Narrative of Robert Eastburn – Indian Captivities

A Faithful Narrative of the Many Dangers and Sufferings, as well as wonderful and surprising deliverances, of Robert Eastburn, during his late captivity among the Indians. Written by Himself. Published at the earnest request of many persons, for the benefit of the Public. With a recommendatory Preface by the Rev. Gilbert Tennent. Psalms 24, 6, 7, and 193, 2, 4. Philadelphia: Printed. Boston: Reprinted and sold by Green & Russell, opposite the Probate Office in Queen street, 1753. Preface Candid Reader: The author (and subject) of the ensuing narrative (who is a deacon of our church, and has been so … Read more

Biography of William Tuttle

The word Tuthill, meaning a conical hill, is a common place name in England, of remote antiquity. From one or more places named Tuthill the surname Tuthill or Tuttle is derived, after a prevalent custom in the twelfth century and later when surnames came into use in England. The family had been especially prominent in Devonshire, England. There came to America in 1635, in the ship “Planter,” three families of this name from the parish of St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England. John, William, and Richard Tuttle, the heads of these families, were doubtless brothers. John Tuttle, mercer, aged thirty-nine, according to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Adams, Charles Follen

Adams, Charles Follen, son of Ira and Mary Elizabeth (Senter) Adams, was born in Dorchester, Norfolk County, April 21, 1842. He was the youngest but one of ten children, and has now five sisters and three brothers living. He received a common school education, and leaving the grammar school in Dorchester at fifteen years of age, went as a boy into the well-known house of N. D. Whitney & Co., Boston, to learn the business. He was afterwards salesman in the same house, then went into business for himself with John D. Clapp, under the firm name of J. D. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Abbot, Francis Ellingwood

Abbot, Francis Ellingwood, son of Joseph Hale and Fanny (Larcom) Abbot, was born in Boston, November 6, 1836. His early education was obtained at home, and in the Boston public Latin school. Fitting for college, he entered Harvard in 1855, and was graduated with the class of 1859. He spent three years in the Harvard divinity school and Meadville (Pa.) Theological Seminary. It is a fitting tribute to the mother of the subject of this sketch that he has filially attributed his best education to her early training and blessed influence. Mr. Abbot was principal of the Meadville (Pa.) Female … Read more

Biography of James W. and Elisha S. Converse

The descent of the Converse family, of Thompson, from Roger de Coigneries, one of the trusted chieftains of William the Conqueror, has been elsewhere given in this volume, and need not be repeated here.. The first member of the family to emigrate from England to America was Deacon Edward Convers, who settled in Woburn, Mass. His grandson, Samuel Convers, in 1710 removed to, Thompson parish, then Killingly, and became the progenitor of all branches of the family who bear the name, in Thompson. In the line of descent was Edward Convers, whose son Jonathan was the father of Deacon Jonathan … Read more

Boston MA Intentions of Marriage 1782

Marriage Intention

Jack Phillips & Flora Hall Jan. 1, 1782 John Hunt Jr. & Sally Sherburne Jan. 1. 1782 John Welch Jr. & Hannah Kilbey Jan. 10, 1782 Samuel Weeks & Rebecca Nash Jan. 16, 1782 Charles Muncriff & Hannah Bowen Jan. 21, 1782 Quaco White & Violet True, free Negroes Jan. 31 ?, 1782 Benjamin Goodwin Jr. & Deborah Ingersol Jan. 31 ?, 1782 David McLane & Sarah Bullman Feb. 3, 1782 Nathaniel Twing & Hannah Truesdell of Portsmouth Feb. 7, 1782 Thomas Collier & Mary Maiker Feb. 14, 1782 Joseph Hudson & Elizabeth Brown Feb. 21, 1782 William Vibert & … Read more

Descendants of Rev. George Shove of Fall River, MA

SHOVE. Rev. George Shove, gentleman, son of Margery, who was admitted to the church at Boston as a widow in 1638, and who subsequently was of Rowley and a proprietor and still later of Roxbury, where she married in 1654 Richard Peacock, became the third minister of Taunton, ordained Nov. 17, 1665. Of his ministerial life little is known except that be “preached acceptably,” and taught the Taunton school; and it is said that “no rumor of strife or discord in connection with him comes down to us.” His fame, however, as a land bolder and dealer in real estate … Read more

