Biography of William Sims, Major

Maj. William Sims. The late Maj. William Sims, whose death occurred July 23, 1907, on his farm in Shawnee County, Kansas, had an enviable record both as a soldier of the Civil war and as a citizen in the years that followed that struggle. He was born May 15, 1831, on a farm in Muskingum County, Ohio, and was a son of Mahlon and Myron (Riley) Sims. He grew to manhood in his native community, securing his scholastic training in the common schools, and when still a young man served for a number of years as a clerk in the … Read more

Blue Rock Baptist Cemetery, Blue Rock Township, Muskingum County Ohio

Junction of Roads 79 and 226 ALEXANDER Robert, 1837 – 1912 Margaret, 1833 – 1922 Dorcas A., 1872 – 1892 Mary C., 1867 – 1876 Leslie W., 1870 – 1946 ALLISON John T., 1846 – 1928 Mary P., 1859 – 1936 Infant dau., d. 3 Aug. 1898 Thomas I, d. 20 Aug. 1900, ae. 2 mos., 25 days ANDERS David, 1869 – ____ Loudema, 1867 – 1951 APPERSON Margaret J., b. 18 Nov. 1830, d. 22 May 1902 F. H., b. 24 Aug. 1828 Eli M., 1862 – 1914 Thedosia, 1872 – 1909 Infant son, 1897 – 1897 ARGO Merinda … Read more

Biography of T. F. Berkley

T. F. Berkley, who for a number of years has been the leading flour merchant in the village of Ogden, is a miller by training and experience, as was his father before him. Mr. Berkley was born at Maxburg in Muskingum County, Ohio, a son of C. F. and C. M. (Richardson) Berkley. This branch of the Richardson family were prominent both in Ohio and Kentucky. C. F. Berkley in the early days conducted a mill on the Muskingum River, but in 1851 removed to Charleston, Illinois, when his son T. F. was only three years of age. C. F. … Read more

Biography of John McClellan

John McClellan, one of the earliest pioneers of Boise, Idaho, is a native of Ohio, born in Licking County, March 16, 1827, of Irish and English extraction, his paternal ancestors being Irish, his maternal, English. John McClellan, his father, was born in Ireland in 1777, and in the year 1820 came to America, landing at New York, where he remained for some time and where he was married to Miss Amanda Reed, a native of New York and a daughter of English parents. From New York they removed to Dresden, Ohio, where they resided until 1850 in which year he … Read more

Biography of Boyd Elias Pollom

The men who came to Shawnee County in 1871 were of necessity patient plodders, content to await the rewards of a developing civilization. There were no short cuts to fortune such as fired the zeal of the argonauts of ’49, but there existed sane and practical opportunities for the man to whom labor was a beneflcent and necessary festure of his existence. To such a class belonged William Pollom, father of Boyd Elias Pollom, the latter one of the successful agrienlturists and substantial citizens of the vicinity of North Topeka. William Pollom was born in Ohio, in 1838, a son … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Ricketts

William Ricketts, land agent and conveyancer, Charleston; was born in Alleghany Co., Md., March 3, 1813; his father, Joshua Ricketts was of an old Maryland family in Colonial days; his mother was Sarah Taylor, a daughter of John Taylor, of Connecticut, who was a soldier of the Revolution, and was wounded at the battle of Bunker Hill and afterward at the battle of Brandywine; Mr. Ricketts’ parents removed, in 1813, to Zanesville, Ohio; he is the seventh in age of a family of thirteen; he was raised on a farm. He was first married Sept. 11, 1834, in Putnam, Ohio, … Read more

Biography of W. H. Roberts

W. H. Roberts, farmer, See. 9, T. 13, R. 14 W.; P. O. Kansas; born in Muskingum Co., Ohio, Oct. 17, 1840, where he followed farming until 20 years of age, when he emigrated to Illinois with his parents, and located in East Oakland Tp., Coles Co., on Sec. 6, where his father, Thomas Roberts, now lives; here he assisted his father farming until Aug. 8, 186,2, when he enlisted in the 79th I. V. I., and went forward’ to battle for the Union; going to Louisville, Ky., he joined the army of Gen. Buell, who had been driven back … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sherman W. Roberts

Sherman W. Roberts, farmer; P. O. Oakland; born in Muskingum Co., Ohio, Jan. 11, 1852; he attended school here until 9 years of age, when he emigrated with his parents to Illinois, and located in East Oakland Tp., Coles Co., in September, 1860 (his father at that time purchasing upward of two hundred acres upon Sec. 6, where he still resides); he attended school here during the winter and assisted his father farming in the summer, until he attained his majority; he then engaged in farming a part of his father’s farm on shares for three years, when he bought … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James J. Rogers

He was a farmer residing near Holstein, Iowa, in Battle Township in Ida County, 1883. He was a native of Muskingum County, Ohio, born December 21, 1835. His limited education was received in a log schoolhouse, built with puncheon floor and slab seats. He came to Ida County in 1883. He married Agnes Miller of Pa., a daughter of Michael and Jane (Currey) Miller of Pa. They had 5 children: Samuel L. of Holstein, Ia.; Jacob E.; Leila; Henry C.; and Nora (a teacher in Ida County, Ia.). Henry Rogers, his father, was born in Pennsylvania, son of Robert Rodman … Read more

