Biography of Lawrence E. Farlow

Last Updated on June 8, 2012 by

Lawrence E. Farlow. While one of the younger residents of Fisher as a business man, where he has lived for the past five years, Mr. Farlow lacks none of that enthusiasm, energy and enterprise which are fundamentals in success and the advancement of a community. His responsibilities in a business way are chiefly as manager of the Fisher Farmers Grain and Coal Company.

Mr. Farlow is a native of Jefferson County, Illinois, where he was born January 2, 1889, a son of S. M. and Marian (Redmond) Farlow. His father was also, born in Jefferson County and the larger part of his life has been spent as an agriculturist. The common schools educated him and he also had a year of college training. For fifteen years he was successfully at work as a teacher in Jefferson County, and many of his students now grown to, manhood and womanhood have a grateful memory of his work in their behalf. Politically he is a Democrat and has served his home county and township as an official for a number of years, having been justice of the peace sixteen years and school treasurer four years. Both he and his wife have been affiliated with the Missionary Baptist Church and he is now superintendent of the Sunday School, an office he has filled a number of years. The father resides at Belle Rive, Illinois. His wife, who was also born in Illinois, died in October, 1897, and is buried in her home township.

Lawrence E. Farlow in addition to the advantages of the common schools had one year of training in Ewing College in Franklin County, Illinois, and also took a course in Carleton College at Farmington, Missouri. His early work was in the same line as his father, teaching, which he followed successfully for five years in Jefferson County. Mr. Farlow came to Fisher, Illinois, in 1912, and was made bookkeeper of the Fisher Farmers Grain and Coal Company. Three months later the directors of that company, recognizing his thorough fitness and capability, made him manager, and the business has since grown and flourished under his capable direction.

Mr. Farlow married, February 6, 1910, Miss Bertie Bumpus. They have two young children, Coenia B. and Edwin M. These children are the pride and delight of their parents.

Mrs. Farlow was born in Jefferson County, Illinois, in 1891, and besides the common school course she attended Mount Vernon High School and spent one term in Carleton College. She is an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and is secretary of the Domestic Science Club of Fisher.

The Farmers Grain and Coal Company of Fisher is one of the leading enterprises in that section of Champaign County. To the business Mr. Farlow has given the best that is in him and he is well fitted temperamentally for contracting business with the public. He possesses the qualities of cordiality and a pleasant greeting for all comers, and these, combined with his honesty and integrity, command for him an impregnable place of advantage in the community. Politically he is a Democrat, having cast his first presidential vote for President Wilson. He was one of the village trustees of Fisher for one year. Mr. Farlow is a member of Lodge No. 704 of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Fisher and is treasurer of the lodge. While his church affiliation is as a Baptist, he is now superintendent of the Methodist Episcopal Sunday school at Fisher, this being one of the most vigorous Sunday schools of the town. Mr. and Mrs. Farlow have a beautiful and modern bungalow residence on Fifth Street, and it is a home of peace, harmony and good cheer, where they extend their hospitality to many friends.



Stewart, J. R. A Standard History of Champaign County Illinois. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago and New York. 1918.

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