Descendants of John Saxton Kent of North Bridgewater, MA

John S. Kent

HON. JOHN SAXTON KENT, ex-mayor of the city of Brockton, and one of that city’s leading manufacturers, is as well one of the most enterprising and progressive citizens who have made their way to success in this Commonwealth. Merit commands recognition, and the deserving find doors opening and the way growing plainer as they go onward. In the life of Mr. Kent we have a noble example of the result of pluck, untiring energy and perseverance, combined with natural business acumen, he being the architect of his own successful career, and having acquired, through his own capabilities, a place among … Read more

Biography of Benjamin Lyman Culver

Benjamin Lyman Culver, late a retired resident of Pembroke, Merrimack County, N.H., who died December 6, 1896, was born in Norwich, Vt., August 10, 1830, son of the Rev. Lyman and Fanny (Hovey) Culver. The Culver family is of French origin, and is said to have been founded in America by Benjamin L. Culver’s great-grandfather, John Culver, who, it is thought, emigrated from Paris, France. He settled in Connecticut, where he engaged in agricultural pursuits for the rest of his life. His son, James Culver, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in Connecticut; and in early life … Read more

Boston MA Intentions of Marriage 1790

Marriage Intention

Robert Kennedy & Esther Shelton Jan. 6, 1790 John Peter Hawck & Patty Crafts Jan. 10, 1790 Edward Oaks & Mary Nodle Jan. 21, 1790 John Fisbach & Mary Asmus Jan. 26, 1790 Thomas Nye & Sally Larrabee (error) Jan. 27, 1790 Robert Phillips & Susanna Howard Feb. 16, 1790 Hansel Kimbal & Susanna Jennison Feb. 19, 1790 John Bryan & Betsy Lillie Mar. 1, 1790 Jacob Powell & Mary Pedlar Mar. 2, 1790 Gorham Parsons & Sarah Parsons of Gloucester Mar. 3, 1790 David Collins & Fanny Pond Mar. 4, 1790 William Saddler & Mary Guzwell Mar. 11, 1790 … Read more

Biography of Charles Frederick Minott

CHARLES FREDERICK MINOTT – The Minotts are an old Massachusetts family who, however unlike most of the original New England settlers, are of predominating Dutch and French origin. To mention only the immediate ancestry we know that the grandfather of Mr. C. F. Minott, of Greenfield, was of French origin, while the grandmother was of Dutch descent. Their children were: 1. Henry. 2. Aaron. 3. Charles. 4. William H. 5. Frank. The grandfather was engaged in the time-honored and old-fashioned trade of welldigging. William Horatio Minott, father of Charles F. Minott, was a native of Jamestown, New York, born in … Read more

Biography of George S. Wickham, M.D.

GEORGE S. WICKHAM, M. D. – Bringing to his profession a large ability, supplemented by a tireless energy and directed by his splendid preparation, Dr. George S. Wickham, of Lee, stands among the noteworthy physicians of Berkshire County. Active in practice only since the recent war, Dr. Wickham has established his name in this section as that of a thoroughly able and forward looking professional man, and in his future his friends are confident that the community will be greatly benefited. Dr. Wickham is a son of Nicholas and Ellen (Smallwood) Wickham, his father died in February, 1g09, but his … Read more

King William’s War – Indian Wars

King Williams War Map

The war commonly called by the colonists, “King William’s War,” commenced in 1688 and ended in 1697. The object of the French was the expulsion of the English from the northern and middle provinces. The English directed their efforts against Canada. The French secured the services of the greater part of the Indians, and the united forces spread death and desolation in all directions.

