Biography of John A. Holman

Last Updated on April 5, 2012 by

JOHN A. HOLMAN. – To the esteemed and enterprising citizen who is named above we are constrained to accord a representation in this volume since he has wrought with vigor and intelligence for the development of this county, and stands today one of its leading and substantial agriculturists and stockmen.

Mr. Holman was born in Tortuna, Vestmanland, Sweden, on December 8, 1857, the rural districts being his home. He received a good education attending school regularly nine months each year for a period of seven years. Then he gave his whole attention to assisting his father on the farm, and when he had reached his majority, engaged with a neighbor for six months, receiving as a remuneration for this service, one hundred kroner, equal to about twenty-seven dollars of our money. He served another six months on his father’s farm and then, being twenty-two years of age, he embarked for America, settling first in Kansas City, Kansas, whence, six months later, he went to Sandy, Utah, making his home in that vicinity for four years. In 1880 his father came to this country, bought a farm in Salt Lake county, ten miles south from Salt Lake City, and our subject rented the same, continuing in that capacity for three years. Then he went to Roseburg, Idaho, and settled on a fraction of school land, whence, in 1885, having sold his right to the land for a horse, he came to Lagrande, and soon went to Whiskey creek and took a homestead, living there for ten years. He engaged in farming and stock raising, and in 1893 he was abundantly able to add to his estate, so acquired title by purchase to another quarter section, giving him a generous farm of three hundred and twenty acres. He handles a large herd of stock, milks about twenty cows, and recently bought another quarter section, two miles east from Island City, where he resides at the present time. He still owns his original place. His home place is well improved, has an excellent orchard of assorted varieties of fruit, and is tilled in a skillful and husband-like manner.

In 1885 Mr. Holman married Miss Anna Christina, daughter of Mats and Josephine C. (Lunquist) Anderson. They have three children: John E., Minnie M., and Lillie A., all living with their parents. Mrs. Holman’s parents are living in Union county, coming there in 1888, and she came to this country alone. Mr. Holman is a valuable member of society, has done much for the advancement of the interests of the county, producing much wealth for the same, and has ever demeaned himself in such a commendable manner that he is numbered among the substantial, intelligent and admired citizens of our county.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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