Indian Children put in Service

Last Updated on September 19, 2013 by Dennis

I have made no attempt to change any of the spelling in these documents. You might just get lucky and find an ancestor!

Copy of a paper endorsed, “A List of the Indian Children put to service that came in (to Boston) with John of Packachooge; presented To the Honorable Gen Court for their Confyrmation, etc.
By the Commitee Appointed for ye affayre.”

The document of which this is a copy, is in the autograph of the Hon. Daniel Gookin. – Editor.

August 10, 1676
A memorandum of Indian children put forth unto service to the English, Beeing of those Indians that came in and submitted with John Sachem of Pakchoog; with the names of the persons with whome they were placed, and the names and age of the children and the names of their relations, and the places they did belong to.
By Mr. Daniel Gookin senior, Thomas Prentis, Capt., and Mr. Edward Oakes, who were a committee appointed by the Council to manage ye affayr.  The termes and conditons upon which they are to serve is to be ordered by the Gen Court who are to provide ye the children bee religiously educated and taught to read the English tongue.

Boy, a maid.  To Samuel Simonds, Esq, a boy named John his father named Alwitankus, late of Quantisit, his father and mother parents both consenting; the boys age about 12 yeares.  To him a girle named Hester, her father and mother dead, late of Nashaway; her age ten years; her uncle John Woosumpegin of Naticke.

1.  Boy.  To Thomas Danforth, Esq., a boy aged about 13 yeares, his name John.

1.  Boy.  To Leift. Jonathan Danforth of Bilerekey, a boy aged twelve years son of Papameck alius David, late of Warwick or Cowesit.

2. Boys. To Mathew Bridge of Cambridge, two boyes, the one named Jabez aged about ten yeares, the other named Joseph aged six years; their father named Woompsleow,
late of Packachooge. One or both these boyes is run away with his father. Sept. 17th 1676.

3. A boy and two girls.  To Mr. Jeremiah Shepard  of Rowly, A boy named Absalom, his father of the same name late of Mamhage; aged about ten years.  To him, a girle,
sister to the lad, named Sarah, aged eleven yeares. These are kindred to Peeter Ephram of Naticke.  To him another girle aged about 8 yeares, her name Jane, her father and mother dead.

1. Mayd. (maid) to Mrs. Mitchell of Cambridge widdow, a maid named Margaret aged about twelve years, her father named Sukamuck of Quantisit, her mother dead.

1. Boy. To Thomas Jacob of Ipswich, a boy aged ten yeares on Wennaputanan his guardian and on Upacuak of Quantisitt his grandmother was present; the named Sawoonawuk.

1. Boy. To Goodman Read a tanner of Cambridge, a Boy named John aged about thirteen yeares, his father dead.

1. Boy. To Mr. Jacob Green of Charel Towne (Charlestown) a boy aged about seven yeares, his parents dead, Lat of Quantisit but his mother of Narragansit.

1. Boy. To Thomas Woolson of Wattertowne, a boy aged about 14 yeares, his name John, his father dead who was of Cowesit or Warwick, his mother present.

1. Boy. To Ciprian Stevens of Rumny Marsh, but late of Lancaster, a boy aged about six yeares, son to Nohanet of Chobnakonkonon, the boy named Samuel.

1. Mayd. To Thomas Eliot of Boston, a carpenter, a maid about ten yeares, her name Rebecka.

1. Boy. To Jacob Green Junior of Charlestowne, a Boy named Peeter aged nine yeares, his father dead, his mother present named Nannantum of Quantisit.

1. Boy.  To Goodman Greenland a carpenter of Charlestown on Mistike side, a boy named Tom aged twelve yeares his father named Santisho of Packachooge.

1. Girle. To Mr. Edmund Batter of Salem, a maid named Abigal aged sixteen, her mother a widow named Quanshishe late of Shookunnet Beyond Mendon.

2. A Boy a Girle. To Daniel Gookin Senior, a Boy named Joshua aged about eight yeares, son of William Wunuko late of Magunkoog; his father dead.  To him a girle aged about six yeares daughter to the widdow Quinshiske late of Shookanet beyond Mendon.

1. Girle. To Andrew Bordman, taylor of Cambridge, a girle named Anne sister to ye latter named.
22 where of 14 male 8 femail     verse

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1. Boy. To Thomas Prentis Junior, son to Capt. Prentis of Cambridge village, a boy name John son to William Wunnuko late of Magnkeg that was executed for Thomas Buring, aged therteen.

