Biographical Sketch of Chas. Mackenzie

Chas. Mackenzie, attorney at law, was born in N.Y. City in 1845; removed with parents to Dubuque, Ia., in 1849; graduated from Beloit College, Wis., in 1862, and the same year enlisted in the 9th Ia. Vol. Inft.; was in several important battles, and was discharged in 1875 [1865?]. He was secretary of a government commission in New Mexico one year; returned to Dubuque and was engaged as principal of the public schools of that city for one and one-half years, and was associate editor of the Dubuque Times one year; studied law and was admitted to the bar in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of L. A. Sherman

L.A. Sherman, dealer in groceries, queens ware, boots and shoes, was born in Fairfield, Vt., in 1854; moved with his parents to Texas in 1860, and in 1870 they came to Dunlap, and his father, J.H. Sherman, established the present business; in 1876 he became a partner with his father, and two years later bought him out; has been town treasurer one term, and is a member of the Iowa land league. In 1877, he was married at Elk Horn, Wis., to Fannie Sabine, and has one child, a daughter.

Biographical Sketch of Jeff Smith

Jeff. Smith, harness maker, was born in Ill.; moved to Ia. in 1868, and located at Sioux City. In 1874 he removed to Little Sioux and engaged in his present business. He deals in all kinds of single and double harness, saddles, robes, whips, etc.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas M. Clements

Thomas M. Clements, grain dealer, was born in Sheffield, Ill., June 6th, 1865; moved with parents to Geneseo, Ill.; thence to Greenwood. He attended the High school at Chicago two years; came to Dunlap, Ia. in 1879, and formed a partnership with F.E. Pike in the grain and agricultural implement business; sold his interest in agricultural implement business to Mr. Pike in Feb., 1881; bought Mr. P.’s interest in the elevator in Dec. 1881, and now occupies what is known as the old Grange elevator.

Biographical Sketch of C. H. Sears

C.H. Sears, proprietor of meat market, was born Jan. 6th, 1852, in Knox County, Ill.; removed to Dunlap in 1869; was in the employ of S.M. Williams, and afterwards with Mitchell & Laub; then engaged in farming for six years, and in Dec., 1881, purchased his present market of B.J. Moore. In 1875, he was married in Ill. to Ida Hickman. They have three children.

Biographical Sketch of R. Newton

R. Newton, agent for the S.C. & P. Ry. at River Sioux, is a native of N.Y.; moved to Boone County, Ia., in 1864; thence to Green County, and in 1868 settled in Harrison County. He was the first agent for this road, and billed the first freight on the road.

Biographical Sketch of J. H. Farnsworth

J.H. Farnsworth, farmer, was born in Ohio. in 1834; moved to Council Bluffs, Ia., in 1854; thence to Harrison County the same year and engaged in farming, near Woodbine. In 1864 he established the Woodbine nursery, which he recently sold to Pugsley Bros. He was married in 1855 to Olive A. Howorth. They have seven children.

Biographical Sketch of Geo. Musgrave

Geo. Musgrave, publisher of the Woodbine Twiner, the county official paper, was born in Kendall, Westmoreland County, Eng., in 1837; came to America with parents in 1848; and settled in Harrison County, Ia., in 1851. He first began the printing business in St. Louis, afterwards at Council Bluffs, and then engaged in publishing the Western Star, at Magnolia, it being Harrison County’s first paper; was republican in politics. In 1873 he moved his office to Logan, where he remained three years; and then sold to Geo. Ross, of Harlan, Shelby County, to which place the office was removed. Mr. Musgrave’s … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. W. Lyman

E.W. Lyman, of the firm of Chamberlain & Lyman, dealers in groceries and queens ware, was born in N.Y. in 1850; engaged in milling until 1870, when he removed to Dunlap, Ia., and was in the employ of the C. and N.W. Ry. until 1881, when he engaged in his present business. He is a member of the I.O.O.F. order. In 1874 he was married in Dunlap to Miss Lowry. They have three children.

Biographical Sketch of Henry Herring

Henry Herring, dealer in general merchandise, was born in Adams County, Pa.; moved to Ia. in 1857, and engaged in farming. In 1878 he engaged in his present business at River Sioux. He is also a dealer in hardware and lumber.

