Biography of Robert Algie, M. D.

Robert Algie, M. D. A physician and surgeon of exceptional attainments, Doctor Algie had been engaged in a large and growing practice at Linn for the past fourteen years. His home had been in Kansas since early youth.

Doctor Algie was born in Glasgow Scotland, March 22, 1874. His grandfather, James Algie, was born at Paisley, where the famous shawls come from, and spent his life there as a carpenter, his death occurring at Paisley before Doctor Algie was born. He married Margaret McCallum, who likewise spent her life in Scotland. Of their children only one is now living, Margaret, whose home is in Glasgow, widow of George Duncan, who during his active career was a merchant.

James Algie, Jr., father of Doctor Algie, was born at Paisley, Scotland, in 1836. In his native country he was in the grocery business and in 1884 he brought his family to America, locating in Washington, Kansas, where he continued an active factor as a merchant until retiring in 1902. He then moved out to Spokane, Washington, where his death occurred in 1910. Religiously he was a very active member of the Baptist Church and in American politics gave his support to the democratic party. He married Margaret Patterson, who was born at Bishop Brigg, Scotland, in 1842, and is still living at the age of seventy-five, making her home with her son, Doctor Algie. They had a family of eight children: Agnes, wife of David Robertson, a jeweler at South Framingham, Massachusetts; James, who is connected with a department store at Rock Island, Illinois; Matthew, a real estate broker at Los Angeles, California; Dr. Robert, fourth in age; John, a farmer at Como, Montana; Margaret, wife of John Ayre, a lumberman at Deer Park, Washington; Isabelle, who is unmarried and lives at Spokane, Washington; and George, whose home is in Spokane and whose business is as a traveling salesman for a jewelry firm.

Dr. Robert Algie’s recollections of his old country are confined to that period of his life up to the age of ten. He attended school in Glasgow and after the family came to Washington, Kansas, he continued his education in the Friends’ Academy, from which he graduated in 1894. Doctor Algie completed his medical studies in Barnes Medical College at St. Louis, from which he holds his degree Doctor of Medicine granted in 1899. On being licensed to practice he located at Palmer, Kansas, but in 1903 came to Linn, where he had enjoyed a steadily increasing medical and surgical practice, his present offices being on B Street. Doctor Algie is a member in good standing of the county and state medical societies and the American Medical Association.

Besides his home in the north part of Linn he owned a farm of 160 acree in Osborne County and a similar tract of land in Kearney County, both in Western Kansas. Doctor Algie had been a member of the school board of Linn for the past twelve years, being now clerk of the board, and is treasurer of Linn Township and is serving a second term as mayor of Linn, having been first elected in 1915. In politics he is a democrat and is an active Mason, being past master of Fraternal Lodge No. 170, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and his Scottish Rite affiliations are with Topeka Consistory No. 1, and with Isis Temple of the Mystie Shrine at Salina.

Doctor Algie married at Washington, Kansas, in 1900, Miss Lulu Hackney, daughter of W. F. and Flora E. (Anderson) Hackney. Her mother is still living at Washington and her father, deceased, was for many years in the roal estate business. Mrs. Algie died March 14, 1914, leaving two children: William, born June 7, 1902, and Robert, born January 29, 1912.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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