at the age of 19, he entered Westfield College, Clark Co., Ill., and remained one year; he next attended an academy in his native township, two years, under the supervision of Prof. T. J. Lee; in the fall of 1870, he entered the law department of Michigan University, from which he graduated in … Read more

Biography of Jacob K. Decker

Jacob K. Decker, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Charleston; was born in Knox Co., Ind., Aug. 7, 1817; his parents, Isaac and Margaret Decker, were Virginians, and left that State in 1811, and were living in Fort Knox, on the Wabash, when the battle of Tippecanoe was fought; when he was 7 years old, his father died, and at about the age of 15, he was apprenticed by his guardian to a merchant in Crawford Co., Ill.; in 1836, he came to Charleston and engaged in the grocery business, with a capital of $250; about two and a half years … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank L. Bishop

Frank L. Bishop, proprietor of the Bee-Hive store, dealer in dry goods and notions, boots and shoes, etc. Charleston; was born in Mt. Vernon Co., Ohio, Nov. 20, 1846; he is a son of Stephen and Joanna (Bane) Bishop, and came with his father’s family to Coles Co., as stated in his fathers biography; he was engaged as a clerk for Mathews, Alexander & Co., in Charleston, for three years, after which he spent three years in La Fayette, Ind; he then engaged in general merchandising in Loving-ton, Ill., the firm being Dickson & Bishop; after remaining there three years, … Read more

Biography of Col. A. P. Dunbar

Col. A. P. Dunbar, retired, Charleston; with one exception, the oldest living inhabitant of the city; was born in Fleming Co., Ky., July 4,1810; his father, Alexander Dunbar, was a soldier in the war of 1812 and participated in the battles of the River Raisin and the Thames, and was present at the famous Perry’s victory on Lake Erie. The subject of this sketch, after receiving an English education and reading law to some extent, came to Clay Co., Ill., in 1828, at the age of 18 years, and engaged in teaching; after two years, he returned to Kentucky, where … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jacob K. Cottonham

Jacob K. Cottonham, farmer; P. O. Charleston; the subject of this sketch was born in Floyd Co., Ind., Nov. 15, 1831. He married Miss Sallie Ann Fowler March 5, 1855; she was born in Coles Co., Ill., Dec. 13, 1843 they had seven children, six living viz., William E., Margaret L., George A., Joseph U., Charles D. W. and Hervey F. He lived in Indiana until 1855, when he came to Illinois, and settled in Coles Co. near Charleston, and engaged in brickmaking, and continued in the business nearly eight years, when he engaged in farming; in 1874, he came … Read more