Biographical Sketch of J. L. Perkins

J.L. Perkins, farmer, was born in Ohio., in 1834; moved to Jackson County, Ia., in 1844; thence to Harrison County in 1850, and three years later located at Little Sioux. He devotes his special attention to the raising of fine varieties of potatoes. He raised over three hundred kinds in 1876. Bliss & Sons, of N.Y., offered a premium of one hundred dollars to the one raising the most potatoes from one pound of seed. Mr. P. raised 1,666 3/4 lbs. from one lb., winning the first and also the second premiums. As the offer was open to the world, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. P. Mendenhall

E.P. Mendenhall, land, loan, tax-paying and insurance agent, was born in Guildford County, N.C., Oct. 28th, 1826; moved with parents to Miami County, Ind., and in May, 1856, came to Harrison County, Ia., and engaged in farming on two hundred acres, one mile from the present town of Woodbine. He opened present land office in 1879. He was married in Miami County, Ind., to Mrs. Elizabeth Hunt, daughter of Captain Rector. They have two children.

Biographical Sketch of Chamberlain, G. W.

G.W. Chamberlain, of the firm of Chamberlain & Lyman, dealers in groceries and queens ware, was born in Feb., 1838, at Grand Detour, Ill. He enlisted in the 75th Ill. Inft., and was discharged in 1863, on account of lung disease; returned to Ill., and in 1868 came to Dunlap, Ia., and opened a restaurant, which he sold in 1874; remained out of business two years; then engaged in his present business with Ge. Baker, who sold to H. Gleason, and he to Mr. Lyman in 1881. He was town recorder two years, and member of the city council. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Walter Kavanaugh

Walter Kavanaugh, proprietor of billiard hall and saloon, in basement of Lehan’s Opera Block; established in 1870; entrance on First Street, dealer in wines, beer, and cigars, and has two fine Brunswick & Balke tables.

Biographical Sketch of Issacher Scholfield

Issacher Scholfield, miller and proprietor of the Dunlap mills, was born in Delaware County, Ohio., in 1833; moved with parents to Wis., and located near Milwaukee, where his father engaged in milling, mercantile business and farming, and he in attending the Quaker Academy in Belmont, Ohio.; and in 1853 engaged in land speculating in Marshall County, Ia., which he continued for three years; then entered into partnership with his brother, and built a mill one and one-half miles north of Le Grand on the Iowa River; this he sold in 1866, and built a mill on Timber Creek in Marshall … Read more

Biographical Sketch of C. W. Oden

C.W. Oden, manager of the banking and mercantile business of M.Murray, was born in Ross County, Ohio., in 1831; moved to Ia. in 1858, and platted the town of Harlan, Shelby County; remained there until 1862, when he enlisted in Co. C, 29th Ia. Vol. He was promoted quartermaster, which office he held until the close of the war. In 1866 he located at Little Sioux and engaged in farming; was secretary of the Harrison Co. Agricultural society for fourteen years; accepted his present position in 1876.

Biographical Sketch of Joseph W. Dally

Joseph W. Dally, of the firm of Dally & Noyes, proprietors of the Woodbine flouring mills, was born in Ohio., in 1829. He went to Cal. in 1852, and in 1855 settled in Hamilton County, Ia. He removed to Harrison County in 1859, and engaged in mercantile business at Magnolia. He built the Woodbine woolen mills near this place, which he ran six years, and in 1871 built the flouring mills. He is a member of the I.O.O.F., and A.F. & A.M. orders. In 1855 he was married to Miss Goodrich, of Indianapolis, Ind., who died in 1865. He afterwards … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. H. Bush

W.H. Bush, if the firm of Lowell & Bush, harness makers and dealers in all kinds of horse furnishings, was born in 1849, in Morris County, N.J.; moved to Des Moines, Ia., in 1869; there learned the mason’s trade with Morris & Naphey, and moved to Denison, Ia., in 1873; worked at the trade until 1881, when he formed his present partnership. They keep two men employed, and in the spring of 1882 will move business to larger building.

Biographical Sketch of James Bowie

James Bowie, dealer in drugs and groceries, was born in Ireland in 1821; came to America in 1840, and located in Ohio. He removed to Little Sioux, Ia., in 1865, and in 1879 engaged in his present business at River Sioux.

Biographical Sketch of W. D. Cromie

W.D. Cromie, dealer in general merchandise, clothing and grain; was born June 29th, 1851, in Cecil County, Md.; moved with parents to Harrison County, Ia., in 1867. He graduated from Bailey’s Commercial College, at Keokuk, Ia., in Feb., 1874. In 1875 located at Woodbine; held the office of postmaster for six years. He was married in 1877 to Florence Daly, and has one child, a son.