Biography of H. H. Smith

H. H. Smith. Republic County had its share of men who have stepped aside from the path of labor to let the younger generation, with their clear-cut hopes and unrealized ambitious and to whom life is still a vast and unexplored country, pass on. This turning aside may mean much or little to the individual whose business tasks are finished, but if he had come from a small beginning and had worked his own way to independence and position there will always be those who would exchange with him success, as represented by a mere aggregation of wealth. H. H. … Read more

Biography of N. T. Van Natta, Hon.

Hon. N. T. Van Natta. Accurately speaking there remains no new locality in our country, and pioneers and pioneer life no longer exist. An engrossing and interesting condition had passed into history, and its lessons and inspiration live principally in the retrospection of those individuals who endured the hardships and contributed by various services and diversified gifts to the upbuilding of the present. Republic County had as noble a roll call of early settlers as any part of Kansas, and among those inseparably connected with the Republic County records none are more deserving of prepetuation in its annals than Hon. … Read more

Biography of Paul C. Swan

Paul C. Swan, of Washington, is an all around and thorough business man, and had demonstrated his ability to handle many varied enterprises successfully. He is a native of Kansas and had spent most of his active business career in the northern part of the state. His birth occurred in Republic County, August 5, 1868. His grandfather Swan was a Scotchman who immigrated from his native land to Canada. His father, J. W. Swan, was born at Toronto, Ontario, in 1843, and when a boy went with his parents to Wisconsin, where he grew up and married at Stevens Point. … Read more

Biography of F. W. Galley, Dr.

Barnard and Galley, D. V. S. As veterinarians one of the best equipped firms in the State of Kansas is that of Barnard & Galley of Belleville. In a few years they have acquired a practice extending all over Republic County, and they are both accomplished young men, scientific and practical, and valuable adjuncts to the business of agriculture and animal husbandry in their section of the state. The senior member of this firm, W. R. Barnard, is a native of Kansas, born in 1880, and a son of W. A. and Hannah Barnard. His parents were Illinois people and … Read more

Biography of Earl A. Nossaman

Earl A. Nossaman, secretary of the Monarch Cement Company at Humboldt, had lived in Kansas since early infancy, educated himself for the teaching profession, which he followed for a number of years, and was in the drug business before he accepted his present official position with the Monarch Cement Company. He went with this company while it was being reorganised, and as manager of the sales department had had much to do with its successful operations in recent years. His ancestry goes back to Hesse Cassel, Germany, where his great-grandfather was born. Coming to America, this ancestor settled in Pennsylvania. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. S. Chapman

W. S. Chapman, of the firm of W. S. Chapman & Co, merchants, was born in Jefferson County, Iowa, October 17, 1847; enlisted in Company F, Sixteenth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and remained until the close of the war. He came to Belleville, Republic County, Kan., in 1872, and engaged in merchandising; and in 1874 started a branch store in Mankato, Jewell County. Mr. Chapman came to Mankato and erected a business building 23×60 feet, with a wareroom 16×60 foot, and now carries a stock of from $10,000 to $12,000. The firm own 960 acres of land in Jewell County, 500 … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Herrman

Charles H. Herrman. Among the many worthy farmers of Republic County whose agricultural and personal careers have reflected lasting credit upon the communities in which their lives have been spent is Charles H. Herrman, for nearly half a century a prominent and much respected citizen of Scandia Township. Mr. Herrman’s career is an exemplification of the fact that industry and fidelity, if backed by good management and earnest purpose, will win substantial rewards, no matter how modest the start, for he came to Kansas as a poor young man, without means or influential friends, the only prospect before him that … Read more

Biography of Lewis D. Raynolds

Lewis D. Raynolds. One of the prosperous and prominent farmers of Jewell County, and a man who had been identified with various of the activities of life, Lewis D. Raynolds, of Mankato, is not of that type who had had fortune and prosperity thrust upon him by inheritance and, perhaps, increased it by careful management. His large property, his satisfying competency, his prominent connection with a number of enterprises, and his high and substantial standing as a citizen have been acquired by individual force of character, by industry, perseverance and intelligent effort, founded upon the strictest honor. Starting as a … Read more

Biography of Edward Bumgardner, A. M., M. D., D. D. S.

Edward Bumgardner, A. M., M. D., D. D. S., of Lawrence, had been a resident of Kansas for over thirty-five years. Though not a native, he is a loyal Kansan and deeply interested in its progress and standing among the states. He had read and studied with sympathy and understanding Kansas history, and his pride in the state’s past and her institutions had prompted him so far as consistent with his professional work to assist in various public and semi-public undertakings. Doctor Bumgardner is a native of Indiana, born in Warren County, April 10, 1865. His parents were Andrew and … Read more

Biography of Samuel Ward

Samuel Ward. One of the worthy, industrious and progressive agriculturists of Republic County, Kansas, is Samuel Ward, who is engaged in operating a finely-cultivated farm in Belleville Township. He had been a resident of Kansas since 1883, and in addition to being a skilled farmer, had at various times held positions of trust in the gift of the people, in which he had displayed ability and fidelity. Mr. Ward was born in Jefferson County, Iowa, in 1813, and is a son of H. B. and Elizabeth Martha (Clinkenbear) Ward, who, with their son, came from the Hawkeye State to Kansas … Read more

Biography of James B. Roberts, M. D.

