Biography of W. Antoine Hall, M. D.

Dr. William Antoine Hall, whose connection with the St. Louis, Missouri State and American Medical Associations keeps him thoroughly informed concerning the progres that is being made by the medical profession, has for twenty-seven years engaged in practice in St. Louis. He was born in Clinton county, Missouri, October 3,1869, and is a son of Jeremiah S. Hall, a native of Clinton county, Missouri, and a presentative of one of the old families of this state that came from Tennessee, the grandfather, Elisha Hall, removing from the latter state to Missouri, where he took up the occupation of farming settling in Clinton county about 1830. He there secured government land and thus early became identified with the agricultural development of the state. He was accompanied by his two brothers, James Calhoun and John Hall. Throughout his remaining days Elisha Hall continued a resident of Missouri, passing away in 1858, at the age of forty-two years. His son, Jeremiah S. Hall, was reared and educated in Clinton county and he, too, followed the occupation of farming after attaining his majority. Later, however, he turned his attention to merchandising, but later lived retired, making his home at Edgerton, Missouri, where in well earned rest he enjoyed the fruits of his former toil until death called him, October 12, 1920. His religious faith was that of the Presbyterian church and his political belief that of the democratic party. He was an ardent supporter and enthusiastic member of the Masonic fraternity and exemplified in his life the beneficent spirit of the craft. He married Julia J. Aker, a native of Clay county, Missouri, and a daughter of Martin J. and Ann (Rollins) Aker, the latter a direct descendant of William Penn. The grandfather in the Aker line came from Virginia and was of German lineage. The mother of Dr. Hall passed away in 1875, at the age of twenty-eight years, leaving two children, the daughter being Bertha Hall, who became the wife of Moses M. Standiford and passed away May 15, 1913, at the age of thirty-nine years.

Dr. Hall was educated in the public schools of Clinton county and in Plattsburg College, from which he was graduated. Before completing that course, however, he studied medicine for two years under direction of his uncle, Dr. William H. Lewis, and later entered the Marion Sims Medical College of this city, winning his professional degree in 1893. Following his graduation he served for two years as interne in the St. Louis Baptist Hospital and thus gained the broad and valuable experience obtained through hospital practice. Since that time he has been continuously and successfully engaged in the general practice of medicine and surgery and his practice makes steady demand upon his time and energies. He keeps in touch with modern methods and the latest scientific researches and discoveries concerning the laws of health and displays much ability in the diagnosis of his cases. He is also the president of the Cap-Keystone Printing Company.

On the 9th of December, 1903, Dr. Hall was married in Belleville, Kansas, to Miss Grace Caldwell, a native of Savannah, Missouri, and a daughter of Judge John R. and Elizabeth (Farley) Caldwell, who belonged to one of the old families of Savannah, Missouri. She is also a direct descendant of Judge Shannon, who was governor of both Ohio and Kansas. To Dr. and Mrs. Hall have been born eight children, six of whom are living: Preston C.; William C.; Lee Aker and Lawrence Shannon, twins; Robert Antoine and Grace Eleanor.

Politically Dr. Hall is a democrat where national questions and issues are involved but casts a local independent ballot. He belongs to Lambskin Lodge, No. 460, A. F. & A. M.; Shekinah Chapter, R. A. M.; Moolah Temple of the Mystic Shrine; Missouri Consistory, S. P. R. S.; Alhambra Grotto; and the Eastern Star, his identification being with Barber Chapter, No. 31, of which he is past patron. He is in charge of the Grotto band and finds his chief recreation in instrumental music. He also belongs to Wilde Lodge, No. 2, 1. O. O. F. The major part of his time and attention, however, is concentrated upon his professional duties, which are arduous and extensive, for aside from the general practice of medicine he is acting as chief surgeon for a large number of industrial plants, including the Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company and others and the profession and the public recognize his ability in his chosen field of work.



Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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