Bethel Primitive Baptist Church, Butler, Taylor County, Georgia

Last Updated on April 7, 2013 by Dennis

Partial list of Markers at Bethel Primitive Baptist Church just south of Butler on Highway 19 – just off highway to the left coming to Butler from Ellaville:

  • Henry A Hinton 2/6/1863 – 5/16/1926
  • Mrs. H A (Josephine Griffith) Hinton 9/18/1864 – 11/17/1922
  • John Aultman 5/18/1885 – 4/25/1947
  • Mrs. John (Ola Hinton) Aultman 9/24/1885 – 9/15/1945
  • S. Napoleon Garrett 9/13/1885 – 5/21/1966
  • Mrs. S N (Beulah E Hinton) Garrett 11/18/1883 – 5/16/1916
  • Aubrey Garrett 11/18/1909 – 11/18/1933
  • Grover Garrett 1916 – 2/7/1963
  • Charlie O Hinton 1/28/1888 – 4/13/1968
  • W H Davis 1818 – 1912
  • Mrs. W H ( Caroline Gardner) Davis 1830-1890
  • Mrs. R L ( Vallie Peterman) Walker 1875-1936
  • G W Taunton 1849-1904
  • Mrs. G W (Amanda Peterman) Taunton 1867 – 1930
  • James H Harris 1878-1953
  • Mrs. J H ( Esther Peterman) Harris 1882 -1951
  • Columbus James Peterman 10/23/1818 – 1890
  • Mrs. C J (Mrs. C Amanda Cox Hobbs) Peterman 1833-1921
  • Henry David Peterman – dates?
  • Mrs. H D (Jane Culverhouse) Peterman, 2nd wife 1855 (???)
  • Mrs. H D (Elarkie Cox) Peterman, 1st wife – dates?
  • David Peterman – dates
  • Mrs. David Peterman (Nora) – dates
  • Asa Peterman 8/17/1891 – 8/10/1934
  • John Willis Cox – dates?
  • Mrs. J W (Lucy Alice Peterman) Cox 1861-1929
  • Boyd J Hobbs 1862- 1881
  • Rev. John Rowe – dates
  • Mrs. John Rowe – dates
  • W J Childree 1864 – 1927
  • Alice Windham Childree 1870 – 1959
  • Robert Dixon Pye 1874 – 1966
  • Walter Hinton Pye 1874 – 1966
  • C A Windham 1861-1935
  • Aurelia Windham 1866-1892
  • John Windham 1815-1899
  • Sarah E Windham 1823-1910
  • James D Windham 1944-1958
  • A Adams (?) 1786 – 1876
  • Lewis Peacock 2/23/1888 – 10/22/1966
  • Mrs. Lewis (Minnie L Sanders) – dates
  • Otis D Windham 1885-1966
  • Nauby Garrett 3/21/19– 2/11/1971
  • Stephen R Moore 18-8 – 1920
  • Mrs. S R Moore (Arah B Cox 1839 – 1924
  • James J Windham 1857 – 1940
  • Sarah Eula Windham 1901-1946
  • R Hicks Brown 1897 – 1956
  • Dollie Childree Brown 1898-1961

Collection: Cemetery Collection.

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