Biography of Richard H. Stetson

Richard H. Stetson, Tax Collector of San Bernardino County, was born in the suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts, in 1856. His father, James H. Stetson, was a direct descendant of Cornet Stetson, who settled on the place where he was born in 1634. His mother was Miss Phebe C. Nickerson, great-granddaughter of Sir Thomas Nickerson, and was born and reared at Chatham, on Cape Cod. Richard enjoyed the educational advantages of the schools of Boston. On reaching manhood he came direct to California, locating in San Bernardino in March 1877. He was employed as clerk in the office of a lumber … Read more

Biography of Alvah Charles Ferrin

Alvah Charles Ferrin, a retired contractor and builder of Concord, who served in the United States Navy during the Civil War, was born in Plymouth, N.H., August 13, 1835, son of Daniel E. and Mary Jane (Durgin) Ferrin. His father was a native of Hebron, N.H.; and his mother was born in Buxton, Me. On the father’s side he is a descendant of Revolutionary patriots. His education, which was begun in the public schools of Lowell, Mass., where 1841, was completed when he was about sixteen years old in Hebron, N.H., to which they went in 1842. He started in … Read more

Genealogy of the Whitney Family of New Bedford, Massachusetts

amasa whitney

The Whitney family of New Bedford, of which the late Amasa Whitney, one of the well known citizens of that place, was a worthy member, is one of the oldest and best known of the early families of America. Its members in every generation here from the Colonial ancestor have been noted for high attainments, vigorous intellect and the qualities which make for influential citizenship. Notable among the descendants of John Whitney, the emigrant ancestor, are Eli Whitney, whose fame as the inventor of the cotton gin and no less in other lines has won a place in the hall of fame; the late William Collins Whitney, lawyer and politician, famous as corporation counsel of New York City and secretary of war, 1885-89; and Henry M. Whitney, of Boston – illustrious names Which have added to the glory of their country as well as to the fame of an honored race.

Boston MA Intentions of Marriage 1764

Marriage Intention

Isaac Gamberto & Elizabeth Calf Jan. 5, 1764 Thomas Holland & Hannah Thompson Jan. 12, 1764 Joseph Edes & Mary Murrell Jan. 16, 1764 Jonathan Sewall Esq. of Charlestown & Mrs. Esther Quincy Jan. 21, 1764 Thomas Davis & Elizabeth Bennison Feb. 7, 1764 Robert Lash & Joannah Brown Feb. 9, 1764 Samuel Obar & Susanna Trevor Feb. 13, 1764 William Pitts & Elizabeth Clements Feb. 21, 1764 John Caralle & Sarah Young Feb. 23, 1764 Benjamin Mayhew & Rebecca Moore of Lynn Mar. 8, 1764 John Kenny & Mary Homes Mar. 8, 1764 Samuel Eddy & Lucy Clarke Mar. … Read more

Narrative of the Captivity of Frances Noble – Indian Captivities

Narrative of the captivity of Frances Noble, who was, among others, taken by the Indians from Swan Island, in Maine, about the year 1755; compiled by John Kelly, Esq. of Concord, New Hampshire, from the minutes and memoranda of Phinehas Merrill. Esq. of Stratham, in the same state; and by the Former Gen. Tleman communicated for publication to the editors of the Historical Collections of New Hampshire.

Descendants of Leonard Crocker Couch of Taunton MA


COUCH (Taunton family). The family bearing this name at Taunton whose representative head is now Leonard Crocker Couch, Esq., who since boyhood has been a resident of the city, occupied in mechanical and business lines, and for years one of the substantial men and useful citizens of the community, is one of long and honorable standing in the neighboring State of Connecticut and of distinction in our country. And through its Taunton alliance of a generation ago – that of Maj. Gen. Darius Nash Couch, of Civil war fame, the father of the present Leonard Crocker Couch just alluded to … Read more

Boston MA Intentions of Marriage 1762

Marriage Intention

Francis Costar & Margaret Hubbard Jan. 2,1762 Joseph Selva & Jane Chamberlain Jan. 4, 1762 Joshua Thornton & Lucretia Lehay Jan. 7, 1762 Nicholas Fitzgerald & Katharine Gough Jan. 14, 1762 Robert Gadd & Hannah Tuffs Jan. 18, 1762 Paul Burbeen & Elizabeth Granger Jan. 22, 1762 Luke Hall & Sarah Barnard Jan. 27, 1762 Andras Rundle & Susannah Hayden Feb. 4, 1762 Edward Brinley & Sarah Tyler Feb. 11, 1762 Joseph Sergeant & Hannah Spur Feb. 11, 1762 Timothy Kneeland & Ann Halsey Feb. 13, 1762 Richard Morgan & Mary Fosdick Mar. 11, 1762 Nicholas Lash & Ruth Read … Read more