1804 Ordinance Selling Land Lots in Athens

Last Updated on December 5, 2012 by

Sec. 1 appointed Rufus Putnam and Samuel Carpenter to survey and lay off the town of Athens agreeably with the rule of the resolution of the legislature of December 18th, 1799.

Sec. 2 directed the treasurer of the university to have the town plat recorded.

Sec. 3 directed Putnam and Carpenter, after due notice, to sell on the first Monday of November, 1804, at public auction, twenty-seven house-lots and an equal number of out-lots at their discretion, excepting and reserving house-lots number 57 and 58. The remaining sections related to the form of certificate and lease to be given.

The sale took place November 5th, 1804, and with the following result:

No. of                                         Purchasers
lot.     Purchaser.                   Price.        Residence

1        John Havner                 $132 00        Athens.
4        William McNichol              46 00        Salt works.
7        Silas Bingham                 40 50        Athens.
10       Jarrett Jones                 27 00        Middletown.
13       Silas Bingham                 62 00        Athens.
16       Silvanus Ames                 51 00        Ames.
19       Muses Hewitt                  61 00        Middletown.
23       William McNichol              25 00        Salt works.
26       Eliphaz Perkins               30 00        Athens.
28       Eliphaz Perkins              101 00        Athens.
29       Rufus Putnam                  59 00        Marietta.
32       John Simonton                 27 00        Middletown.
36       John Johnson                  20 00        Wheeling.
40       Rufus Putnam                  20 00        Marietta.
43       Rufus Putnam                  30 00        Marietta.
46       Henry Bartlett                17 00        Middletown.
49       Canaday Lowry                 14 00        Middletown.
52       Daniel Mulford                13 00        Middletown.
55       Jehiel Gregory                42 00        Middletown.
59       Timothy N. Wilkins            22 00        Middletown.
63       John Wilkins                  10 00        Middletown.
65       Rufus Putnam                  30 00        Marietta.
68       William McNichol              23 00        Salt works.
71       William McNichol              30 00        Salt works.
73       William McNichol             101 00        Salt works.
74       William Dorr                  65 00        Middletown.
77       William McNichol              42 00        Salt works.


AccessGenealogy.com Athens County Ohio Genealogy.

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