Biography of Charles S. Putt, Hon.

Last Updated on May 1, 2021 by

Hon. Charles S. Putt. Among the prominent men of Jewell County, using the tern in its broadest sense to indicate business acumen, sterling character, public service and upright citizemship, is Hon. Charles S. Putt, mayor of Mankato and one of that eity’s leading merchants. He had been a resident of this community since 1900 and in his activities had been one of the integral parts of the forces which have combined to bring the locality prominence and prosperity in both evic and commercial lines.

Mayor Putt was born at Lisbon, Kendall County, Illinois, November 21, 1862, a son of John and Sarah (Turner) Putt. His father was born in 1820, in Devonshire, England, and was there reared, educated and married, and learned the trade of silversmith. On coming to the United States in 1855 he located at Lisbon, Illinois, where he engaged in business as a carpenter and builder and continued to be so occupied until his death in 1867. He was a faithful member of the Congregational Church and liberal in his support of its work and movements. Mrs. Putt, who was born in 1819, in Devonshire, died at Mankate, Kansas, in December, 1911. There were eight children in the family, as follows: W. T., who is a practicing physician and surgeon of Grand Island, Nebraska, a graduate of the Eclectic Medical College of Cincinnatl, Ohio, and of Rush Medical College, Ohieago; George T., who is engaged in mercantile pursuits at Aurora, Illinois; Frank M., also a resident of that locality and a farmer by vocation; Rowena, who died at the age of nine years; Charles S.; and three that died in infancy.

Charles S. Putt was educated in the public schools of Lisbon and Morris, Illinois, but after attending school at the latter place for one year gave up his studies, as it was necessary that he begin to contribute to the family income. He was then but fourteen years of age, but was industrious and intent on making a success of his life, and secured a clerkship in a general store at Morris, After spending some years in various capacities in connection with the mercantile business in his native state, in 1889 Mr. Putt decided that there was a better future awaiting him further to the west, and in that year first came to Kansas, where, at Washington, be was for two years associated with L. F. Beach in conducting a general store. Selling his interests, he next went to Crete, Nebraska, where he was a merchant for eight years, and in 1898 returned to Kansas and took up his residence at Horton, remaining there, howsver, for only one year. In 1899 he came to Mankato, and this city had since been his place of residence and the scene of his worth while and well deserved snccess. For seventeen years Mr. Putt had been proprietor of his present establishment, which is located in a building on Commereial Street. Through honorable methods of business, energetic handling of his opportunities and display of fine business talent he had built up an excellent trade, and is now accounted one of the leading and substantial merchants of the city. During the many years that he had been engaged in business he had observed the highest business ethics, and his patrons and associates have the utmost confidence in his integrity. A man of conservative ideas, he nevertheless carefully studies innovations, and after their worth had been definitely proven to him he is willing to adopt them, but not unless they are absolutely legitimate in cvery way. While his time is well occupied with his business and official affairs, his ears are never closed to the appeals of the worthy and nesdy and his charities have been many. Mr. Putt’s comfortable home, which he owned, is located on Spencer Street. He is a member of the Boman Catholie Church and belongs to Emporia Council, Knights of Columbus. In his political belief Mr. Putt is a demecrat and one of the leaders of his party at Mankato- In 1917 he was elected mayor of the city, and in his administration of the affairs of the municipality had demonstrated the possession of much executive ability and an earnest desire to assist his community in its development.

In 1886, at Morris, Illinois, Mr. Putt was united in marriage with Miss Annie Moran, who was born at Morris, and to this union there have been born two children: George H., a graduate of Mankato High School and his father’s partner in business; and Charles J., who is a student of the law department of Nebraska University at Lincoln, and also a graduate of the Mankato High School.


Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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