Biography of Chase W. Brown

Last Updated on October 25, 2011 by

Chase W. Brown. Growing naturally from man’s necessity, healing potions were compounded as far back as human records go. The application of roots and herbs for the alleviation of pain had never been entirely abolished although the twentieth century druggist would scarcely recommend as beneficial, some of the natural growths that once were deemed invaluable. Science had been able to separate the healing from the obnoxious, and in no branch of knowledge have more important advances been made in modern times than in that of physiological chemistry. Important indeed to the general public, is the fact that every thoroughly trained druggist understands the composition of the drugs he handles and dispenses, for he stands between the physician and the patient, and even the most careful of physicians have been known to make mistakes. While his professional work is as the right hand of the physician, at times it must be even more and very often is, for a druggist is frequently called upon to perform the offices of a physician and is held responsible if a mistake be made. It may thus be seen that the better class of druggists must be men of scientific attainments and thorough professional training. Among the well known men in this profession in Neosho County, Kansas, is Chase W. Brown, registered pharmacist, who had been in the drug business at Chanute since 1902.

Chase W. Brown is a native of Kansas, born at Ottawa, in Franklin County, October 25, 1873. His parents are George F. and Marilla L. (Maxson) Brown, residents of Independence, Kansas, now living retired.

George T. Brown was born August 16, 1842, in the Tenth Ward, in the City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His father, also George T. Brown, was of English descent and was born in Pennsylvania and was a merchant at Pittsburgh until about 1855. His children were: George T.; Agnes, who became the wife of a Mr. Fairbone, now deceased, formerly an employe of the government is a resident of Kansas City, Missouri, and until recently was also employed by the government; and Edward H., who is in the drug business in Western Kansas. George T. Brown the second, was reared to the age of thirteen years in Pittsburgh. In 1869 he came to Kansas and located at Ottawa and during the entire period of business life he was in the drug business. In 1903 he retired and located at Independence. He is prominent in Masonic circles, a Knight Templar and Shriner and had been eminent commander.

George T. Brown was married at Ottawa, Kansas, to Marilla L. Maxson, who was born in Eaton County, Michigan, March 1, 1853. The following children were born to them: Chase W.; Lyle B., who is an expert automobile finisher, resided at Independence, Kansas; George T., who died at Ottawa, when aged four years; Maude, who died at Los Animas, Colorado, in 1909, was the wife of William R. Murphy, who is a civil engineer; and Leroy M., who is a traveling salesman, maintains his home at Independence, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are members of the Episcopal Church.

The Maxson family came originally from England to the State of New York, far back in colonial times. Daniel Maxson, the great-grandfather of Charles W. Brown, on the maternal side, was born in New York, June 10, 1751, and died December 29, 1843, and was buried at Leota, Jackson County, Michigan. He married Katherine Coon, who was born December 23, 1780, and they had the following children: Daniel, born January 15, 1796, died June 2, 1802; A. C., born October 17, 1797; Hannah, born August 17, 1799; J. J., born June 2, 1801; Katherine, born May 20, 1803; James, born May 8, 1805, died April 17, 1806; R. R., born January 2, 1808; George, born July 22, 1810, died August 28, 1814; Maria, born May 25, 1812; Henry, born July 24, 1814, died December 15, 1818; Joseph, born October 13, 1816; Betsey, born in 1818; Lucy, born May 5, 1819; Julia, born October 18, 1821; and Perlina, born August 24, 1824. The mother of Daniel Maxson was a Jackson and was of the same family that produced Andrew Jackson, the seventh President of the United States.

R. R. Maxson, maternal grandfather of Chase W. Brown, was born January 2, 1808, in New York, and died at Roxana, Michigan, February 23, 1882. He was a farmer and stock raiser, in early years near Bennington, New York, later in Michigan and continued in the business after coming as a pioneer settler at Ottawa, Kansas, and was an extensive sheepgrower. His burial was at Maxson’s Corners, Chester Township, Neosha County, Kansas. He was married October 2, 1830, at Oswego, New York, to Miss Lutia Eastman, who was born December 11, 1811, and died at Roxana, Michigan, September 25, 1856. Her mother was a Filmore and she was one of the heiresses of the Trinity Church estate, New York City. They had the following children: Emory, born July 2, 1831, died at Big Rapids, Michigan, a farmer; Wilbur, born October 16, 1832, a retired farmer, died at Charlotte, Michigan; Daniel, born September 1, 1834, a farmer, died at Whitehall, Michigan; Sally, born March 12, 1836, married Francis Carpenter; Roswell R., born March 16, 1838, a retired farmer, resided at Charlotte, Michigan; Julia, born October 15, 1840, died at Grand Ledge, Michigan, married Selah Russell, a farmer now deceased; Carnatia (Cora), born November 23, 1842, died at Grand Ledge, Michigan, in 1915, was the wife of the late Andrew Barnum, a contractor; Theodore, born January 3, 1845, is a retired farmer living at La Harpe, Kansas; Martha Lemira, born December 24, 1849, is deceased; Le Roy, born February 22, 1849, was a miner and died in Colorado; Elnora, born May 10, 1851, was married July 10, 1880, to Theron Moyer, and they reside at Mulligan, Michigan; and Marilla Lutia, who is the wife of George T. and the mother of Charles W. Brown. The second marriage of R. R. Maxson was to Mrs. Broughton and to them a daughter was born, October 1, 1859, who is now Mrs. Mary L. Barnes, who resided with her husband on their farm near Kepler, Kansas.

Chase W. Brown was educated in the public schools of Ottawa, completing the high school course, after which he entered the state university at Lawrence and remained one year. From youth he had been under his father’s instructing in the latter’s drug store, and after securing his registration papers as a pharmacist, in 1892, he became his father’s assistant and continued until 1901, when he bought the business and continued there until March 15, 1902, when he sold out and came to Chanute. Here he purchased the interests of the Sewell firm, druggists situated at 108 East Main Street, from which he removed in 1909 to his present fine location at 111 East Main, at that time absorbing the business of Boshert & Williams. Mr. Brown is a thoroughly qualified druggist and carries the best of drugs only. His additional stock is well selected and is the same that may be found in every modern and up-to-date drug store the country over.

At Ottawa, Kansas, in 1901, Mr. Brown was married to Miss Frances Louise Sharpe, who is a daughter of A. T. and Hannah Rosella (Moon) Sharpe, the latter of whom resided with Mr. and Mrs. Brown. The late A. T. Sharpe was long a very prominent man in this section of Kansas. He was proprietor of the Ottawa Republican, the leading organ of his party in the state, and he was many times chairman of both county and state conventions and was chairman of the state board of charities for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have one son, Chase W., who was born January 21, 1907. The family resided at 109 South Highland Avenue.

In politics Mr. Brown is independent in his attitude, using his own judgment as to the candidates and measures he supports. He is a very prominent Mason and for twenty-one years had been a Shriner. He was raised in Ottawa Lodge, and joined Abdullah Temple, later demitting to Mirzah Temple. He is a thirty-second degree Mason and belongs to Fort Scott Consistory, also Cedar Lodge, No. 103, Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons; Royal Arch No. 21, and Commandery No. 44, Knights Templar. Mr. Brown belongs also to Chanute Lodge, No. 806, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and to Chanute Lodge, No. 96, Ancient Order United Workmen. He is one of the enterprising and useful members of the Chanute Commercial Club.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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