Biographical Sketch of Horatio Clark Ford

Ford, Horatio Clark; lawyer, banker; born, Cleveland, O., Aug. 25, 1853; son of Horatio Cyrus and Martha Cozad Ford; Oberlin College, 1870-1872; B. S., University of Michigan, 1875; married, Ida M. Throp, of Cleveland, Oct. 17, 1877; in law practice, Cleveland, since 1878; senior member Ford, Snyder & Tilden; also pres. Garfield Savings Bank since 1892; pres. Williamson Co.; director Cleveland Trust Co. Wheeling Traction Co., Cleveland & Eastern Traction Co.; member City Council, 1879-1885 (part of the time vice pres.), trustee Oberlin College; vice pres. Congregational Building Society; director Congregational Board Ministerial Relief; member Zeta Psi, Union Club.

Biography of Hon. James E. Hart

Faithfulness is the surest stepping-stone to success. Faithfulness in small things begets confidence in one’s ability to undertake more considerable tasks; and in business life, in professional life, in the church and in public affairs, faithfulness and thoroughness have carried thousands and are carrying thousands up from the day and place of small things to places of higher and still higher responsibility and honor. These thoughts have been suggested by a consideration of the successful career of the man whose name appears above. James E. Hart, clerk of the district court and ex-officio auditor and recorder of Bear Lake county, … Read more

Biography of Austin McCreary Keene

Austin McCreary Keene. The subject of this sketch is one of the prominent and successful attorneys of Southeastern Kansas. He was born at Middletown, Ohio, September 4, 1865, the son of Marshall B. Keene and Jennette McCreary Keene. Marshall Keene was born in 1823 at Keensburg, Illinois, a village in Wabash County named for his forbears. The Keenes of Keensburg have been men of prominence in that locality, having served as members of the Illinois Asscmbly, and been notable physieians and manufacturers. Jennette MeCreary was born in Monroe, Ohio, in 1836, and was married to Marshall B. Keene in 1861. Mr. Keene … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Maurice Buford Bonta

Bonta, Maurice Buford; physician; born, Kentucky, 1875; B. S., University of Michigan, 1897; M. D., Johns Hopkins University, 1904; medical house officer for Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1904-1905; married, Cleveland, 1909, Mabel Wilson McLennon; one child; member Cleveland Academy of Medicine.

Biographical Sketch of Robert H. Dawson

Dawson, Robert H.; lawyer; born, Pontiac, Mich., March 28, 1882; son of John W. and Jean Hamilton Dawson; educated, University of Michigan, A. B., 1903, and Western Reserve University, 1909, LL. B.; married, Pueblo, Colo., Sept. 14, 1910, Miss Luna Cooper; member Phi Delta Phi Fraternity. Recreations: Baseball and Football.

Biography of J. Homer McCall, M. D.

Dr. J. Homer McCall, physician and surgeon of Fort Gibson, was born in De Kalb county, Illinois, April 2, 1859, and is a son of Alfred and Catherine (Durham) McCall, who were natives of Ohio and of New York respectively. The father was of Scotch-Irish descent, while the mother came of German lineage. In early manhood Alfred McCall devoted his life to the ministry but later became a railroad promoter and was active in connection with the building of the Florida, Memphis & Columbia River Railroad, which is now a part of the Santa Fe system. He was also active … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eckstein Case

Case, Eckstein; sec’y and treas. Case School of Applied Science; born, Carlyle, Ill., July 9, 1858; educated public schools in 1878; entered United States Military Academy, at West Point; two years there; in 1881, came to Cleveland; studied law under the direction of Judge J. E. Ingersoll and Judge Rufus P. Ranney; entered law department, University of Michigan, graduating in 1883; admitted to the bar, but never engaged in active practice; member of school council 1903 to 1905; member Rowfant and University Clubs; and Masonic Fraternity; Republican, five years member of the executive committee of the Municipal Ass’n.

Biography of Frank William Boss

Frank William Boss. Among the county officials of Cherokee County, one whose previous record, general qualifications for ability and character, gave, at the time of his election, in 1912, every ground for a successful career, and whose discharge of the duties of his office had since vindicated the faith placed in him, is Frank William Boss, county attorney. Mr. Boss had the reputation of being an indefatigable worker, combining scholarship with an active energy and forceful personality, and these qualities have been much esteemed in an office in which the people of the county have endeavored to place men who … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Elbert Cutler

Cutler, James Elbert; university prof.; born, Princeville, Ill., Jan. 24, 1876; son of Frank W. and Antonaiah (Hoag) Cutler; B. A., University of Colorado, 1900; graduate student Yale, 1900-1903; Ph. D., 1903; married, Carolena D. Sperry, of New Haven, Conn., June 25, 1903; instr. English and civic government, State Preparatory School of Colorado, 1899-1909; instr. political economy, Yale, 1903-4; instr. economics, Wellesley College, 1904-1906; asst. prof. political economy, University of Michigan, 1906-1907; asso. prof. sociology, 1907-1910, prof. 1910-, Western Reserve University; member American Economics Ass’n, American Academy Political and Social Science; American Sociological Society, National Conference Charities and Correction, American … Read more

Biography of J. T. Shipman

J. T. Shipman, a successful attorney of Bartlesville, where he has practiced continuously during the past fifteen years, is now associated with B. A. Lewis and is widely recognized as one of the able representatives of the legal profession in northeastern Oklahoma. He was born in Ashley County, Arkansas, on the 1st of February, 1874, and began his education in the common schools there, later pursuing a high school course at Hamburg, that state. Subsequently be became a student in Ouachita College at Arkadelphia, Arkansas, which institution conferred upon him the degree of Bachelor of Arts, while his professional training … Read more

