Biography of Irving H. Boemer, M.D.

Last Updated on July 6, 2012 by

Dr. Irving H. Boemer, a St. Louis physician, with offices 1n the Metropolitan building, was born in St. Clair county, Illinois, September 13, 1889. His father, Henry Boemer, was also born in St. Clair county, while the paternal grandfather was a native of Germany. Henry Boemer is now living retired and makes his home in St. Louis. In early manhood he wedded Katherine Merod, who was born in St. Clair county and is a representative of an old French family. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boemer was celebrated in 1887 and they became the parents of two eons and two daughters: Irving H. Lilburn, who is a student in the University of Illinois; Aurelia, the wife of Sidney Seligstein, of St. Louis; and Melba, living at home with her father.

Dr. Boemer pursued his early education in the public schools of St. Louis and after attending the Central high school became a student in the University Preparatory School of this city. He next attended the Westminster College at Fulton, Missouri, and then entered the St. Louis University, from which he was graduated in 1915 with the M. D. degree. He has specialized in surgery in both his studies and in his practice. He was an interns in St. John’s Hospital from 1915 until 1917 and through the succeeding period has engaged in general surgical practice. having a well equipped office in the Metropolitan building. He also holds the position of assistant surgeon in St. John’s Hospital and is assistant in surgery at St. John’s Dispensary, visiting surgeon to the Missouri Pacific Hospital and assistant in surgery of the St. Louis University School of Medicine. During the World war he did local work for his country but was unable to take active part with the army, owing to physical Incapacity.

On the 1st of January, 1918, in St. Louis, Dr. Boemer was married to Miss Evylln Kinney, a daughter of William and Charlotte (Jones) Kinney of Taylorville, Illinois, the former now deceased. Dr. and Mrs. Boemer reside at 6306 Enright street in University City.

Dr. Boemer belongs to the Beta Theta PI and the Alpha Kappa Kappa, two Greek letter fraternities, is also identified with the University Club, the Sunset Hill Country Club and the Triple A Club. In politics his course is that of an independent republican and his religious faith is that of the Episcopal church. He has high professional and social standing and his friends in St. Louis are many.



Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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