Biographical Sketch of John Mann

John Mann, farmer, owns 240 acres in Allen township. He was born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1853; came with parents to Woodbine, Ia., in 1871. His farm is well improved, and he makes stock raising his main object, and we may well say, has one of the finest stock farms in the county. He is a member of the I.O.O.F. lodge. HE was married in April 1881, to Candace L. Imley, of Magnolia, Ia.

Biographical Sketch of W. T. Howard

W.T. Howard, saddler and harness maker, was born in Mercer County, Pa., in 1846; moved to Fayette County, Ia., locating near West Union, in 1855, with his parents, who engaged in farming. In 1867 he removed to Kossuth County, and two years later to Denison, Crawford County; engaged for a time in teaching school at Dow City, and in 1870 removed to Dunlap, and engaged in his present business. He has been mayor of the city, and is a member of the I.O.O.F. lodge and encampment. He was married in 1870, at Denison, to Mary E. Eaton, and has one … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. H. Read

J.H. Read, of the firm of J.H. Read & Co., bakers, grocers and confectioners, was born in Kendall County, Ill., in May, 1855; removed with his parents to Bureau County, and in 1868, came to Ia., and located in Cerro Gordo County; removed to Dunlap in 1878, and established his present business; has oyster and ice cream parlors in connection; has Vernon’s patent steam coffee and peanut roaster, and keeps constantly on hand new-made candies. He is a member of the I.O.O.F., and A.F. & A.M. lodges. He was married at Dunlap in Aug. 1879, to Miss Zimmerman.

Biographical Sketch of M. Murray

M. Murray, banker, stock raiser and dealer in general merchandise, was born in Scotland in 1840; came to America at the age of seventeen years, located at Little Sioux, and was in the employ of the mail service at fifteen dollars per month until 1862, when he removed to Denver, Col, and engaged in the stock and freight business. Six years later he returned to this place and engaged in his present business. He owns a fine stock farm of several hundred acres near town, on which still stands the little old log house that he arrived at in 1857, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. K. Burch

E.K. Burch, attorney at law, was born in 1852, in Steuben County, Ind.; removed with his parents to Hillsdale, Mich., where he attended the Hillsdale Baptist College for five years; graduated from the law department of the Union University of Albany, N.Y., in 1876, and the same year was admitted to the bar, at the general term of the supreme court. He commenced practice in Dunlap, Ia., in Jan. 1879. He was admitted to the circuit court in the fall of 1878. He is a member of the I.O.O.F. order. He was married in Sept. 1880, at Denison, to M.S. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank E. Pike

Frank E. Pike, dealer in agricultural implements, was born in Erie County, N.Y., in 1851; moved with parents to Sterling, Ill., in 1856; thence removed to Boone, Ia., and was employed as brakeman on the C. & N.W. Ry., for nine months; then was promoted to conductor, in which position he continued until 1879, when he came to Dunlap and engaged in partnership with T.M. Clements. In Dec., 1880, he purchased Mr. Clements interest in the machinery business, and a year later sold his interest in the grain business to Mr. C. Mr. Pike handles the best goods in his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of B. F. Bonney

B.F. Bonney, dealer in groceries, is a native of Pa.; moved to Ia., in 1857; settled in Harrison County, and engaged in farming. He engaged in his present business in River Sioux in 1877.

Biographical Sketch of L. H. Crane

L.H. Crane, deputy postmaster and grocer, was born in Rochester, Minn., in April, 1860; removed with parents to Jeddo, Harrison County, Ia., in 1862; the next year they moved to a farm two miles from Woodbine. He is a graduate of Miller’s Mercantile College, of Keokuk, Ia. In 1879 he moved to Woodbine and engaged in business with his father, who was appointed postmaster in March 1881.

Biographical Sketch of Geo. A. Mathews

Geo. A. Mathews, of the firm of Mathews & Kling, dealers in lumber, grain and machinery, was born in Troy, Walworth County, Wis., in 1843. He was for twelve years engaged in the manufacture of brooms, at Stoughton, Wis. In 1877 he came to Woodbine, Ia., and engaged in present business, with Mr. Kellogg and Mr. Kling. The former sold his interest in the fall of 1881. Mr. M. was married in Troy, Wis. in 1867, to Mary E. Kling. They have two sons and one daughter.

Biographical Sketch of R. B. Hillas

R.B. Hillas, dealer in general merchandise, was born in Vt. in 1836; moved to Detroit, Mich., at an early age. He enlisted in the 19th Ill. Inft.; was with the Army of the Cumberland, under Generals. Sherman and Thomas; was discharged in 1865; went to Chicago and was engaged in the house of J. V. Farwell & Co.; in 1876 removed to Dunlap, Ia., and engaged in his present business, which was the first business house established in the town. The establishment was destroyed by fire in 1873. His present store building was erected in 1878, is filled with a … Read more

Biography of Frederick E. Dillenbeck, M. D.

