Pearl E. Todd Slater of Quasqueton IA

SLATER, Pearl E. Todd10, (Howard M.9, Morris8, Allen7, David6, Abraham5, Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born in Quasqueton, Iowa, married Edson Slater, who is a carpenter and they live in Quasqueton, Iowa. Child: I. Gevena M.

Howard M. Todd of Quasqueton IA

Howard M. Todd9, (Morris8, Allen7, David6, Abraham5, Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born in 1865, in Quasqueton, Ia., married in 1888, Jessie D. Norton. He has always been a farmer and in 1917 was living on his farm located about one mile from Quasqueton, Ia. Children: *2728. Harold L. 2729. Earl H. *2730. Pearl E. 2731. John A. 2732. Arthur M. 2733. Paul D. 2734. Theodore H. 2735. Forest N. 2736. Ruth E. 2737. Maurice N.

Iowa Death Records by County

Many experts recommend starting your research with the death records first. The death record is the most recent record, so it will more likely be available to you. Death records are kept in the state where your ancestor died, not where they were buried. However these records can provide a burial location. Death records are especially helpful because they may provide important information on a person’s birth, spouse, and parents. Some researchers look first for death records because there are often death records for persons who have no birth or marriage records. Early death records, like cemetery records, generally give … Read more

Mary I. Todd Hopkins of Oregon

HOPKINS, Mary I. Todd9, (Morris8, Allen7, David6, Abraham5, Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) was born in Quasqueton, Buchanan County, Iowa, in 1856, married about 1877, M. M. Hopkins, who was a physician. Before her marriage she taught school for a few years. After their marriage they moved to the state of Washington and afterwards to Alaska. She died in Oregon in 1905. Children: I. Zilpah, m. Elbert Blackmar and they reside in Cal. II. Jessie, m.(???)Hunt, and they reside in Alaska.

Biography of Joseph Anson

JOSEPH ANSON. – Across the waters of the Atlantic came the subject of this sketch to make for himself a home and a name in the foster land of his choice. Here he has done nobly in the endeavors of his life, and while he has demonstrated an ability that is commendable in the affairs of business, and uprightness and integrity in all of his ways, he has also shown in an emphatic manner his love for his country, by taking up the weapons of warfare to defend the flag and preserve intact the Union, when the dark days of … Read more

Jessie V. Todd Lynch of Independence IA

LYNCH, Jessie V. Todd9, (Morris8, Allen7, David6, Abraham5, Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born in 1862, in Quasqueton, Ia., married in 1888, H. T. Lynch. They reside in Independence, Ia., where he is largely interested in real-estate and also in the oil fields of Kansas and Oklahoma. Mrs. Lynch taught school for some years before her marriage. Children: I. Harry C., is a civil engineer and lived in Independence, Ia., he graduated from Wis. State College. II. Percy L., in 1917 he was attending the State Teachers College in Greeley, Col. III. Frank T., resides in Dennison, Ia., where he is … Read more

Skillings, Ransom Jacob – Obituary

Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon Ransom Jacob Skillings was born in Fairbank, Iowa, on November 8, 1881, and died at his home in Wallowa on December 7, 1936, after a long and lingering illness. He was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Skillings. With his parents he came to Oregon in 1894 settling in Union where they spent one winter and the next.. Rest of article missing Source: Enterprise Record Chieftain, Enterprise, Oregon, December 17, 1936 Contributed by: Sue Wells Transcribed by: Belva Ticknor

Iowa Atlases, Farm Directories, and Plat Books

1859 Map of Washington County Iowa

This collection contains digital atlases, farm directories, and plat books for all 99 Iowa counties. We have collated these from a variety of online sources, and provide them here as a single source for all online Iowa County Atlases, Farm Directories, and Plat Books.

Emma Viola Todd Shillinglaw of Independence IA

SHILLINGLAW, Emma Viola Todd9, (Morris8, Allen7, David6, Abraham5, Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born in 1859, in Quasqueton, Iowa, married in 1882, C. M. Shillinglaw, who at that time was a merchant in Rockley, Iowa. Afterwards they moved to Independence, Iowa, where he became cashier of the Commercial State Bank. His health failing, he purchased a farm about twelve miles from Independence, Iowa, and one mile from Rowley, where he lived until his death in 1901. She also was a teacher before her marriage. After her husbands death she remained on the farm for four or five years and then she … Read more

Morris Todd of Quasqueton IA

Morris Todd8, (Allen7, David6, Abraham5, Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born in 1830, in Herkimer County, N. Y., died in 1902, in Quasqueton, Iowa, married about 1853, Clara F. Finlayson, who was born in 1836, in Onondaga County, N. Y. In his early life, Mr. Todd learned and worked at the shipwright trade. Removing to Michigan, he settled in Port Sanlac, St. Clair County, and engaged in the general merchandise business. It was while he was living here that he married Miss Finlayson. In 1854, he moved again, going to Iowa, and making the journey in a onehorse spring wagon and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of C. C. Zupp

