Biographical Sketch of Oliver, J. W.

Oliver, J. W. dealer in general line of dry goods, notions, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, and groceries. He opened the trade June 6, 1879, under the firm name of Oliver & Michaelis, and changed to the present style in January 1882. He occupies rooms 22×72 feet, first floor and basement; carries an average stock of $18,000. He came to Russell in May 1877, and engaged in the hotel business until March 1879.

He was born in Wabash County, Ind., in 1840; lived on a farm until twenty-one years old; he then enlisted in Company H, Seventy-fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantry; participated in all the battles of his command until detailed to division headquarters. He was in Sherman’s campaigns in the South; detailed as Second Lieutenant; mustered out in the spring of 1865. He then engaged in merchandising in Clinton, Ill, until he came to Kansas. He was married in June 1881, to Rebecca Billingsly, of Axtel, Kan. They have one son – Benjamin M. Mr. Oliver is a member of the A. O. U. W., of Russell, Kan.



Andreas, A. T. History of the State of Kansas. Chicago, Illinois: William G. Cutler. 1883.

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