1. Boy. To Benjamin Mills of Dedham, a boy aged about six yeares named Joseph Spoonant late Marlborow.

1. Boy. To Mr. Edward Jackson, a boy named Joseph, aged about 12 yeares, late of Magungook cousin to Pyambow of Naticke.

1. Mayd. To widdow Jackson of Cambridge village a girle named Hope aged nine years, her parents dead who were of Narraganset.

1. Boy. To Goodman Myls of Dedham, a boy of four years old, son to Annaweeken deceased, who was late of Hassanamesit, his mother present.

1. Boy.  To Capt. Thomas Prentis, a boy named Joseph son to Annawekin deceased, brother to the last named, aged about 11 yeares.  This boy was after taken from Capt.
Prentice and sent with Mr. Stoughton for England.  Capt. Prentis is to be considered about it for he has taken much care and paynes about those Indians.

1. Boy. To John Smith of Dedham, a boy aged about eight yeares; his father dead, late Marlborow, he is brother to James Printer’s wife.

1. Mayd. To Mr. John Flint of Concord a mayd aged about feeten yeares; her parent dead, late of Narraganset.

1. Boy. To Mr. Jonathan Wade of Mistick, a boy named Tom aged about ll yeares; sonne to William Wunukhow of Magunkog deceased.

1. Mayd. To Mr. Nathaniel Wade of Mistick, a maid aged about ten yeares daughter to Jame Natonint late of Packachook, her father and mother alive.
10 in this page
22 in the other page
It is humbly proposed to the Honorable Generall Court to set the times those children shall serve, and if not less if till they came to 24 yeares of age, unto which those yet had relations seemed willing.  And also that ye court lay some penalty upon them if they runne away before ye time expire and on their parents or kindred yet shall entice or harbour and conceale if they should runne away.
Sept 28 1676         Signed by the Comittee above named
Daniel Gookin Senior  Edward Oakes

The following order in relation to this matter was after wards passed by the General Court.  The paper from which it is copied is endorsed: “Order about setling our neighbors at 4 places at present, and stating the time of service of Indian children, put forth or bought, and repealing sundry lawes touching the Indians since the beginning of ye warr.  p’curiam.”

Wheras, after this time of trouble and warre with the Indians, the well ordering and settlement of those that remaine and are under command is a matter of great concern to the peace and security of the country, and the welfare, civilizing and good education of the said Indians and their children; It is hereby ordered and enacted, that all such Indian children or youths that are settled or disposed by order of Authority or with their parents or relations consent to any of the english inhabitants within this jurisdiction shall so remain with them as servants and to bee taught and instructed in the christian religion untileach of them attayne to the age of twenty four yeares of age, except by speciall contract it be otherwise provided.  And for such indian children, youths or girles, whose parents have beene in hostility with us, or have been among our enemies in the time of ye warr, and were brought in by force, and given or sould to any inhabitants of this jurisdiction, such shall be at ye disposall of their masters or their assigns provided they bee instructed in civility and christian religion.
And for all other indians that are admitted to live within this jurisdiction as well such as are called praying indians as well as others they shall be reduced to inhabit in four places for the present, viz., Natick Punkapog, Hassanamesit and Wamesit and within the limits of those townships as they are granted to them by the General Court, where they may be continually inspected and from time to time ordered and governed by such as this court or councill shall appoint.  And when they are once settled as aforesaid, a lyst to bee taken of all the men, women and children of the several companies, once a yeare at least and kept upon record, with a strict charge and prohibition upon the penalty of the displeasure of this court not to receive or entertain any stranger or forraigne indian or indians into ye society without the knowledge or approbation of authority.  And all other lawes and orders relating to the Indians and made since the warr began as to ye confynement to this or that place, or giving liberty to any to take or kill any of them found without the limits appointed are hereby repealed and declared voyd.

The matistrates have past this, their brethren the
deputies hereto consenting
Edward Rawson,
5th June 1677
With this further addition that the Indians about Piscataquay shall be settled about Cochecha as shall be further ordered by the council.
7 June 1677
Edward Rawson
Consented to by the Deputyes
William Torrey
NEHG Register, Volume 8, July 1854.



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