Frederick E. Dillenbeck, M. D.,of El Dorado, had attained as much prominence in the fleld of medicine and surgery as others of his fantily have gained in the breeding and raising of some of the finest trotting horses known in Kansas or anywhere in the country. Doctor Dilleubeck, who had practiced medicine at El Dorado for twenty years, is local and dispensing surgeou for the Missouri Pacific and the Santa. Fe Railway companies, is consulting surgeon for the Rock Island Railroad Company, is medieal examiner for a number of old line life insurance companies, is a member of the County … Read more

Biography of Major Harry Sturgeon Crossen, M.D.

Major Harry Sturgeon Crossen, whose military title was won by active service in the World war and who is recognized as an eminent gynecologist of St. Louis, while his contributions to medical literature are rated as of high worth, was born in Appanoose county, Iowa, February 2, 1869. His father, the late James Crossen, was of Irish descent, the family, however, being founded in America at an early day. James Crossen devoted his life to merchandising and passed away in 1874. He married Affinity Sturgeon, who was of English lineage, although the family has long been represented on this side … Read more

Biography of Hon. John G. Slate

Hon. John G. Slate, of Jefferson City, who since 1912 has served on the bench of the circuit court of Missouri, his record reflecting credit and honor upon the judicial history of the state, was born January 26, 1860, in Cole county, about eight miles west of Jefferson City, his parents being Robert T. and Isabella D. (Jones) Slate, the former a native of Tennessee, while the latter was born in Kentucky. The father was a farmer, who in antebellum days owned a large number of slaves, having a plantation on the river. He also conducted a wood yard and … Read more

Biography of Paul Carroll Schnoebelen, M.D.

Dr. Paul Carroll Schnoebelen, a prominent and most successful young representative of the medical profession in St. Louis, specializing in internal medicine and diagnosis, was born at Riverside, Iowa, on the 15th of January, 1890, a son of Sigsmund W. and Mary (Carroll) Schnoebelen. The father is a descendant of the merchant prince Weber of Holland, whose daughter and her husband, Dominie Everadus Bogardus, arrived in New York in the seventeenth century and built the original Trinity church of New York city, now at the head of Wall street. The mother is descended from John Carroll of Carrollton. Paul C. … Read more

Biography of John Leo Tierney, M.D.

Dr. John Leo Tierney, a St. Louis physician who specializes in internal medicine and diagnosis, was born in Lead, South Dakota, November 22, 1890, a son of William George and Mary (Yuren) Tierney. The family comes of Irish ancestry, although many generations ago representatives of the name removed to England, where one of the ancestors of Dr. Tierney was knighted as Sir Edward Tierney and a statue erected to his memory in Westminster Abbey. Another of the early ancestors was Sir Matthew Tierney, who was at one time court physician to King George III. William G. Tierney, father of the … Read more

Biography of Gray C. Briggs, M.D.

Dr. Gray C. Briggs, a well known Roentgenologist, was born in Burlington, Iowa. June 30, 1882, a son of Dr. Waldo Briggs, who became a noted surgeon of St. Louis. He was born at Bowling Green, Kentucky, July 3, 1856, his parents being William Thompson and Anna (Stubbins) Briggs. He won his professional degree on the completion of a course in the medical department of the University of Nashville, at Nashville, Tennessee, and in 1877 began practice in St. Louis. From 1895 until 1898 he was professor of surgery in Beaumont Medical College and in the latter year accepted the … Read more

Biography of Justin E. Joy

Justin E. Joy, a prominent lumberman of Missouri, who always deserves mention in a history of the state as the one who was practically the builder of Webster Groves, was born at Oquaqua Junction, Iowa, June 17, 1844, his parents being Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joy, who removed to Burlington, Iowa, during the infancy of their son. There the father operated a sash and door factory for many years, or until 1874, when he removed with his family to St. Louis and in subsequent years was employed as superintendent of building by his son Justin. The latter was educated in … Read more

Biography of Jeremiah J. Wood

JEREMIAH J. WOOD. Our subject is an intelligent farmer and stockraiser who keeps abreast of the times in the improvements and progress made in his calling. He is a successful farmer, using the best methods of fertilizing the soil and improving the land, and his enterprise has made him a man of note in his section. He owes his nativity to the Hoosier State, born in Martin County in 1837, and is seventh in order of birth of nine children born to James and Sarah (Pifer) Wood. The father was born in Kentucky, but when a young man went to … Read more

Biography of T. W. Johnson

T. W. JOHNSON. There is no country in the world in which the march of civilization is more noticeable than America, where home life is at the highest ebb of refinement and moral excellence. In every branch of life is this noticeable, the homes in particular showing the delicate touch of the housewife whose keen sense of refinement leads her to command the best and most artistic class of furniture. All classes of furniture may be found at the emporium of T. W. Johnson, who is the largest and only exclusive dealer in furniture and sash and doors in this … Read more

Biography of James W. Robertson

JAMES W. ROBERTSON (deceased). There is little need to portray the virtues or defend the memory of this gentleman, for he lives in the affection of his family and friends as a devoted husband, kind neighbor and public-spirited citizen. During the many years he resided in Christian County he was to the people all that is required in good citizenship, public enterprise and sympathetic friendship. In the love of his estimable wife he found his cares lightened, and in the respect of his fellow-citizens received the reward of his faithfulness. Mr. Robertson was born in middle Tennessee May 15, 1830, … Read more