Payments to |
Claims rejected. |
Claims admitted. |
1788. John Burnett. Eight negroes, at $300 each. Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of New York. The affidavit of the executors of J. Burnett. deceased. made at Coleraine, in 1796, and supported by the evidence of Martin Palmer, has been adopted as the criterion for ascertaining the value of the property. The charge for two negroes billed, houses. &c. burnt, and cattle and horses stolen, are rejected: they are not warranted by the terms of the treaty. |
5,200.00 |
$2,400.00 |
1791, ’93. Thomas Findlay, deceased. Four horses, Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Coleraine. The two horses stated to have been lost, May, 1790 are embraced in the period comprehended in the treaty of New York which contains no provision fur property of that description. The claim for their value is therefore rejected. |
. | 400.00 |
1781. Charles Jordan, deceased. One negro man, three horses, 65 head of cattle, &c. Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Augusta. |
. | 1,150.00 |
1795. Thomas Baldwin, deceased. One horse, Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Coleraine. The –value of the property ascertained by reference to the original claim, made in 1802. |
. | 77.14 |
1791. Archd. Gresham. One negro man, Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Coleraine. |
. | 500.00 |
1800. William Barnett. Two horses, This claim is provided for by the treaty of Fort Wilkinson. and is rejected for the reasons assigned in the case of Moses Manning, page 21. |
220.00 | |
1778, ’82. James Wooten. Three horses, Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Augusta. |
. | 250.00 |
1792. Win. Fitzpatrick, one horse The claim for the value of the horses lost in 1788 and ’89 is rejected. The treaty of New York, which followed the loss, does not provide for it. |
300.00 |
80.00 |
1796. Daniel Young, deceased, two horses. The charge for the horses lost in 1796 and 1798 is rejected, for the reasons as signed in the case of Win. Barnett, on the preceding page. The whole of this claim is embraced by the treaty of Fort Wilkinson |
110.00 | |
1796. Philip Blassamgame, one horse Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Coleraine. |
. | 80.00 |
1778. Jacob Autry, three horses, There is no evidence in support of this claim ; but, as it appears to be a fair claim, it is reported to the President for his opinion. It is provided for by the treaty of Augusta. Tile charges tier the house burned, corn cut down, &c., ought not to be allowed, because the treaty does not provide for them. |
200.00 |
150.00 |
1794. William Allen, one horse Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Coleraine. | . | 150.00 |