Biography of Solomon Hendrix

Last Updated on August 31, 2011 by

Solomon Hendrix, stock dealer; P. O. Oakland; born in Champaign Co., Ohio, May 13, 1820, where he attended school during his youth until large enough to labor upon a farm, when he followed farming for his father until he attained his majority, when, in 1842, he located upon a farm of eighty-six acres, all heavy timber, where he lived seven years and succeeded in clearing and placing under cultivation upward of sixty acres, the first year by hard labor he raised eight acres of corn and potatoes enough for his family use during the winter. In the summer of 1850, he came to Illinois, but not finding a location to suit, he returned to Ohio, and purchased a farm of 160 acres, which he worked for three years, clearing off upward of seventy acres of timber, when he sold his farm and purchased the old homestead, living there until 1857, when he emigrated West and located in Edgar Co., purchasing 320 acres of land six miles north of Paris, where he lived until the spring of 1861, when, selling his farm, he engaged in stock raising and feeding and selling, confining his business mostly to sheep, which business he followed until 1866; at the above date he located in East Oakland Tp., and engaged in farming and dealing in stock, which business he followed for a period of eleven years, when he removed with his family to Oakland, where he has since continued to live. He owns his residence, and is interested in about 200 acres of well-improved and timber land. He married June 19, 1842, to Nancy G. Wilson; she was born in Pennsylvania in 1823; died March 5, 1866, leaving seven children, viz., William T., Mary E., Lucy E., Charles, John E., Joseph and Alice M. His marriage with Melvina Berry was celebrated Dec. 11, 1866; she was born in Clark Co., Ill., May 14, 1834; they have one child by this union-Raymond Hendrix. Mrs. Hendrix’s father and mother are among the early settlers of Clark Co., locating there at a very early date, about 1829 or 1830; she has one child by her previous husband-Amelia Berry.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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