Biography of Peter Fredrickson

Last Updated on March 23, 2012 by

The hope of reward is the spur of ambition, and honorable ambition is the keynote to success. Without it business would flag, enterprise and energy would stagnate and advancement would be little, if any; but permeated by this element the world moves on to better things, to greater achievements and more enduring successes. It is this same ambition which has made Mr. Fredrickson one of the leading businessmen of Malad. His career is one into which has entered many picturesque elements. He went forth in his early youth to win a place for himself in the world, has been identified with the pioneer interests and development of the northwest, and has attained success and honor through well directed and conscientious effort. He is now the mayor of the city and well deserves the prominent place which is accorded him by his fellow townsmen.

Mr. Fredrickson was born in Denmark, October 26, 1849, and is of Danish and Swiss descent. His father, Christian U. Fredrickson was also a native of Denmark, and his mother was a native of Sweden. They were married in the former country and there two children, a son and daughter, were born to them. In 1862 they came to America, bringing with them their two children. They had been converted to the faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in Denmark, and left that land in order to join the colony of their people in Utah. They settled in Grantsville, Utah, and from that place removed to Lake Point, where for some years the father engaged in farming. Subsequently they came to Malad, where the father died in 1897, at the age of eighty-seven years. His wife passed away at the age of seventy-four. Their daughter, Mary, is now the wife of Thomas Jenkins.

Mr. Fredrickson of this review attended school in Denmark until his twelfth year, and was a student in the schools of this country for six months, but is largely self-educated, having acquired his knowledge through reading, observation and in the school of experience. He is now a well informed man, having wide general information. He began to earn his own living when only thirteen years of age, and since 1870 has been a resident of Malad. For some time he engaged in freighting, hauling supplies from Corinne, Utah, to the mining camps of Montana, and later turned his attention to agricultural pursuits. He secured seventy acres of land, a part of which is now within the corporation limits of Malad, and began breeding draft and driving horses. To him is largely due the introduction of fine horses into this county and the improvement of the grade of stock here raised. He ha; prospered in his undertakings, and is the owner of a valuable ranch of eighty acres three miles west of the city, together with much desirable city property, including one of the best homes in Malad, which was erected in 1885.

Mr. Fredrickson was married in 1870 to Miss Annie Johnson, a native of Sweden, and they have had twelve children, eight of whom are living, namely: Charles, John, Grace, Maude, Elsie, Ida, Gladys and Jonas.

In his political affiliations Mr. Fredrickson is a Republican, and on that ticket he has been twice elected to the very important office of county commissioner, discharging his duties in a most creditable manner. He was also elected a member of the first state legislature of Idaho, and in 1897 was appointed mayor of Malad. Soon afterward he was elected to the office, and is now serving his third year as chief executive of the city, his administration being practical, progressive and commendable. He takes a deep interest in the welfare of the place, and uses official prerogatives to advance those measures calculated to prove of public benefit. In business he has given close attention to his interests, and by his industry and integrity has achieved a well earned success.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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