Biographical Sketch of Dr. G. S. Christ

Dr. G. S. Christ, was born in Lehigh County, Pa., October 31, 1839; removed to Illinois, thence to Jewell County, Kan., October 1, 1870, and engaged in the practice of his profession; also took a homestead, and now owns the same. Attended the Medical department of the State University of Pennsylvania, located at Philadelphia. And graduated in 1866. Is a member of the Odd Fellows, K. of P. and P. O. S. of A. lodges. In the Odd Fellows Lodge he has held office of Past Grand, in the Masonic, Senior Warden, and in K. of P., High Worthy Chancellor. The doctor has been one of the Examiners of the Board of Education of Jewell County. Was in the United States army for two years as Citizen Sergeant. Was married October 30, 1860, in Lehigh, Pa., to Miss Eliza Warmkessel, now deceased. They had three children – Emma, George, and Jacob.



Andreas, A. T. History of the State of Kansas. Chicago, Illinois: William G. Cutler. 1883.

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