Biography of James W. Jenney, M. D.

Last Updated on May 26, 2012 by

James W. Jenney, M. D. Among many other titles of distinction Dr. James W. Jenny, whose name is professionally known in almost every state in the Union, enjoys that of pioneer physician at Salina, Kansas, which city had been his permanent home for forty-six years. He came here a young man, in the first flush of professional success, earnest and ambitious, and the passage of time had in no way lessened his devotion to medical science.

James W. Jenney comes of solid old Quaker stock. He was born in a log cabin on his father’s farm in Huron County, Ohio, October 26, 1846. His parents were Abraham D. and Sallie Ann (Griffin) Jenney. His father was born at New Bedford, Massachusetts, in May, 1813, and at the age of ten years he accompanied his parents to Ohio, in which state he spent the rest of his life, dying July 7, 1900. For many years he engaged in farming in Huron County. In 1842 he was united in marriage with Sallie Ann Griffin, who was born in 1821 in Catskill County, New York, the second in a family of nine children born to Henry and Elizabeth (Merritt) Griffin. Her death took place October 13, 1884. There were eight children born to Abraham D. and Sallie Ann Jenney, five sons and three danghters: James W.; George, who died at the age of twenty-nine years, was a physician; Cornelia, Smith and Mary, all deceased; Warren, who is a manufacturer with the Diamond Match Company at Barberton, Ohio; Chloe, who is the widow of William F. Welsh, of Greenwich, Ohio; and Charles A, who carries on farming on the old homestead in Huron County.

James W. Jenney was given excellent educational advantages, attending Oberlin College prior to entering upon the study of medicine, later becoming a student in the Cleveland Homsopathic College, from which he was graduated in 1866. He entered into practiee at Somerset, Ohio, and continued until he came to Kansas in 1870. He chose Salina as a professional field and in the years that have followed had not only demonstrated his professional ability but had greatly assisted in advancing many public-spirited enterprises, although outside of his profession he had accepted no public office. He was a member of the first Kansas State Board of Health, which was appointed in 1885 by Governor John A. Martin, when the board was created by law. For fifteen years Doctor Jenney served on and is now one of the two surviving members of the original body. For eighteen years he served as county health officer. Intense interest in his profession had led Doctor Jenney into the ficld of scientifle study and experimentation along certain lines, with the resnlt that he had become noted as a successful specialist in treatment of goiter. The general public had no conception of the prevalence of this distressing ailment, one that Doctor Jenney had successfully treated for years, his patients residing in almost every part of the United States. His methods are simple but effective and his theories are backed by scientifie truth. He is a member of the Golden Belt Medical Society.

At Salina, Kansas, on August 12, 1874, Doctor Jenney married Miss Emily C. Tucker, who was born in Morrow County, Ohio, February 22, 1849, and is a danghter of Ira and Susan (Pringle) Tucker, natives of Vermont. Doctor and Mrs. Jenney have had five children, three sons and two daughters, two sons and one daughter surviving. Warren C.; the eldest of the family, was born May 4, 1875. He is a graduate of St. John’s Military Academy, the Kansas Wesleyan University at Salina, and the Homeopathis Medical College, Chicago. He is now engaged in medical practice at Vacaville, Sonoma County, California. Mary G., the second born, is a graduate of the Kansas Wesleyan University and of the Mark Hopkins’ Art School of San Francisco. Charles M. Jenney was born December 25, 1879. He is a graduate of St. John’s Military Academy and of the Homeopathic Medical College, Chicago, and is associated with his father in the practice of medieine at Salina. Grace, the second daughter, is deceased. James William, the youngest of the family, was born June 29, 1887. He was graduated from St. John’s like his brothers, spant three years in the University of California and then entered the Kansas University. His brilliant promise of career was cut short by his aceidental death on August 22, 1906, being drowned in the Kaw Biver at Lawrence, Kansas. Doctor Jenney and family belong to the Presbyterian Church.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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