Biography of Thomas J. Mylet

Last Updated on July 31, 2012 by

Thomas J. Mylet, who through an active and prosperous business career has been identified with various lines which have contributed to general prosperity and advancement as well as to individual success, is now the president of the American Auto Supply Company of St. Louis and of a number of other business concerns of importance. He was born in Greenfield, Indiana, February 21, 1879. His father, P. F. Mylet, was a native of Ireland and was brought to the United States by his parents when but six years of age, the family home being established at Cincinnati, Ohio. There he resided until he had attained his majority and then removed to Rushville, Indiana, where he engaged in the grain business. Later he became a prosperous farmer of that state, in which he continued to make his home until called to his final rest in June, 1917. He had served his country as a soldier in the Civil war and was a most loyal and patriotic citizen throughout his entire career. He married Ella Sullivan, a native of Ireland, and she, too, passed away in 1917. Their family numbered ten children, eight of whom are yet living.

Thomas J. Mylet pursued his education in the schools of his native state and was graduated from the high school of Bunker Hill, Indiana. Subsequently he attended the normal school and for two years engaged in the profession of teaching, but, thinking to find other pursuits more congenial, he directed his efforts elsewhere. He was engaged in the retail clothing business at Peru, Indiana, for a time and later spent several years in traveling through Indiana and Ohio as representative of a large New York wholesale clothing house. He next went to Texas as representative of the John B. Farwell Land Company and sold a million acres of land in that state for the corporation which he represented. He next removed to Charleston, Missouri, in 1909 and took up the work of developing and selling land in the southeastern section of the state. In February, 1917, he established his home in St. Louis and he now owns and operates very successfully five thousand acres of farm land, located in Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. His business affairs have been most judiciously managed. He is the president of the American Auto Supply Company and has various other business interests, being president of the Mylet Brothers Shoe Company of Peru, Indiana, while still other commercial concerns have profited by the stimulus of his activity and his enterprise. In July, 1919, he promoted an oil company which was financially independent without any stock selling. A three thousand acre tract of land was purchased in Wilbarger county, Texas, and the company was called the Prescott Peoria Oft Company of Wichita Falls, Texas. Shortly after boring was commenced and, according to the prophecy of experts, oil was struck. At the present time the few investors in land on this tract are in a fair way of becoming financially independent.

Mr. Mylet belongs to the Missouri Athletic Association, also to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and is a fourth degree member of the Knights of Columbus. He is a man of affable manner and genial disposition, who in business is both forceful and resourceful, and has been particularly successful in the development of farm property. fie carries forward to successful completion whatever he undertakes and in his vocabulary there is no such word as fail.



Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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