Biographical Sketch of William Ricketts

Last Updated on September 18, 2011 by

William Ricketts, land agent and conveyancer, Charleston; was born in Alleghany Co., Md., March 3, 1813; his father, Joshua Ricketts was of an old Maryland family in Colonial days; his mother was Sarah Taylor, a daughter of John Taylor, of Connecticut, who was a soldier of the Revolution, and was wounded at the battle of Bunker Hill and afterward at the battle of Brandywine; Mr. Ricketts’ parents removed, in 1813, to Zanesville, Ohio; he is the seventh in age of a family of thirteen; he was raised on a farm. He was first married Sept. 11, 1834, in Putnam, Ohio, to Miss Ellen Alexander of that place, who died Sept. 8, 1850, leaving five children – John A., Ann (wife of T. E. Wood), Andrew A., Joshua T. and William G.; they are all residents of Charleston except Andrew A., who is a traveling agent for the Chicago & Paducah Railroad Co.; and resides in Windsor, Shelby Co., Ill. Mr. Ricketts was married again Sept. 11, 1851, to Miss Susan Falls of Zanesville, Ohio; they have four children living – Charles L., Emma (now Mrs. Henley Anderson, of Charleston), Ella and Edward W. In April, 1854, Mr. Ricketts removed with his family to Charleston, and engaged with his brother Joshua Ricketts in the marble business, in which he continued until about the breaking-out of the late war, when he opened an office as U. S. Claim Agent, which he has continued in connection with a general real estate and conveyancing business to the present time. He is at present Township School Treasurer, to which he was elected in 1874; he was appointed U. S. Commissioner some twelve years ago, and still acts in that capacity.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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