Biography of Augustus M. Evans

Last Updated on June 8, 2012 by

Augustus M. Evans. In the administration of the affairs of county government the duties of few offices are more important than are those of the sheriff. To occupy this position acceptably the incumbent must be a man of unquestioned courage, for even in the most law abiding communities he is frequently called upon to face situations demanding quick, decisive and fearless action; he must possess no inconsiderate amount of detective ability, to be used in the solving of perplexing cases, and he must, withal, be a man of executive ability and force of character in order to inspire respect in his community. Champaign County is fortunate in the possession of a capable sheriff who measures up to the standard set above. Augustus M. Evans has held the shrievalty since 1914, and prior to that time had gained much experience in the office of deputy. He is a former newspaper man and well known to the people of the county who have watched his good official work with satisfaction.

Augustus M. Evans was born in Brown County, Ohio, May 22, 1867, and is a son of George M. and Elizabeth A. (Park) Evans, both of whom were born in the Buckeye State. The family came to Champaign County about the year 1868, settling first at Tolono, where George M. Evans followed the trade of carpenter. In 1882 he removed with his family to Champaign, and in that city continued to follow his chosen vocation up to the time of his death. Mrs. Evans also passed away in that city. There were three children in the family, namely: Charles G.; who is now deceased; William A.; and Augustus M.

Augustus M. Evans was an infant when brought to Illinois by his parents, and the greater part of his schooling was secured in the public schools of Tolono. His real education came, however, after he had located at Champaign. There, in 1882, when he was fifteen years of age, he joined the force of the Champaign Gazette, and during the next twenty-nine years worked his way through various positions, seeing all sides of newspaper life and making a large acquaintance throughout the country. His experience in this connection brought him into contact with all kinds and manner of people and secured for him a wealth of information that has proved of the greatest value to him in his official work. Mr. Evans’ connection with the Gazette office was severed in 1911, when he was appointed deputy sheriff. He remained in that capacity until 1914, when he became the candidate for the office of sheriff on the Republican ticket, and was successful at the polls, receiving a handsome majority. He has discharged the duties of his office well, and during his administration Champaign County has been singularly free from the presence of criminals and evil-doers.

On November 12, 1890, Sheriff Evans was united in marriage with Miss Kate Sharp, who was born in Champaign County, and to this union there has been born one son: Harry S., who is serving in the capacity of deputy sheriff. Sheriff Evans is a stanch Republican and has for a long period been an active worker in the ranks of his party. He believes in the benefit and enjoyment to be derived from membership in fraternal orders, and is at this time affiliated with the local lodges of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Modern Woodmen of America, in all of which he has numerous friends.



Stewart, J. R. A Standard History of Champaign County Illinois. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago and New York. 1918.

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