John Balt’s Marriage Book, 1668-1697

Last Updated on October 21, 2014 by

John Balt’s Book Dublin, Dec. 29, 1668 on the opposite page

The Church Book Containing Various Matters, Etc.;

An account of all ye Marriages solemnized in New. E the first of which was on the 10th of August 1686.

John Bailey minister of the First church Boston 1683/97.

Page 1.

Upon ye 24th of May 1687 I maryed near ye Mill bridge in Bofton Edward Taylor Juniour (his ffather lodged at Mr W. Gibbins) & Rebekah Humphreys (who came lately from Antigo, but her Mother fully confenting her father witnefsing it), be’g Licensed.

Page 2.

Upon ye 25th of May 1687 I maryed in my Brothers houfe in Bofton William Clargett, & Mary Neggres, both of ym dwelling in Mr Jo. Adams houfe in Bofton, they being Licenfed &c i-e ye having a fpeciall Licence

Upon ye 25th of May 1687 I maryed in ye Almfhoufe on ye common in Bofton James Cornifh Junioe, & Mary Kay ye daughter of Thomas Kay ye being legally publifhed &c

All thefe Eleven laft were returned to ye Court at Cambridge by Mr William Bond Senie Juftice of peace, this 7th day of June 1687.

Upon ye 4th of July 1687 I maryed in ye houfe of Goody Mefsenger in Bofton Richard Leekey, & Ann Greenfield he having a fpeciall Lycence

Upon ye 4th of July 1687 I maryed Ebenezer Mefsenger & Rofe Collins both of Bofton (in his Mothers houfe) wth ye confent of friends, ye being legally publiihed &c

(Returned to Quarter Ses. Charles town Sept 6 1687.)

Upon ye 22 of November 1687 I maryed Peter Barbour taylor, & couiin Sarah Willy in her chamber in Bofton, parents confenting ye having a fpeciall Lycenfe

(Ret. to the Court at Cambridge, Dec. 6 1687

Upon ye 5th of Aprill 1689 I maryed in my houfe at Watertown John Earl of Bofton (a feaman) & Mary Lawrence (ye daughter of George Lawrence of Watertown, but fhe now living in Bofton) with ye confent of ffriends, ye being published according to law

Upon ye 19th of October 1693 I maryed in Capt. Checkly’s John Adams & Hannah Clieckley both of Bofton wth ye confent of ffriends ye being published according to law. 1

Upon ye 4th of Aprill 1695 I maryed in my houfe Mr Robert ffitzhugh & Mrs llannah Man both of Bofton ye being publifhed according to law. 2

(Given by Mr Wilkins to Mr Webbe to be recorded Apr 23 1695.)

Upon ye 2d of May 1695 I maryed in my houfe in Bofton Robert Hanna & Hannah Matfon both of Bofton ye being published according to law 3

(Ret. June 11 1695)

Upon ye 15th of Auguft 1695 I maryed a couple of Mr Gibbins Negros in his houfe viz Toby & Jane, ye consented to it, & there were many witnefses &

Upon ye 25 of October 1695 I maryed in my houfe in Boston Humphrey Richards & Sufanna Wakefield both of Bofton with ye confent of ffriends, ye being publifhed according to law

Upon ye 11th of December 1695 I maryed in my houfe in Bofton Nathanael Pitman & Mary George both of Bofton wth ye confent of ffriends ye being publifhed according to law

(Given by Mr Wilkins to Capt Ephrain Savag Dec 26 1695)

Upon ye 13th of ffebruary 1695/6 I maryed in old Mr Pembertons houfe Major Read Elding & Hannah Pemberton of Bofton y being Legally published &c

Upon ye 9th of April 1696 I maryed in my houfe in Bofton William Hannah of Bofton & Martha Clark of Roxbury ye being lagally publifhed &c

(‘t by myself to Capt Ephrain Savage Apr. 11 1696)

Upon ye 24th of March 1697 I maryed in Capt. Legs houfe Samuel Weaver & Eliz Cravath both of Bofton, being legally published 4

Upon ye 29 of July 1697 I maryed at ye Bowling Green Jofeph Royall & Eliz Coleman both of Bofton being legally publifhed

Upon ye 9th of April 1696 I maryed in my houfe in Bofton Thomas Stevens & Sarah Piece both of Bofton being legally publifhed.


  1. Printed in Vol. IX. of Record Commissioner’s Reports.[]
  2. Printed in Vol. IX. of Record Commissioner’s Reports.[]
  3. Printed in Vol. IX. of Record Commissioner’s Reports.[]
  4. Printed in Vol. IX. of Record Commissioner’s Reports.[]


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