Conley, Joseph Franklin – Obituary

Long-Time Valley Resident Dies Funeral services for J. Frank Conley, 74, who passed away this morning after several weeks illness will be held at the Snodgrass Funeral home Sunday at 1:30 P.m. with burial in the Island City cemetery. He was born in Mount Vernon, Ill., Nov. 19, 1865. He came to Union county in 1874 and had made his home in the valley since that time. Survivors are: his widow Sarah A.; three sons, Grant, Merrell and Virgil, all of Cove; two daughters, Mrs. Vina Conley Ross of La Grande and Maxine of Cove; a sister, Mrs. Matilda Miller, … Read more

Biography of Charles S. Putt, Hon.

Hon. Charles S. Putt. Among the prominent men of Jewell County, using the tern in its broadest sense to indicate business acumen, sterling character, public service and upright citizemship, is Hon. Charles S. Putt, mayor of Mankato and one of that eity’s leading merchants. He had been a resident of this community since 1900 and in his activities had been one of the integral parts of the forces which have combined to bring the locality prominence and prosperity in both evic and commercial lines. Mayor Putt was born at Lisbon, Kendall County, Illinois, November 21, 1862, a son of John … Read more

Conley, A. B. – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon A. B. Conley, Pioneer of County, Called Beyond Another pioneer of the Grande Ronde valley answered the last call Sunday when death claimed Archie Bird Conley, of La Grande and former resident of Cove. Mr. Conley, one of the outstanding pioneers of this county, spent a long and useful life, having an important hand in the development of the county to its present stage. The deceased was 88 years, one month and eleven days of age and on January 4th, he and his wife celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary. A few days before their daughter … Read more

Hartley, Jane R. – Obituary

Mrs. Jane R. Hartley Dies At Home Here Mrs. Jane R. Hartley died at her home in Gresham on Monday morning at 4 o’clock, after an illness lasting several months. Her age was 74 years, 3 months and 27 days. Mrs. Hartley was born in Yorkville, Illinois, September 20, 1841. Her maiden name was Jane R. Alford. She married to W. T. Hartley 56 years ago in Morris, Illinois, from where they went to Kansas, later coming to Oregon, settling in this state in 1880. They have been residents of Gresham for several years, having come here from eastern Oregon. … Read more

Biography of Jay H. Dobbin

Although Wallowa County is distinctively a stock county and there are residing here some of the leading stock men of the northeastern part of our state, it is capable gentleman whose name is at the head of this article, to state that he is among the heaviest stock owners of the county and is also doubtless one of the largest real estate owners of the county, which demonstrates his excellent capabilities to manage large concerns, besides his ability to gain property, which has been manifested is a commendable manner, and Wallowa county is indebted much to his energy and skill … Read more

Biography of Edwin Carlos Lane

Edwin Carlos Lane, editor of one of the leading county-seat newspapers of Iowa, was born August 11, 1855, on the home farm of his maternal grandfather situated midway between Plano and Bristol Station near the main line of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, in Little Rock township, Kendall county, Illinois. He was one of a family of three sons and one daughter whose parents were Levi Hart and Emily Jane (Kendrick) Lane. The father was born in Lewis county, New York, in 1830, and was a son of Lyman Lane, a native of Suffield, Connecticut, who was born in … Read more