James B. Roberts, M. D. A physician and surgeon of broad and successful experience, Dr. James B. Roberts had practiced for many years in Kansas, and had long been the leader in professional circles at Goff in Nemaha County. Doctor Roberts was born in Newton County, Indiana, February 18, 1857. His Roberts’ ancestors came originally from Wales and were pioneers in the State of Indiana. His father, Thomas Roberts, was born in that state in 1823 and became a pioneer in the northwestern part of the state in Newton County, where he followed farming until his death in 1858, when … Read more

Biography of William Christopher, Hanson D.D.

William Christopher Hanson, D. D. For a quarter of a century steadily engaged in the work of the ministry in Kansas, Doctor Hanson had filled many important posts of responsibility with the Methodist Episcopal Church and is now superintendent of the Kansas City District of the Kansas Conference. He is a native of Chicago, where he was born October 18, 1866, a son of Louis Christopher and Carolina Christiana (Johnson) Hanson. His father was a Norwegian and his mother a native of Sweden. Both are now deceased and for many years they conducted a successful hotel business at Scandia, Kansas. … Read more

Biography of Lewis E. Schuler

Lewis E. Shuler has been identified with Jewell County around the community of Lovewell the greater part of his active life. At one time he was a Lovewell merchant. His ehief interests and activities are as an agriculturist and he owned some of the best farms in that section of the state. Mr. Shuler was born in Ogle County, Illinois, Octobor 10, 1866. In the remote ancestry he is of German stock, the Shulers having come from Germany to Pennsylvania a number of generations ago. His grandfather, William Shuler, spent many years as a farmer in Clinton County, Pennsylvania, but … Read more

Biography of W. Antoine Hall, M. D.

Dr. William Antoine Hall, whose connection with the St. Louis, Missouri State and American Medical Associations keeps him thoroughly informed concerning the progres that is being made by the medical profession, has for twenty-seven years engaged in practice in St. Louis. He was born in Clinton county, Missouri, October 3,1869, and is a son of Jeremiah S. Hall, a native of Clinton county, Missouri, and a presentative of one of the old families of this state that came from Tennessee, the grandfather, Elisha Hall, removing from the latter state to Missouri, where he took up the occupation of farming settling … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. R. Barnard, Dr.

Barnard and Galley, D. V. S. As veterinarians one of the best equipped firms in the State of Kansas is that of Barnard & Galley of Belleville. In a few years they have acquired a practice extending all over Republic County, and they are both accomplished young men, scientific and practical, and valuable adjuncts to the business of agriculture and animal husbandry in their section of the state. The senior member of this firm, W. R. Barnard, is a native of Kansas, born in 1880, and a son of W. A. and Hannah Barnard. His parents were Illinois people and … Read more

Biography of George Johnson

George Johnson. Of the men who have lent dignity of character, excellence of labor and largeness of co-operation to affairs in Republic County for a considerable period, few were more widely known or generally respected than the late George Johnson. It was the privilege of this agriculturist to live close to the heart of nature, to partake generously of her rewards and to respond with enthusiasm and clear judgment to her offers of opportunity for advancement. Mr. Johnson came of sturdy and honorable lineage and one which furthered the universal gospel of industry. But in public and private affairs he … Read more

Biography of Almon A. Gist

Almon A. Gist. Arkansas City is one of the most important points on the system of the Santa Fe Railway, the Oklahoma & Gulf Line there connecting with the eastern and western divisions of the system. Many of the important offices connected with the traffic and operating departments are located in Arkansas City, and some of the men who have risen highest in the service have their business headquarters there. One of them is A. A. Gist, now train master, who had been a railroad man during the most of his active career and had been located at Arkansas City … Read more

Biography of W. Scott M. D.

W. Scott, M. D. Among the original settlers of Republic County who lived to share in the prosperity which had came to this fertile section of Kansas as a result of the labors of themselves and those who have followed them was Dr. W. Scott, who had the distinction of being one of the first settlers of the present site of Norway and the only one of his company to survive to a recent date. Among the pioneers he served as physician, surgeon and dentist, and at the same time took part in the development of the soil and shared … Read more

Kansas Registrations of Enemy Aliens, 1917 – 1921

Enemy Alien Registration Affidavit for Bernhardt Vick - Cropped Photo

The series contains original affidavits of registration that record personal information about each registrant, their photograph affixed to the majority of documents, and the registrants fingerprints. All of these are specific to Kansas, and most have the actual documents attached.

Biographical Sketch of Henry H. Van Natta

Henry H. Van Natta is the present county attorney of Republic County. He had nearly completed two terms of service in that office. That service had been a distinction to himself and a matter of eminent satisfaction to the people of the county. He was first elected to the office in November, 1912, upon the republican ticket. In 1914 he had opposition neither at the primaries nor in the general election. In Kansas local politics this was an almost unprecedented condition. One of the contributory causes was doubtless the fact that Mr. Van Natta is not only an able attorney … Read more