He was born September 18, 1835 to George Peter Zupp (a native of France), and Elizabeth Zeuder of that country. They came to America and located in Pennsylvania. C. C. Zupp was born in Lancaster County, Pa., and when he was 3 years old they went to Wyandot County, Ohio. Three years later, they moved to Hillsdale County, Michigan. At the opening of the Civil War, he enlisted in the Eighteenth Michigan Infantry. After its close, he returned to Michigan, and moved to Buchanan County, Iowa. In 1869, he moved to Section 3, Douglas Township, Ida County, Iowa. At the … Read more

Biography of William M. Rounds

William M. Rounds. Among the men who have won places of responsibility in the gas and oil business in Kansas, one of the best known is William M. Rounds, district superintendent for this part of Kansas and local manager at Caney of the Prairie Pipe Line Company. From the time of his graduation from high school, twenty-three years ago, Mr. Rounds has been identified with his present line of business, and few men are better informed in its various branches. He has been a resident of Caney since 1915 and has already established himself in the confidence of the people … Read more

Edward Payson Todd of Independence KS

Edward Payson Todd8, (Silas7, Elam6, Edmund5, Christopher4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born July 24, 1834, in Mina, Chautauqua County, N. Y., married Feb. 2, 1858, Jane M. Lemon, who was born Oct. 7, 1838, in Canada, near Niagara Falls, died July 19, 1912, in Independence, Iowa, where he now (1914) lives. He was reared on a farm and had very little opportunity to obtain an education. In Aug., 1862, he enlisted in the 96th Illinois Infantry, in which he served his time of enlistment and returned home to family and friends without being wounded; he was in fourteen heavy battles and … Read more

Harold L. Todd of Linn County IA

Harold L. Todd10, (Howard M.9, Morris8, Allen7, David6, Abraham5, Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born in or near Quasqueton, Iowa, married Alena McCaulley. He is a farmer residing about four miles from Walker, Linn county, Iowa, which is his post office address. Child: 2818. Paulina A.

Biography of Tillman E. Dale

Tillman E. Dale. Distinguished as the oldest oil contractor and driller in the mid-continent fields, Tillman E. Dale, one of the substantial men of Chanute, Kansas, is one of the best known oil men in Kansas, Oklahoma and Wyoming, having operated in every field in earlier days in the business and is the pioneer in Neosho County. Mr. Dale was born March 1, 1862, in Buchanan County, Iowa. His parents were George and Mary Robinson (Davey) Dale, both natives of England. George Dale, the paternal grandfather, was born in England in 1807 and remained in his own country until he … Read more

Biography of Peter Heil

Peter Heil, now living retired at Topeka, was born in Jefferson County, New York, December 9, 1840. When sixteen years of age he moved with his father, John Peter Heil, to Buchanan County, Iowa. His mother’s maiden name was Louisa Bueling, and she died when her son Peter was six years old. His parents were natives of Germany, and came to the United States separately as young people, being married in New York State. When in his native state, Peter Heil attended district school for a few months, but after the removal of his people to the West his help … Read more

Carrie A. Todd Cunningham of Portland OR

CUNNINGHAM, Carrie A. Todd9, (Morris8, Allen7, David6, Abraham5, Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born in 1857, in Quasqueton, Buchanan County, Iowa, married in 1883, A. H. Cunningham, who was at that time in the office of the Oregon Short Line R. R. and moved to Portland, Oregon, where they were living in 1917. For some time before her marriage she taught school. Children: I. Belle. II. Todd. III. Jack.

Biography of Edward P. Cadwell

EDWARD P. CADWELL. – This substantial capitalist of Washington, and leading member of the legal profession of Tacoma, was born in Independence, Iowa, December 23, 1855, and was the son of Carlos C. and Emily E. (Ross) Cadwell, his mother having been a sister of Chief Justice Ross of Vermont. He resided in his native town, where he attended a public school, and in his seventeenth year entered the Iowa State Agricultural College, graduating as civil engineer in 1875. Returning home, he became principal for one year of the grammar department of the high school at Independence. Upon the completion … Read more

Biography of Edwin J. Moffitt, M. D.

Edwin J. Moffitt, M. D. A physician and surgeon of Manhattan for the past fifteen years, Doctor Moffitt is highly esteemed professionally and also as a citizen. He is a man of wide experience and thorough professional qualifications, yet is unostentatious and allows his merits and abilities to speak for themselves. He was born at Jesup, Iowa, May 23, 1872, a son of William and Alice (Muncey) Moffitt. William Moffitt, who was born at Cadiz, Ohio, of Scotch parents, was a Union soldier in the Civil war, as was also his father. Grandfather Moffitt attained the post of provost marshal, … Read more