Biographical Sketch of W. S. Chapman

W. S. Chapman, of the firm of W. S. Chapman & Co, merchants, was born in Jefferson County, Iowa, October 17, 1847; enlisted in Company F, Sixteenth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and remained until the close of the war. He came to Belleville, Republic County, Kan., in 1872, and engaged in merchandising; and in 1874 started a branch store in Mankato, Jewell County. Mr. Chapman came to Mankato and erected a business building 23×60 feet, with a wareroom 16×60 foot, and now carries a stock of from $10,000 to $12,000. The firm own 960 acres of land in Jewell County, 500 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Leroy Hulse

Leroy Hulse, merchant, was born in Ohio, January 10, 1848. Removed to Henry County, Iowa; thence to Jefferson County; thence to Illinois. Came to Jewell County, Kan., in 1876, and clerked for Chapman & Co. for several years. Commenced business for himself in September 1882, and now has a stock of general merchandise, and is doing a good business. Was married in Mankato, June 20, 1880, to Miss Lizzie Howe, and has one child – Maud.

Biography of Henry R. Honey

Henry R. Honey. A pioneer of North Central Kansas, where be had resided for more than fifty-three years, Henry R. Honey had watched and participated in its growth and development from Indian days and had been variously identified with the movements and institutions which have brought about advanced civilization and the establishment of conditions that make this one of the most prosperous and enlightened sectione of the country. He had been connected prominently with business and finansial affairs, but more partienlarly with journalistic work, and for over two decades had been publisher and proprietor of the Western Advocate, the leading … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. M. Ketchum

J. M. Ketchum, merchant, was born in Wayne County, Pa., February 3, 1850. In June, 1874, he was appointed postmaster at Pleasant Mount, Wayne County, Pa., which position he held until 1879, when he came to Mankato, Jewell Co., Kan., and erected a storeroom 25×85 feet, one and a half stories high, and stocked the same with general merchandise and carries a stock of $12,000. He also runs a lumber business, his sales in that amounting to over $12,000 per annum. Mr. Ketchum stands at the head of one of the best establishments in Mankato, and by close application to … Read more

Biography of Charles Clyde Myers

Charles Clyde Myers. A young lawyer of pronounced character, whether considered from the viewpoint of his professional attainments or from the standpoint of progressive citizenship, Charles Clyde Myers had been engaged in practice at Mankato since November, 1913, and is now serving his second term as attorney of Jewell County. Like many of the members of his profession he began his career as a school teacher, and his training had been thorough and comprehensive, so that while he had been in active practice for only comparatively a short period, he had already been able to take a leading place in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. J. Dalton

J. J. Dalton, drugs. Born in Illinois, July 1, 1855; moved to Glenwood, Iowa, thence to Jewell County, Kan., in 1870. Came to Mankato in 1873; was appointed Treasurer of Jewell County, July 1, 1876, the very day he was twenty-one years old; has held the offices of Deputy Treasurer, Deputy Recorder, Deputy Clerk, etc., from 1873 to the present time. He engaged in the drug and jewelry business under the firm name of J. J. Dalton & Co., in l874, and is now engaged in the same line of business. He is a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge, … Read more

Biography of Frederick Jones

Frederick Jones has been identified with the commercial life of Blaine in Pottawatomie County over twenty years. He came there with little besides a practical mercantile experience and had built up and become the owner of the chief store of the town. Mr. Jones had lived in Kansas since he was a boy of four years. He was born in Stephenson County, Illinois, October 22, 1875. His people were among the earliest settlers of Stephenson County. Grandfather Robert Jones, who was born in England in 1802, grew up and married in the United States and was one of the first … Read more

Biography of Charles S. Putt, Hon.

Hon. Charles S. Putt. Among the prominent men of Jewell County, using the tern in its broadest sense to indicate business acumen, sterling character, public service and upright citizemship, is Hon. Charles S. Putt, mayor of Mankato and one of that eity’s leading merchants. He had been a resident of this community since 1900 and in his activities had been one of the integral parts of the forces which have combined to bring the locality prominence and prosperity in both evic and commercial lines. Mayor Putt was born at Lisbon, Kendall County, Illinois, November 21, 1862, a son of John … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James E. Hyett, M. D.

James E. Hyett, M. D., who had been successfully engaged in practice at St. Marys since 1909, came to Kansas with his parents in 1875. He early learned the lessons of self reliance, and depended upon his own efforts to acquire both a college and a professional training. He was born in Belmont County, Ohio, April 18, 1870. He attended the St. Marys public school, and afterwards was a student in the Academic Department of Washburn College, from which he graduated in 1894. He received his degree of B. S. from Washburn in 1897. Before going to college Doctor Hyett … Read more

Biographical Sketch of S. H. Harrison

S. H. Harrison, attorney-at-law and loan agent, was born in Rutland County, Vt., January 17, 1837. Removed to Dodge County, Wis., in the fall of 1855. In the fall of 1859 he went to Minnesota. In 1862 he enlisted in the United States Army, in Company B, Seventh Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, and was discharged in January 1866. He was commissioned first lieutenant of Company C, Sixty-fifth Infantry, and returned to Wisconsin; thence to Harrison County, Mo. In the spring of 1875 he came to Jewell County, Kan., and located at Jewell City, after which he removed to Mankato, where he … Read more

