Genealogy of Daniel Baker

B. Daniel Baker: 1780-1849; m. Elmina Hanford; l. In Whitestown, Jamesville, Oswega Co., Auburn and Chautauqua Co., N. Y., and thence to Leona, Winnebago Co., Ill.

a. Leander Hanford : b. 1814; m. Martha C. Wing; graduated from the Univ. of Louisville (Ky.), 1842; served in Civil War as Brigade Surgeon in the Union Army; res. Belleville, Ill. Ch.: Leander Wing (b. 1853), Charles Hanford (b. 1856).
b. Preserved Daniels: b. 1816; 1. at Durand, Ill. C. Preserved: 1782-1815; m. Lydia Cummings. D. Asa: b. 1791; m. Abigail Ridley.
a. Samuel Ridley: b. 1828; m., Mary Bruner; 1. at Rockton, Ill. Ch.: Frank (1857), George (1859).
2. Abijah: 1749-1824; m. Esther Parker; m. (2), Phoebe Boyden; served in the army in the Revolutionary War.
A. David: 1782-1861; m. Jemima Richardson; m. (2) Lucy Fairbands. held various military and civil offices in Franklin.
a. Abijah Richardson: 1805-1876; grad. Amherst, 1830; D.D., Austin College, Texas, 1878; made valuable contributions to the literature of the Congregational denomination; m. Harriet Newell Woods.
(I) George Stuart: b. 1838; grad. Union Theological Seminary, 1870; m. Margaret Coates; served in several different pastorates in N. Y.
(II) Charles Richardson: b. 1842; grad. Cambridge Theological Seminary; m. Mary Sneden Schenck.
(III) William Henry: b. 1845; grad. Harvard Medical School; professor of gynaecology there; m. Charlotte Ann Ball. Ch.: Roy Ball (1876); Harold Woods (1881).
(IV) Walter: b. 1849; Harvard, 1874, and the Episcopal Theological Seminary in Cambridge; associate minister of Trinity Church in Covington, Ky.; D. D. from Austin College.
(V) Frank Woods: b. 1856; Harvard, 1883; Episcopal Theological Seminary in Camb.; rector of the above named church; m.
Jennie Porter Mills.% 9Ch.: Leonard Woods (1884), Dudley Mills (1887).
b. Erastus: b. 1825; m. Abby Miranda Bacon; a highly respected citizen. Ch.: Joseph Herbert (b. 1855), David Erastus (b. 1857; m. Harriet E. Lord; physician at Newton Lower Falls).
3. John: 1751-1816; m. Molly Harding.
4. Nathaniel: 1756-1777; probably killed in the army service near Saratoga.
(c) Micah: 1730-1808: m. Abigail Streeter; m. (2), Elizabeth Whittemore; moved to Royalston, Mall.
1. Micah: 1766-1859; m. Polly Hopkins.
A. Sewell: b. 1800; m. Elizabeth Brown; res. Morrisristown, Vt.
a. Sewell: b. 1828; m. Lucy G. Goodale. b. Bradley B.: b. 1838.
B. Micah: b. 1806; m. Arvilla Joslin. Ch.: Horace B. (1833), George E. (1836), Josiah J., Charles.
C. Reuben: b. 1808; m. Mary B. Quimby. Ch.: Chester O. (1834), Richard.
2. Amos: 1772-1832.% 9Ch.: Amos and Reuben. 3. Abi)ah: 1773-1843.
A. Henry.
B. Amos: m. Lois Elliot about 1738; 1. in Lisbon, N. H. a. William: removed to Newport, N. H.
b. Horace: removed to Boston. C. Nelson.




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