Biographical Sketch of S. H. Ashmore

Last Updated on August 27, 2011 by

S. H. Ashmore, farmer and stock-raiser; P.O. Kansas; born in Butler Co., Ky., Jan. 29, 1822; he emigrated with his parents when quite young and located in Clark Co., Ill., about the year 1826, where he lived until about 1828, when he removed to Coles Co., and located before the organization of the township in what is now known as Ashmore Tp., where he lived until 1836, when he located in East Oakland Tp., where he has since lived. He lived with his parents until 23 years of age, at which time he married, and renting a farm, commenced farming for himself; his stock then consisted of a team of ponies and two cows; after renting two years he purchased eighty acres of land, for which he partly paid at the time, the balance was paid within two years; he has added since by purchase, until he now owns upward of 600 acres in Coles and Edgar Counties. He married June, 1845, to Matilda Boyer; she was born in Edgar Co., Oct. 4, 1827; she died Oct. 14, 1875, leaving five children, two of which are since deceased; the names of the living are William M., Nancy J. (now Mrs. James Buckler), and Emanda E. Mr. Ashmore held the office of School Director in his district for upward of twenty years.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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