Biography of G. Orien Kirkpatrick

G. Orien Kirkpatrick, cashier of the State Exchange Bank of Mankato, had been identified with this institution for ten years, and during this period of time his career had been one of constant advancement. Mr. Kirkpatrick is a native son of Jewell County, Kansas, and was born November 22, 1883, his parents being J. P. and Luella (Elder) Kirkpatrick. J. P. Kirkpatrick was born in 1856, in Iowa, being reared on the Iowa and Minnesota frontier, and in 1870 accompanied his parents to Jewell County, Kansas, where he had since been engaged in farming on the old homestead, which was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Collins

George W. Collins, real estate and farm loans, was born in England, December 12, 1858; came to America July 8, 1870, and settled in Republic County, Kan. Moved to Jewell County, and engaged in the printing business. In 1875, in company with N. W. Pettigrew, he established the Norton County Advance, and ran the same for eight months, when he sold out and moved to Mankato and engaged in the real estate and loan business, in which line he has been very successful. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Was married in Mankato, December 22, 1881, to Kate … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. J. La Mar

J. J. La Mar, hardware, was born in Missouri, November 18, 1869. Removed to Nebraska, and again returned to Missouri. Attended school at the Seminary at St. Joseph, Mo.; also attended Commercial College. Came to Mankato, Jewell Co., Kan., in 1880, and established himself in the hardware business with L. H. Sanders. Mr. La Mar is erecting one of the beet store-rooms in Mankato, the building being built of stone, 25×80 feet, and two stories high. Was elected to the City Council of Mankato in the spring of 1882. Is a member of the Masonic fraternity.

Biographical Sketch of F. A. Baughman

F. A. Baughman, furniture, was born in Mahaska County, Iowa, February 18, 1853; removed to Cawker City, Mitchell County, Kan., in 1878, and engaged in the furniture business. Later he came to Mankato, Jewell County, and erected a building 25×50 feet, and stocked the same with furniture. Mr. Baughman is a young man, and full of energy and enterprise; he has been compelled to do for himself and make his own start in the world. He now carries a good stock of goods. Is a member of the masonic fraternity. Was married in Story County, Iowa, June 13, 1877, to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. R. Moser

J. R. Moser, marble-works, was born in Warren County, Iowa, July 2, 1853. Removed to Madison County. In May, 1877, moved to Rush County, Kan, and came to Mankato, Jewell County, in 1878, and in December, 1881, established himself in the marble business. He is now doing a splendid business, shipping tombstones to different points.

Biography of Elmer Birdell Gift

Elmer Birdell Gift, a native Kansan, spent his active years in educational work. He is now city superintendent of the public schools of Manhattan, and has been a teacher or a student in higher educational institutions continuously for the past twenty years. He was born on a farm in Smith County, Kansas, April 28, 1874, a son of John and Rachel Ann (Akers) Gift. His parents came to Kansas from Iowa in 1873, settling on a farm. His father was a native of Pennsylvania of German lineage, while his mother was born in Ohio of Scotch and English ancestry. Their … Read more

Hackler, Clemma Aileen – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Clemma Aileen Hackler, 81, of La Grande died Nov. 20 at her home. A memorial service will be held at later time. Arrangements are under the direction of Daniels Chapel of the Valley. Mrs. Hackler was born March 6, 1925, to William and Eunice Hughes Barber in Mankato, Kan. Her family moved to Steamboat Springs, Colo., where they lived for a short time before moving to Hermiston. She married Clarence Hackler and the couple raised watermelons in Hermiston before moving to Weston, where they logged. Mrs. Hackler cooked at numerous restaurants over the years. Whan she moved … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. L. B. Powell

Dr. L. B. Powell, drugs, was born near Frankfort, Ky., September 3, 1847. Remove to Illinois. In March, 1862, enlisted in Company D, Sixty-fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantry; transferred to Company G, One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry; was discharged in August, 1865, when he returned to Port Byron, Ill., and in 1869 went to Texas. In 1871 the Doctor was crossing the Staked Plains, at the head of the Concho River, when he, with his party of nine, was attacked by the Indians. Three of the men were killed and one committed suicide, and all of his party, including … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Louis P. Vance

Louis P. Vance, of Mankato, Jewell County, Kan., was born at Goshen, Elkhart County, Ind., December 9, 1837; removed at four and a half years of age to Jefferson County, Iowa, with his parents; was a farmer till his twenty-second year; spent two years prior to the war of the Rebellion in the Colorado mining regions. Enlisted in the service of the United States in March, 1862, as a member of Company B, Thirty-fifth Missouri Volunteer Infantry; was promoted from the ranks through the grades of non-commissioned and two of the commissioned offices of the line; was mustered out in … Read more

Biography of Harry O. Sutcliff

Harry O. Sutcliff is superintendent of the city schools of Wheaton in Pottawatomie County. Mr. Sutcliff is still young, with life before him, but had already proved an instrument of great service in the educational affairs of his native state. He was born on a farm in Jewell County, Kansas, January 14, 1891. The Suteliff family had lived in this state for over thirty-five years. His grandfather, Robert Sutcliff, was born in England in 1820 and came when a young man to the United States, living in Illinois until 1880, when he removed to Jewell County, Kansas, and followed farming … Read more