Biography of John M. Silcott

Almost forty years have passed since John M. Silcott took up his residence in Idaho, and he is therefore one of the oldest and most widely known pioneers of the state. He came in the spring of 1860 to establish the government Indian agency at Lapwai, and has since been identified with the growth and development of this section. He is a Virginian, his birth having occurred in Loudoun County, of the Old Dominion, January 14, 1824. His French and Scotch ancestors were early settlers there, and during the Revolution and the war of 18 12 representatives of the family … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert Newell

ROBERT NEWELL. – “Doc” Newell, as he was commonly called, was one of the same breed of pioneers as Jo Meek. He was, in fact, associated with the latter for many years in the wild, trapping life on the border; and when that was given up he went with the rest of the little company of trappers to Oregon and became one of the state-builders there. He was born near Zanesville, Ohio, on the 30th of March, 1807. After having spent some time in Cincinnati, in learning the saddler’s trade, he was led by his adventurous disposition to go with … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Winkelblack

John Winkelblack, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Charleston; born in Dauphin Co., Penn., March 4, 1805, where he lived until 15 years of age, when he learned and worked at the tanner’s and currier’s trade at Harrisburg, Penn., until 1829, at which date he emigrated to Ohio, working at Cleveland, Massillon and Zanesville until February, 1830, when he went to Pennsylvania and the following spring returned to Zanesville, Ohio, where he followed his trade until the fall of 1835; he then emigrated to Illinois and located upon Sec. 30, Morgan Tp., where he now lives; upon locating here he entered … Read more

Biography of Milton F. Ward

Milton F. Ward. Among the business men of Kansas, there are none more far-seeing and intelligent than those who make up the agricultural class. The career of a farmer is somewhat exacting, in that he may not choose his own times or seasons for labor, for Nature adjusts such matters; but it is not probable that any other vocation gives such large and certain returns for well-directed effort expended. When an agriculturist successfully produces large crops he may be called a capable husbandman, but when he is able also to profitably handle the yield of his fertile fields himself, he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William F. Riley

William F. Riley, is a well known banker of Topeka but he laid the foundation of his prosperity as a farmer and stock raiser in Wabaunsee County. He had been a resident of the state since 1883, and his family is one that had performed its full share of services in the development of the Sunnflower Commonwealth during the last thirty-three years. Born in Muskingum County, Ohio, January 10, 1871, William F. Riley is the youngest of eight children. His parents were John and Christiann (McDonald) Riley. During his residence in Ohio his father followed sheep raising and farming. On … Read more

Biography of R. G. Morrison

R. G. Morrison. A Rantoul residence almost palatial in its architectural design, size and comforts is the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Morrison in their retired years. Mr. Morrison is a veteran of the Civil War and fought gallantly for the preservation of the Union when the nation needed his services. His industrious efforts as a farmer brought him large rewards and though he began with very modest capital he acquired one of the handsomest estates of Champaign County. Mr. Morrison was born in Muskingum County, Ohio, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abram Morrison, his father a native … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Tillman Bagley

Tillman Bagley, horticulturist; Charleston; was born in Loudoun Co., Va., June 6, 1828; being left fatherless when but a child, he accompanied his mother, at the age of 9 years to Muskingum Co., Ohio, where they settled on a farm about twelve miles north of Zanesville; at 19, he left the farm to learn the trade of a marble-cutter, after completing which he worked as a journeyman until 1853; he then came to Charleston, and after working two years, started in the marble business for himself, in which he continued till 1869; at which time he purchased what is known … Read more

Biography of Lemuel L. Hambelton

In the course of the compilation of the history of Union and Wallowa counties we seldom are favored with the privilege of writing the career of a more worthy citizen and stanch and noble man than at the present time, while we attempt to outline the life of the capable and respected gentleman whose name is at the head of this article. Mr. Hambelton is one of the true pioneers of the country: has always labored for the development and advancement of the same: he is a capable and intelligent citizen, displaying loyalty and patriotism in commendable degree: he has … Read more

Biography of Joshua Ricketts

Joshua Ricketts, dealer in grain and produce, groceries, glassware, queens-ware, etc., Ashmore; was born in Muskingum Co., Ohio, March 13, 1821. He is a son of Joshua and Sarah (Taylor) Ricketts. He remained at home until he was 13 years old, when he went to Knox County, Ohio, and engaged in study with a view to preparing for the ministry, but meeting with a change in his religious belief he abandoned the idea and engaged in farming, afterward learning the trade of a marble cutter. At the age of 23 he went to Coshocton, Ohio, and followed farming for a … Read more

Biography of Judge James Neal McGee

Judge James Neal McGee, now in his third consecutive term as probate judge of Rice County, was one of the early settlers in the county and had lived here continuously for almost forty years. Judge McGee had that depth of character which is due to a long and diversified experience in practical affairs and in dealings with men. All these qualifications he had brought to his present position, where he had been instrumental in the delicate adjustment of human relationships and of property matters such as come before the probate tribunal. Judge McGee was born near Mount Zion in Muskingum … Read more

Biography of A. P. Woodward

A.P. WOODWARD. – Those who had the sharp work of quieting the Indians, and of defending the homes and families of the Whites in 1855-56, did not at that time suppose that their work would ever be of historic interest. But the time is coming when every name of the veterans will be inscribed as with letters of gold upon the records of the state. One of these veterans is Mr. Woodward. He was born in Muskingum, Ohio, and, after the manner of many Westerners, spent his early days in gradually passing westward, moving by slow stages through Illinois and … Read more