Biography of Rufus Joel Hill

Rufus Joel Hill. There are many points of historical interest pertinent to the personal career and ancestral record of this venerable pioneer citizen who is now living practically retired in his pleasant home at Independence, Montgomery County. On both the paternal and maternal sides he is a scion of fine old American colonial stock and individually he had precedence as being one of the pioneer members of the Kansas bar, as well as a broad-minded and public-spirited citizen who had played well his part in connection with the civic and material development and progress of the Sunflower State, within whose … Read more

Biography of Ludwick Oldenburg

LUDWICK OLDENBURG. – The distinguished orchardist, of whom we now have the privilege of speaking is one of the prominent men of Union county and by his commendable efforts, as well as by his excellent abilities and stanch moral worth, ahs merited the position that he holds, wherein he has demeaned himself with a discretion and wisdom that have commended him to his fellow men, while his most excellent achievements in the line in which he is industrially employed have placed his name among the largest and most capable fruit growers of the entire northwest. In the northern part of … Read more

Biography of Thomas H. Brown

Thomas H. Brown. It was a most unusual career of self achievement and broad and successful service in business and personal service that came to a close with the death of Thomas H. Brown at Sterling on February 4, 1916. Though his death came suddenly and was a heavy loss to his wide community of friends and business associates, he had reached the full maturity of three score and ten. But the forces of his personality and character were not those which vanish quickly with the mortal presence. He would probably have been the last among men to anticipate a … Read more

Eva Todd Swezey of Ann Arbor MI

SWEZEY, Eva Todd9, (Chestil O.8, Ora B.7, Bela6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) married Orren B. Swezey. In 1912, they were living at 509 Thompson St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Children: I. Helen. II. Ralph.

Biographical Sketch of Roland Edward Skeel

Skeel, Roland Edward; physician; born, Fulton, Oswego County, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1869; son of Francis Adelbert and Hattie(Butler) Skeel; educated, Cleveland public schools; M. D., University of Michigan, 1890; married Alva P. Boepple, of Cleveland, O., 1893; Dean Cleveland College Physicians and Surgeons, 1902-1910; prof. gynecology, Western Reserve University; gynecologist to St. Luke’s Hospital; consulting surgeon to Lutheran and Lakewood Hospitals; visiting gynecologist to City Hospital; member American Association Obstetricians and Gynecologists, A. M. A.; Republican.

Biographical Sketch of William Louis Day

Day, William Louis; judge, born, Canton, O., Aug. 13, 1876; son of William Rufus (q. v.) and Mary Elizabeth (Schaefer) Day; graduate Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., 1896; LL. B., University of Michigan, 1900; married Elizabeth E. McKay, of Caro, Mich., Sept. 10, 1902; admitted to bar, 1900, and practiced at Canton; city solicitor, 1906-1908; U. S. atty., Northern Dist. Ohio, 1908-1911; U. S. dist. judge, May 13, 1911-; Republican, Lutheran. Clubs : Hermit, Cleveland Athletic, Nisi Prins.

Biographical Sketch of Frank Adgate Quail

Quail, Frank Adgate; Henderson, Quail & Siddall; lawyers; born, Canonsburg, Pa., June 18, 1865; educated, public schools, and graduated Washburn College, Topeka, Kas., 1887, degree A. B.; University of Michigan, 1889, degree LL. B.; began practice in Cleveland the same year; January, 1895, entered the firm of Henderson & Quail; firm changed to Henderson, Quail & Siddall, in 1904, G. B. Siddall being added; director in a number of corporations doing business in Northern Ohio; member Union, Euclid, University, and Colonial Clubs, and Chamber of Commerce; Democrat.

Biographical Sketch of Albert William Smith

Smith, Albert William; college prof.; born at Newark, O., Oct. 4, 1862; son of George H. and Mary (Sanborn) Smith; Ph. C., University of Michigan, 1885; B. S., Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, 1887; Ph. D., University of Zurich, 1891; married Mary Wilkinson of Cleveland, June 5, 1890; prof. chemistry, Case School of Applied Science, since 1891, Yellow A. A. A. S.; member American Chemistry Society, American Institute Mining Engineers, American Electrochem. Society, Society Promotion Engineering Education; has contributed to technical papers in society proceedings.

Biography of Fred Perkins

Fred Perkins. To acquire a name that is a synonym of business integrity and honor and that is entitled to the respect of an entire community is of itself one of the highest goals to which the ambition of a man can aspire. It is not something that can be attained in a few short years. It is the result of long continued energy, fair dealing and strict probity. The people of Labette County know Fred Perkins not only as an old settler of that section but as a man who has carried a fine force and wholesomeness of character … Read more

Biography of Hon. John C. Rice

John Campbell Rice, president of the Commercial Bank of Caldwell and a prominent member of the bar of Canyon County, is numbered among the native sons of Illinois, his birth having occurred in Cass County, that state, January 27, 1864. He is of Welsh descent, tracing his ancestry back to the Welsh emigrants of the name who located in the colony of Massachusetts during the early settlement of America. Later, members of the family removed to Tennessee. The grandfather, Ebenezer Rice, removed with his family from Tennessee to Illinois in 1839. Elbert Gallatin Rice, the father, was born in Tennessee … Read more