Biography of George W. Longenecker, M. D.

George W. Longenecker, M. D. Fifteen years of conscientious work in his profession have brought Doctor Longenecker some of the best rewards and honors that come to the doctor in his home community at Elsmore, and he had long been recognized as one of the leading physicians and citizens of Allen County.

Doctor Longenecker is a native of Kansas, having been born on a farm in Miami County March 5, 1876. His paternal ancestors were of German stock, but have lived in this country since Colonial days. Several generations of the family lived in Pennsylvania, where Doctor Longenecker’s grandfather spent his entire life as a farmer. D. H. Longenecker, father of Doctor Longenecker, was born in Bedford County, Pennsylvania, October 14, 1837. He grew up in his native state, but was married in Washington County, Maryland. Soon after his marriage he moved west to Missouri in 1868, locating in Johnson County, and in 1871 arrived in Miami County, Kansas, where he was one of the early farmer settlers. He had spent his entire active career identified with agriculture, but in 1916 retired and is now enjoying the comforts of life at his home in Miami County. He is a loyal republican and a member of the Dunkard Church. D. H. Longenecker married Urilla Reichard, who was born in Washington County, Maryland, in 1841 and died in Miami County, Kansas, in 1906. They became the parents of seven children, Doctor Longenecker being fifth in age. O. M. Longenecker is a graduate of the Kansas City Medical College and is practicing his profession at Rosedale, Kansas. Florence is a graduate of the State Normal School at Emporia and is a teacher in Kansas City, Missouri. Charles W. is also a graduate of the Kansas City Medical College and is practicing at Kingman, Kansas. Arthur V. is engaged in the lumber business at Beloit, Kansas. A. M. Longenecker is a graduate A. B. from the University of Kansas and is now a teacher in Washington, District of Columbia. Winifred, twin sister of the preceding, died in 1898, at the age of nineteen years. Three members of the family are successfully pursuing the profession of medicine, and several of the children have performed useful service in the field of teaching.

Doctor Longenecker grew up on a farm in Miami County, learned his first lessons in the country schools, and afterwards attended the high school at Paola. For a time he attended the State Normal School at Emporia, and from there entered the Kansas City Medical College, where he took his M. D. degree in 1902. Almost immediately he removed to Elsmore, and had been steadily building up a general medical and surgical practice in that community since 1902. Doctor Longenecker had one of the most modern residences of the town, which he built in 1908. Both his residence and office are on Second Street. He also owned a farm in Western Kansas.

Doctor Longenecker had identified himself willingly with every public spirited movement in his community, and from 1908 to 1912 served as mayor of Elsmore. He had also been a member of the local school board. He is a republican, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and is affiliated with Virginia Lodge No. 315, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons at Savonburg, Kansas, with Elsmore Lodge No. 410, Ancient Order of United Workmen, with Elsmore Camp No. 950, Modern Woodmen of America. He is a member in good standing of the Allen County and State Medical societies and the American Medical Association.

Doctor Longenecker married at Kansas City, Missouri, in 1906, Miss Carrie King. Her mother is now deceased. Her father, W. S. King, was for many years inspector of scales with the Fairbanks Scale Company, but is now living retired at Kansas City, Missouri. Doctor and Mrs. Longenecker have one daughter, Florence, born December 5, 1908.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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